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1 The United States of America Constitution Article I Legislative Branch.

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2 1 The United States of America Constitution Article I Legislative Branch

3 2VocabularyCensus A count of the people

4 3VocabularyImpeach To accuse an official of some wrongdoing or misuse of power

5 4VocabularyTerm Length of Meeting

6 5VocabularyExpel To remove a member from office

7 6VocabularyPrivilege Special rights granted to the person due to their service to the government

8 7VocabularyMajority One over half

9 8VocabularyMinority Less than half

10 9VocabularyQuorum One person over half

11 10VocabularyAdjourn To end a meeting

12 11 Legislative Branch ToTo make our country’s laws BasedBased on representative form of government RepresentativesRepresentatives are to carry out the will of the people Major Job

13 12 Legislative Branch LawsLaws are passed by a majority vote OneOne over half TheThe larger group of politicians are known as the Majority Majority

14 13 Legislative Branch TheThe smaller group of politicians IfIf you are on the minority side –You –You try to persuade people on majority side to change sides or ideas Minority

15 14 Legislative Branch NameName for the Legislative Branch HouseHouse of Representatives SenateSenate BeginsBegins meeting the 3 rd 3 rd day of January every odd-numbered year Congress

16 15 Legislative Branch LengthLength of meeting RecessRecess during the summer months 1 st1 st term from 1789-91 Term

17 16 Congress House & Senate meet in different chambers On opposite sides of the Capitol Building In Washington, DC

18 17 Expel To remove a member from office Takes 2/3 vote of Congress

19 18 Congressional Record Apublished record, notes and minutes of all meetings of the House and Senate

20 19 Legislative Branch CannotCannot be arrested when going to or coming from Congress NorNor while attending a session CannotCannot be sued or punished for anything he/she might say in Congress Congressional Privileges

21 20 Legislative Branch LargestLargest house of Congress 435435 representatives? BasedBased on population in state TermTerm of 2 years House of Representatives

22 21 Legislative Branch OneOne representative per 500,000 people CensusCensus is taken every 10 years –used –used to find out how many people are in each state –A –A count of the people –First –First census was in 1790 House of Representatives

23 22 Legislative Branch RequirementsRequirements –Must –Must be at least 25-years-old be a citizen of the United States for at least 7 years live on the state elected House of Representatives

24 23 Legislative Branch SpeakerSpeaker of the House –Presiding –Presiding officer of the House of Representatives –Selected –Selected by the members of the House –Usually –Usually a member of the majority party –2 nd –2 nd in line to the Presidency in case of an emergency House of Representatives

25 24 Legislative Branch ImpeachmentImpeachment –The –The House has sole power to impeach a government official House begins the process by accusing the official –Trial –Trial held by the Senate House of Representatives

26 25 Legislative Branch TheThe smaller group of Congress EachEach state has 2 Senators (for a total of 100 Senators) ServesServes a 6-year term Senate

27 26 Legislative Branch EveryEvery 2 years –1/3 –1/3 of the Senate are up for re-election –Provides –Provides there is never an entirely new group of Senators Senate AtAt first the Senators were chosen by the state legislature –17 th –17 th amendment changed so Senators are elected by the people

28 27 Legislative Branch RequirementsRequirements –Must –Must be at least 30-years-old be a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years live in the state he/she represents Senate

29 28 Legislative Branch ViceVice President of the United States –The –The leader of the Senate –Can –Can only vote in case of tie Senate

30 29 Legislative Branch ProPro tempore –Leader –Leader of the Senate when the Vice President is not available –Chosen –Chosen by the Senate –3 rd –3 rd in line to the Presidency in case of Emergency Senate

31 30 Legislative Branch RegardsRegards to Impeachment –The –The Senate acts as a Jury after the House accuses the person of a crime –Decides –Decides if the person is guilty or not Senate

32 31 Legislative Branch Regards to Impeachment –C–C–C–Chief Justice of the Supreme Court acts as the judge –2–2–2–2/3 of the Senators present must find the official guilty to remove the person from office Senate

33 32 Legislative Branch QuorumQuorum –One –One person over half –This –This is the amount of members of Congress that must be present to hold a meeting Rules, Rights, & Privileges of Congress

34 33 Legislative Branch ExpelExpel –Remove –Remove from office –Used –Used when a member of Congress breaks the rules of Congress –2/3 –2/3 majority of the House or Senate must agree to expel Rules, Rights, & Privileges of Congress

35 34 Legislative Branch BothBoth house of Congress must meet in the same city during the same time Rules, Rights, & Privileges of Congress

36 35 Legislative Branch AdjournAdjourn –To –To stop meeting –Each –Each house must have the consent of the other house to adjourn Rules, Rights, & Privileges of Congress

37 36 Legislative Branch SalarySalary –Paid –Paid by the United States Government Rules, Rights, & Privileges of Congress

38 37 Legislative Branch OnlyOnly the House of Representatives can introduce bills to raise money Rules, Rights, & Privileges of Congress

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