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A Public Health Approach to ECMH in Massachusetts: Mass LAUNCH and MYCHILD Kate Roper, Director, Mass LAUNCH, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "A Public Health Approach to ECMH in Massachusetts: Mass LAUNCH and MYCHILD Kate Roper, Director, Mass LAUNCH, Massachusetts Department of Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Public Health Approach to ECMH in Massachusetts: Mass LAUNCH and MYCHILD Kate Roper, Director, Mass LAUNCH, Massachusetts Department of Public Health

2 2 State Agencies Serving Young Children DPH EI: 30,771 Any EI service: 41,457 WIC: 106,077 infants &children CTF Children & families: 23,199 New Web Hits: 133,550 Profs. Trained: 4254 EEC Child Care 0-5 :177,000 MFN & PCHP: 28,368 Pre-K: 24,875 Head Start: 11,433 DCF Children 0-6: 15,336 33% of open cases 3000 infants<3months MassHealth Children 0-8: 241,017 Children 0-5 in MA: 453,258 Children 0-8 in MA: 683,512 DMH Children 0-8: 224 ESE Children 5-8: 280,519 Kindergarten: 68,540 Grades 1-3: 211,279 DTA Children 0-5: 42,240

3 3 PromotionPreventionIntervention Families with children 0-5 and those who work with them have awareness, knowledge, and understanding of how to nurture children's healthy growth and development and how to navigate the system. Goals Children and families with risk factors related to behavioral health are identified and served as early as possible through a well-articulated system of prevention. There is a coordinated, well-resourced system of relationship-based intervention services for support and treatment of children with social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Vision All children are emotionally healthy, ready for school, and nurtured to develop their full potential. Integrated System of Care for Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH)

4 4 PromotionPreventionIntervention 1. The general public perceives behavioral health as an integral part of health for children and families. 2. Families have knowledge and access to strengths based, family-centered services and activities and have a clear understanding of how to best benefit from the system. 3. Providers working with young children and their families are trained in using best practices that nurture children’s behavioral health. Foundation for Mass LAUNCH and MYCHILD SAMHSA grants 4. Children and families in target populations receive strengths-based, family- centered services as early as possible through identification of risk factors. 5. Providers of services are knowledgeable about available services and appropriately refer families if there is an indicator of risk. 6. Families have access to a diverse, comprehensive array of services that are targeted to their needs. 7. The level of strengths- based, family-centered services available to children and families are aligned with the extent of their needs. 8. Resources (funding and staffing) are optimized for relationship-based intervention services provided to children and families. 9. The workforce is knowledgeable and competent across levels and systems of care. Integrated System of Care for ECMH

5 5 PromotionPreventionIntervention Increasing levels of risk, severity of needs, intensity of intervention required Integrated System of Care for ECMH Children at some risk Level 1 All children birth through five & families Universal Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

6 Risk and Protective Factors no yes

7 PromotionPreventionIntervention Integrated System of Care for ECMH Children at some risk (26%) Level 1 All children B - 5 Universal (16%) Level 2 (10%) Level 3 (3%) Level 4 LAUNCH MYCHILD 7

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