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Iulia Degeratu Ministry of Environment and Forests TESTING INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS APPROACH IN ROMANIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Iulia Degeratu Ministry of Environment and Forests TESTING INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS APPROACH IN ROMANIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iulia Degeratu Ministry of Environment and Forests TESTING INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS APPROACH IN ROMANIA

2 Application of Industrial Ecosystems Principles to Regional Development  LIFE 07 ENV/RO/000690 ECOREG  Budget: 880.700 € 48,41% EC co-financing  Implementation period:  1 st February 2009 – 31 st October 2011 Coordinating Beneficiary: Ministry of Environment, Romania Associated beneficiaries: GEC Bucovina, Romania INCD ECOIND, Romania International Synergies Limited, UK

3 Development of Project Application  2007 - Bruxelles: ETAP Working Group organised by the European Commission: NISP UK recommended as best practice for eco- innovation/ eco-efficiency - Presented as an approach easyly transferable independently of the socio-economic context - Already had delivered significant results in the UK, as well as internationally

4 Why in Romania? Romanian context - New Member State in 2007, access to best practices - Compliance with the EU environmental legislation - More than 90% waste sent to landfill (high costs for the industry, few compliant landfills) Opportunity - to test new approaches in waste management and resource efficiency - attractive approach for companies – possible economic profit - new jobs (especially for the population previously employed at large industrial units) - integrated approach – sustainable development into practice

5 Financing LIFE+ Programme Partner finding Min. of Environment (ETAP National Coordinator) + ISL Min. of Environment + ECOIND/National R&D Institute for Industrial Ecology (previous IS research & concerns) ECOIND + GEC Bucovina (NGO, Suceava County) had previously applied for national financing for an IS pilot Min. of Env. + ISL + ECOIND + GEC = application to LIFE Programme / November 2007  2008 Co-financing granting by the EC: LIFE+Committee/ July 2008 Development of Project Application

6 AIM To test & evaluate the potential of Industrial Symbiosis for the development of a region in Romania WasteResources By-products Surplus

7 Definitions  The results will be monitored & assessed at the level of Symbiotic Partnership  Symbiotic Partnership/ Synergy= relations involving material & energy exchange (according to IS principles) between two or more organisations  Focal Points (partner units) = organisations who wish to establish symbiotic partnerships with other organisations

8 ECOREG Objectives  Reduction in consumption of raw materials, energy for all partners (focal points) by implementing innovative methods and instruments  Reduction of environmental impact of companies through sustainable development policies at enterprise level  Improving public image of focal points  Conservation/development of tourist potential of the area, creating premises for new job availability

9 Activit ies A4, A5 Introductory Seminar Communication & dissemination A6 Identification of possible focal points (selection base) A7 Selection of focal points A8 Training on industrial ecosystems theory and biological theory of system organisation A9 Ex-pats site visit to the project focal points A10 Dissemination of interim results at regional level A11 Identification & characterisation of entities to be inter-connected A13 Integration of different sustainability instruments tailored to industry & local specifics A14 Technical visit of selected industry/ adm. Experts to relevant sites in the UK A 16 Pre-feasibility analysis of identified flows (to be inter- connected) A17 Demonstration of ecosystem viability A18 Developing an up-gradable information system easy to be accessed at regional & national level

10 Expected Results (200 companeis involved) Environmental Impact Reduction in raw materials consumption by 2-5% for each IS partner Waste & pollutant discharge reduction by 5-20% for each IS partner Conversion of by-products into resources Economic Impact Increased economic efficiency (through technology improvement, cleaner production) Reduction of the environmental protection costs Social Impact Job preservation and creation of new job availability

11 Landmarks 2009 February – March 2009 Introductory Seminar - Suceava Launch of ECOREG website May 2009 Training of the Project team in identifying and progressing synergies – Bucharest/ECOIND 1 st Synergy Workshop, SUCEAVA – recruiting members, progressing synergies October 09 Inception report

12 Landmarks 2009 December 2009 2 nd Synergy Workshop, VATRA DORNEI January 2010 – June 2010 Data processing, transition to Synergie webtool Progressing synergies identified at the two first workshops June 2010 - July 2010 3 rd Synergy Workshop, R Ă D Ă U Ţ I 4th Synergy Workshop, DOROHOI (Botosani County, neighbouring Suceava County)

13 Early experiences RESULTS OF THE ECOREG PROJECT TO DATE 171 companies in the Synergie dtabase 228 available resources identified Over 100 potential sinergies 15 synergies completed 18 synergies near completion 25280 t waste diverted / resources saved

14 Future Steps Initial Vision: Implementing IS nationally, in parallel with major investments in the environmental infrastructure First step: TEST the IS approach locally (Suceava County, RO) 2009 - 2011 Based on the results of the ECOREG project – design of extended regional programmes (2011 - 2013) - target specific industries - 2 or 3 regions (different in terms of economic situation, employment) Design and launch of a National IS Programme (2015)

15 Contact Iulia DEGERATU Public Manager EU-financed Programmes Unit Ministry of Environment and Forests Tel. +4 021-316 64 94 E-mail

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