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Linking research and policy or If a research paper is published and no one is around to use it, does it make a sound? Lawrence Haddad Development Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking research and policy or If a research paper is published and no one is around to use it, does it make a sound? Lawrence Haddad Development Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking research and policy or If a research paper is published and no one is around to use it, does it make a sound? Lawrence Haddad Development Studies Association of UK and Ireland and Institute of Development Studies connecting and promoting the development research community

2 Outline 1.Development studies is a normative discipline 2.No necessary conflict between fundamental and use orientated research 3.How to create demand 4.How to meet demand 5.Getting research into use 6.Learn about impact 7.It can make a difference connecting and promoting the development research community

3 1. Normative Goals

4 Beliefs: survey of academics working in the US, 2003 Adapted from Coyle 2007 Ratio of Democrats to Republicans Anthropology and Sociology21:1 Political and Legal Philosophers 9:1 Historians9:1 Political Scientists6:1 Economists3:1 connecting and promoting the development research community

5 Beliefs: survey of 69 economic faculty members- 40 top economics departments, US Universities Fuchs, Krueger and Poterba, 1997 Values=views on: redistribution equity vs. efficiency social vs. individual responsibility connecting and promoting the development research community

6 2. Fundamental vs. Use? Not use orientatedUse orientated Fundamental relationships explored BohrPasteur Fundamental relationships not explored Edison Source: D. Warsh: 2006 Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations

7 3. Creating Demand connecting and promoting the development research community India is an economic powerhouse but a nutritional weakling, says economist India can achieve Millennium Development Goals only in 2043'. The Hindu Business Line September 4, 2010

8 Commitment Indices Creating Demand

9 Creating Demand Mentions of Nutrition 2005-2007 In Speeches – DFID: 0/50 – EC: 0/28 In Press releases – DFID: 0/197 – EC: 0/239 In policy documents – 0 in G8 2005 and 2006 – 0 in European Consensus on Development Source: Sumner, Lindstrom and Haddad 2007. IDS Sussex connecting and promoting the development research community

10 Immersions connecting and promoting the development research community

11 4. Meeting Demand 1.Understand your audience – listen, understand incentives, anticipate issues 2.Dont do bad research – your reputation is your key 3.Communicate well – tappers and listeners 4.Dont lapse into advocacy – dispassionate about research, passionate about communicating 5.Dont get into policy based evidence making – systematic reviews protect everyone connecting and promoting the development research community

12 5. Getting it into use: get a model connecting and promoting the development research community Problem stream Political stream Solution stream Opportunity to influence Source: Kingdon 1984 Streams model

13 Getting it into use: Credibility connecting and promoting the development research community

14 Getting it into use: Persist connecting and promoting the development research community researcher

15 6. Learn about Impact connecting and promoting the development research community

16 Assessing Impact of Research: attribution connecting and promoting the development research community

17 Assessing Impact of Research: lags connecting and promoting the development research community

18 7. It can make a difference connecting and promoting the development research community Research papers in Lancet 2008 Food price crisis 2007-8 IDS/Save UK report 2008 UK Parliamentary committees 2008-9 DFID Nutrition Strategy 2010 Irish Hunger Task Force 2008 Solution stream Political stream Problem stream

19 Vision: Accelerated Global Poverty Reduction Mission: To connect and promote development research and teaching to increase its impact connecting and promoting the development research community Development Studies Association

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