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As you come in, please find a seat at a table with iPads! Help yourself to some snacks and sign in! We will get started at 2:45! Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "As you come in, please find a seat at a table with iPads! Help yourself to some snacks and sign in! We will get started at 2:45! Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 As you come in, please find a seat at a table with iPads! Help yourself to some snacks and sign in! We will get started at 2:45! Welcome!

2 PLEASE FOLLOW ALONG ! Go to the nearpod app In the “Join a Session” box, type in the PIN: ______ We will also be using the site



5 END GOAL… For all teachers at Camden to: Feel confident with implementing both teacher and student use of iPads within the classroom Use iPads effectively to raise student achievement in all content areas

6 TODAY'S PROCEDURES… We will be exploring apps and sites by visiting stations! Classroom Management Setting up devices in the classroom PowerPoints (device features and expectations/rules for usage). Productivity Qrafter,, Educreations, Flashcardlet, Merriam-Webster, Dragon Dictation, Notability, Pages Collaboration/Communication Kidblog, Edmodo, italk, Todaysmeet Reflection/Assessment Socrative, Tellagami, Funny Movie Maker, Haiku Deck, Scribble Press *Teacher reflection at the end*

7 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT- POWERPOINTS Setting up devices in the classroom You can access the following PowerPoints on Expectations/Rules for Usage PowerPoint Device Features PowerPoint

8 PRODUCTIVITY- QR CODES (APP AND SITE) What is it? It is a type of 2-D barcode that contains information about the item to which it is attached. Educational Purpose Can be used for students to be able to quickly navigate to a site. How to Create Your Own Go to Type in the URL that you want students to use here Click “Download QR Code” and save it as a picture to print or put in a presentation

9 PRODUCTIVITY- QR CODES CONTINUED… Student Use Students can use the Qrafter App to scan codes and save them for later use. To scan, click “Scan with Camera” To open the site, click “Go to URL” Sites visited will save on the side bar for future use

10 PRODUCTIVITY- EDUCREATIONS APP/SITE What is it? An interactive whiteboard app that allows you to draw, type, add photos and voice recordings to teach or to view for learning. Educational Purpose Students can use this app to view already created videos for learning new concepts or to create videos on their own to demonstrate understanding. How to Get Started Go to their site at and create a teacher account. Next, create a “course” to add your class. Then, give your students the “course code” located under the student tab. They can then set up their own account to access your slides and create their own! Click below to view my quick example of dividing decimals!

11 PRODUCTIVITY- FLASHCARDLET APP/SITE What is it? An app or site ( that allows teachers, students or parents to create or upload flashcards for any Educational Purpose Students can use this app to study vocabulary in any content area, to use for sight word recognition or to practice math facts. How to Get Started Teachers can easily create an account on the app or using the website. When in the teacher “Flashcard Library” you can click the “+” to add a new deck. I recommend creating them on the website because it is more efficient. You can then share your deck with students and parents by clicking “share” and then “email”. They will then have the deck that you already created!

12 PRODUCTIVITY- MERRIAM- WEBSTER APP What is it? A free app that provides an online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciations and other resources. Educational Purpose For students to use to define, spell, and find multiple meanings for words. Type the word here to search. OR If you are not sure how to spell it, speak the word into the iPad by clicking the microphone!

13 PRODUCTIVITY- DRAGON DICTATION APP What is it? A free app that allows hands-free text input. Educational Purpose For students to use to recording their thinking electronically. It is great for younger students who have not yet mastered typing or great for older students who need accommodations. Tap here and begin talking. When finished, tap again. Previously created documents. Click here to export as an e-mail!

14 PRODUCTIVITY- NOTABILITY APP ($1.99) What it is? Note-taking app where you can annotate documents, record audio, or sketch illustrations. Educational Purpose Great for student or teacher use for determining importance of a text. It can also be used for students to demonstrate understanding in all content areas. How can I use it? E-mail a document or PDF to students or teachers. When they receive the e-mail, they can hold down on the attachment and click “Open in Notability”.

15 PRODUCTIVITY- NOTABILITY APP CONTINUED… Features Export document (e- mail, save to Dropbox or Google Drive, print, etc.). Add audio Annotate a document by adding a text box, writing on the document or highlighting.

16 PRODUCTIVITY- PAGES APP What it is? A word processor that allows you to create documents. It allows you to work seamlessly between tablets, smart phones or desktops. Educational Purpose For students to publish work and share with authentic audiences. How can I use it? When creating a document, you may choose a “blank” template or choose from any of their pre-created templates. When e- mailing a document, you may choose to make it any type of file you would like!

