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Integrating Technology: Beyond Publishing and PowerPoint Session 1: Where do we currently stand with technology use and integration? February 6, 2008 Tammy.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Technology: Beyond Publishing and PowerPoint Session 1: Where do we currently stand with technology use and integration? February 6, 2008 Tammy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Technology: Beyond Publishing and PowerPoint Session 1: Where do we currently stand with technology use and integration? February 6, 2008 Tammy Russell

2 Agenda for Sessions 1. Introductions: Where are we in technology? 21st Century Skills Technology Standards 2. Personal Digital Libraries What is 3. What is a Wiki? Writing Across Curriculum What are the possibilities? 4. Creating our Wikis Using student roles for Collaboration 5. Conclusions/Lingering Questions/Next Steps Moving “Towards a Theory of New Literacies”

3 Technology Integration Continuum & Apprehension Scale

4 My Goals  Introduce Web 2.0 technologies  Problem solve ways to integrate technology meaningfully and more efficiently  Push ourselves down the Technology Integration Continuum  Find ways to Implement Technologies that Compliment what is already happening in the classroom

5 A Wikispaces Account  Go to: teacherdolphins.  Sign Up for a wikispace using the K-12 link

6 My Big “Ah-ha(s)”  We are now in the 21 st Century…this means something! Every child in our school today was born into a technological, digital world. I was not. I am a digital immigrant; they are digital natives.  We are not preparing students to live in the world we were born into, the world we were raised in, or the world we were educated in. Our reality is not their reality. It is my job to prepare them to be flexible problem-solvers and collaborators in this unpredictable future.

7 “Did You Know” – Karl Fisch

8 OCS Instructional Technology Vision The overall vision statement for Orange County Schools is that: "Our system shall be a leader in promoting student learning and achievement through demonstrated excellence." Orange County Schools has made a commitment towards bringing current technology into our schools and community. All site-based teachers and administrators emphasize the daily (as appropriate and consistent with the North Carolina Course of Study) integration of Technology into the classroom curriculum to foster students and staff who are able to be successful in a global community.

9 OCS Instructional Technology Vision We believe that technology nurtures and empowers the development of students to become self-directed learners; complex thinkers; quality producers; collaborative workers; and community contributors. Our vision for technology is that: "Students, staff and parents will prosper in a global community using technology as a tool for teaching, learning, and managing."

10 Discussion Board  Benefits Ask questions, bounce ideas off of colleagues Extend learning from sessions Imagine possibilities for your classroom Implement personal use of technology for learning.5 additional CEU’s in Technology  What to do: Go to: Post response to discussion thread for the current session Check in Later to Respond to a Colleague (or two's) thoughts

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