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Kathleen Stassen Berger Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Tattoon, M.A. 1 Part VII Adulthood: Psychosocial Development Chapter Twenty-Two Ages and Stages.

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Presentation on theme: "Kathleen Stassen Berger Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Tattoon, M.A. 1 Part VII Adulthood: Psychosocial Development Chapter Twenty-Two Ages and Stages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kathleen Stassen Berger Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Tattoon, M.A. 1 Part VII Adulthood: Psychosocial Development Chapter Twenty-Two Ages and Stages Intimacy Generativity

2 2 Adulthood: Psychosocial Development emotional reactions to events in adulthood are fluid marriage, parenthood, divorce, and the empty nest, each sometimes joyous and sometimes not, are ages and stages of adult development

3 3 Ages and Stages The Social Clock –refers to the idea that the stages of life, and the behaviors “appropriate” to them, are set by social standards rather than by biological maturation –”middle age” begins when the culture believes it does, rather than at a particular age in all cultures

4 4 Ages and Stages Culture –the patterns of behavior that are passed from one generation to the next, groups have their own culture— values, customs, clothes, dwellings, cuisine, assumptions--people are influenced by more than one culture Cohort –people born within a few years of one another--these people are affected by the same: values, events, technologies, culture Socioeconomic Status (SES ) –“social class”--more than money, occupation, education, place of residence--includes advantages and disadvantages

5 5 Ages and Stages The “Midlife Crisis” –a period of unusual anxiety, radical reexamination, and sudden transformation that is widely associated with middle age –which actually has more to do with developmental history than with chronological age

6 6 Ages and Stages Personality Throughout Adulthood –personality is a major source of continuity – provides coherence and identity –allows people to know themselves and be known

7 The Big Five Personality Traits remain quite stable throughout adulthood openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism 7

8 8 Ages and Stages Ecological Niche –the particular lifestyle and social context adults settle into that are compatible with their individual personality needs and interests

9 9 Ages and Stages Culture and Personality –personality variations are more evident between one person and another in the same nation than between one nation and another

10 10 Ages and Stages Gender Convergence –a tendency for men and women to become more similar as they move through middle age

11 11 Intimacy intimacy needs are lifelong adults meet their needs for social connection with relatives, friends, coworkers, and romantic partners Social Convoy –collectively, the family members, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers who move through life with an individual

12 12 Intimacy Friends –typically the most supportive members of the social convoy, because they are chosen –research study found that friendships tend to improve with age

13 13 Intimacy Protection Against Stress –allostatic load the total, combined burden, of stress and disease that an individual must cope with

14 14 Intimacy Gender Differences –linked lives the notion that family members tend to share all aspects of each other’s lives, from triumph to tragedy

15 15 Intimacy Family Bonds –household a group of people who live together in one dwelling and share its common spaces, such as kitchen and living room

16 16 Intimacy A Developmental View –familism the idea that family members should support one another because family unity is more important than individual freedom and success or failure

17 17 Intimacy Adult Siblings –fictive kin a term used to describe someone who becomes accepted as part of a family to whom he or she has no blood relationship

18 18 Intimacy Marriage –a public commitment to one long-term sexual partner –adults seek committed sexual partnerships to help meet their needs for intimacy, to raise children, share resources, and provide care

19 19 Intimacy Marriage and Happiness –from a developmental perspective, marriage is useful –adults thrive if another person is committed to caring for them; married people are a littler happier, healthier and richer than unmarried people

20 20 Intimacy Long-Term Marriage –long-term quality of a marriage relationship is affected by family relationships in childhood –empty nest a time in the lives of parents when their grown children leave the family home to pursue their own lives

21 21 Intimacy Homosexual Partners –everything that applies to heterosexual partners applies to homosexual partners who make a commitment to each other

22 22 Intimacy Divorce –marriages never ends in a vacuum—they are influenced by the social and political context Divorce Rates –the power of the social context is evident in variations in divorce rates Over the Years, Divorce and Remarriage –divorce is most likely to occur within the first five years –for long-term marriages, divorce is less likely but more devastating when it happens

23 23 Generativity Generativity versus Stagnation when adults seek to be productive in a caring way, usually through work or parenthood (Erikson) –generativity comes with maturity–age is not a necessary marker

24 24 Generativity Caregiving –Erikson wrote, a mature adult “needs to be needed” –some caregiving is physical, but much is psychological –kinkeeper –the person who takes primary responsibility for celebrating family achievements, gathering the family together, and keeping in touch with family members who do not live nearby

25 25 Generativity Caring for Children –bearing and raising children is labor intensive –the insistence on dramatizing the dependence of children on adults often blinds us to the dependence of the older generation on the young one

26 26 Generativity Many paths to parenthood –a parental alliance assumes two cooperating parents –children can develop well in any family –1/3 of North American adults become stepparents, adoptive parents, or foster parents at some point in their lives –the social construction about “real” parents is misleading

27 27 Generativity sandwich generation a term for the generation of middle-aged people who are supposedly “squeezed” by the needs of the younger and older generations some adults do feel pressured by these obligations, but most are not burdened by them, either because they enjoy fulfilling them or because they choose to take on only some of them, or none

28 28 Generativity Employment –Extrinsic rewards of work –the tangible rewards, usually in the form of compensation, that one receives for a job –Intrinsic rewards of work –the intangible benefits one receives from a job that come from within oneself

29 29 Generativity Human Needs –it is crucial to learn how new work conditions support development—in the functions of family caregiving, personal creativity, satisfaction, and esteem and mentoring of other workers

30 30 Generativity Diversity –benefit of modern economy is increased diversity more employed women and minority groups higher employment rates have helped with those once shut out

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