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Iatrogenic  The term iatrogenesis means brought forth by a healer  (from the Greek iatros, healer)  Of or relating to illness caused by examination.

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3 Iatrogenic  The term iatrogenesis means brought forth by a healer  (from the Greek iatros, healer)  Of or relating to illness caused by examination or treatment.

4 Conflict pyramid

5  Litigation is a process that was developed for property disputes where there is not an enduring relationship post adjudication. The damage to ongoing relationships of the adversarial process was not a priority in developing the system.

6 Impasses to Divorce*  Intra-psychic  Interpersonal  Contextual/Systemic  Result in the failure to make the structural transition to functional coparents *Johnston, J.R. & Campbell, L. (1988). Impasses of Divorce: The Dynamics and Resolution of Family Conflict. NY: Free Press. 5

7 Intra-psychic: Personality Pathology  Enduring pattern of maladaptive behavior  Onset by early adulthood  Rigid and unchanging  These patterns of behavior cause significant distress in multiple domains of functioning  They are outside the cultural norm

8 Personality Disorders  Cluster B Disorder (Engage Conflict)  Histrionic: dramatic, intense, prone to fabrication, borderline traits  Borderline: extreme mood swings, fear abandonment  Narcissistic: preoccupied with self, entitled, repression  Antisocial: lack empathy, willing to hurt, disregard societal rules, narcissistic


10 Interactional Level  Legacy of a destructive marriage  High conflict is toxic, not divorce  Ambivalent separation  shattered dreams  Court processes are a forum to continue engagement  Traumatic separation  Negative reconstruction of other parent

11 Contextual/Surrounding System  Extended family  Grandparents, new significant others,  Professionals  The helping hand strikes again  The legal-adversarial system 10


13 The tragic legacy of the Litigation Context Litigants don’t make good coparents Representation - advocacy Distrust Sabotage Win/lose Chaos Unilateral action In the name of the child Focus on the problem being the other parent -adversaries Depleted resources - financial,emotional Dependency on litigation

14 Impact on Children  Impaired reality testing  Inaccurate perception and evaluation  Separation difficulties  Parentification (other focused)  “Surreal sense of not existing”, Johnston and Roseby  Interference with identity development

15  Childhood experience in the post-divorce family is a training ground for personality pathology.

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