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Services Marketing.

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1 Services Marketing

2 Strategies for Marketing Services
Strategies for dealing with intangibility Strategies for dealing with inventory Strategies for dealing with inconsistency Strategies for dealing with inseparability

3 Strategies for Intangibility
Tangiblising the service offer Visualisation Association Physical Representation Documentation People Place

4 Strategies for Intangibility
Tangiblising through Positioning Tangiblisation through Promotion Taniblisation through Physical Evidence

5 Strategies for Inventory
Demand Management Managing Marketing Mix and Demand Communicating the Customers Timing and Location of Service Delivery Price Adjustments Time Management Staff Management Facility & Equipment Management

6 Strategies for Inconsistency
Process Management People Management Use of Technology

7 Strategies for Inseparability
Build Membership Relationship Personalise the Service Provide Sensitivity training

8 Customer Retention Customer Retention refers to focusing the firm’s marketing efforts toward the existing customer base. In contrast of seeking new customers, firm engaged in customer retention efforts work to satisfy existing customers with the intent of developing long-term relationships between the firm and its current clientele

9 Importance of Customer Retention
Stagnation in the markets Increase in Competition Rising costs of Marketing Changes in Channels of Distribution Changing Customer

10 Benefits of Customer Retention
Profits derived from sales Profits from reduced Operating Costs Profits from Referrals

11 Customer Retention Tactics
Maintain Proper Perspective Remember Customers between Calls Build Trusting Relationships Monitor the Service Delivery Process Properly Install Equipment and Train Customers in using the service Be there when you are needed the most Provide discretionary effort

12 Emerging Customer Retention Programs
Frequency Marketing Marketing technique that strives to make existing customers purchase more often from the same provider. Relationship Marketing Marketing technique based on developing long-term relationships with customers

13 Emerging Customer Retention Programs
Aftermarketing Marketing techniques that emphasizes marketing after the initial sale has been made. Service Guarantees

14 The Services Marketing Triangle
Company (Management) Internal Marketing External Marketing “enabling the promise” “setting the promise” Employees Customers Interactive Marketing “delivering the promise” Source: Adapted from Mary Jo Bitner, Christian Gronroos, and Philip Kotler

15 The Services Marketing Triangle
External Marketing : "Setting the Promise" · Marketing to END-USERS. · Involves pricing strategy, promotional activities, and all communication with customers. · Performed to capture the attention of the market, and arouse interest in the service.

16 The Services Marketing Triangle
Internal Marketing : "Enabling the Promise" · Marketing to EMPLOYEES. · Involves training, motivational, and teamwork programs, and all communication with employees. · Performed to enable employees to perform the service effectively, and keep up the promise made to the customer.

17 The Services Marketing Triangle
Interactive Marketing : (Moment of Truth, Service Encounter) · This refers to the decisive moment of interaction between the front-office employees and customers, i.e. delivery of service. · This step is of utmost importance, because if the employee falters at this level, all prior efforts made towards establishing a relationship with the customer, would be wasted.

18 Relationship Marketing
A long term strategy to build relationship with individual customers

19 Definition Relationship marketing was first defined as a form of marketing developed from direct response marketing campaigns which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a dominant focus on sales transactions








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