17 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION- KIDBLOG WWW.KIDBLOG.ORG WWW.KIDBLOG.ORG What is it? A website designed for K-12 teacher who want to provide each student with an individual blog. Educational Purpose Students can publish posts and participate in academic discussions, learn digital citizenship, practice writing skills, create an e-portfolio, reflect on learning and self- assess within a secure location. Teachers have complete control over the post and student accounts. How can I use it? You can create a class account for free in about one minute! Just go to and sign up as a

18 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION-KIDBLOG CONTINUED……. WWW.KIDBLOG.ORG WWW.KIDBLOG.ORG Features Students can respond to teacher posts here. Teachers can add multiple classes here. Teachers can edit or add student accounts here.

19 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION EDMODO APP OR SITE (WWW.OLDHAM.EDMODO.COM)WWW.OLDHAM.EDMODO.COM What is it? An app or site that allows your class to connect and collaborate in a safe setting! Educational Purpose Students can share content, reflect on assignments, respond to questions or responses, access homework, check their grades or keep up on dates using the calendar. How can I use it? Go to to register with our school district. You can sign up by clicking “I’m a Teacher”. Our school code is badpn3. You will then receive a “Class Code” that students will use to set up their accounts and parents can use it too to monitor their child's

20 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION- EDMODO APP OR SITE (WWW.OLDHAM.EDMODO.COM)WWW.OLDHAM.EDMODO.COM Features Here you can get to the home screen, check student progress, discover apps or go to your library of apps and sites. Here you can create a note, alert students of dates, give an assignment or create a quiz/poll. Here you can view assignments given and check to see which students have responded.

21 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION- ITALK APP What is it? A free and easy to use recording app. Educational Purpose Can be used to record student conversations in whole or small group sharing. Helpful for formative assessment and classroom management.

22 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION- ITALK APP How can I use it? Press here to begin recording and to stop. After recording, name your file. Choose the recording quality. On the edit screen, click this button to export the recording in an e-mail.

23 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION- TODAYSMEET SITE (WWW.TODAYSMEET.COM)WWW.TODAYSMEET.COM What is it? A site that allows you to backchannel and connect with the audience in real-time. Educational Purpose Great for students to use for reflecting, sharing or responding in a whole class or small group setting.

24 COLLABORATION/COMMUNICATION- TODAYSMEET SITE (WWW.TODAYSMEET.COM)WWW.TODAYSMEET.COM How can I use it? There is no need for a username or password! Simply go to! Choose a name for the room that you would like your discussion to be held in. This will be the URL that students use to access this site. Ex: If I named my room Theme, my URL for students to use would be m/theme Choose how long you would like for your room to be active (hours, days, weeks, months or years).

25 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- SOCRATIVE APP/SITE What it is? A productivity app that can be used to assess students in any content area using a smartphone, laptop, desktop or tablet! Educational Purpose To assess students through multiple choice, true/false or short answer responses. The results are graded and can be sent to the teacher as an Excel spreadsheet. How can I use it? Go to the following link and find the tab titled "2nd PD Session" to access the detailed PowerPoint!

26 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- TELLAGAMI APP What it is? A digital story telling tool for teachers and students. Educational Purpose Teachers can use this app to explain new content to students. Students can use this app to demonstrate their understanding of content.

27 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- TELLAGAMI APP How can I use it? Preview your presentation before saving here. Add a voice here by typing text or speaking into the microphone. Make changes to your Gami here (character, facial expressions or background). Save and share your Gami here by e-mailing it! Takes you back to the home screen! Check out this Gami by Mrs. Corson!

28 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- FUNNY MOVIE MAKER APP What it is? A funny video creating app where you can add photos to your mouth while speaking. Educational Purpose Teachers can use this app to explain new content to students in an engaging way. Students can use this app to demonstrate their understanding of content in any area!

29 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- FUNNY MOVIE MAKER APP How can I use it? Browse the library of pre- created faces. Add new faces of your own by clicking "new face". This allows you to import pictures from other sources! Tap here to begin recording! Focus your mouth here over the photos lips. Zoom in here to get your entire mouth on the photo. Flip the camera to face you. Check out a FMM presentation by Mrs. Corson on the website!

30 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- HAIKU DECK APP What it is? An app that allows you to easily create presentations (iPad version of PowerPoint). Educational Purpose Can be used by teachers to teach a lesson or students to tell a story of demonstrate understanding.

31 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- HAIKU DECK APP How can I use it? Add text, picture, change the format or add notes to the slide. Preview your presentation at any time! Tap here to type in text. Change the theme of your slides here. Add a new slide here.

32 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- SCRIBBLE PRESS APP What it is? An app that lets you write an illustrate your own book! Educational Purpose Teachers can use it to teach new content or students can use it to present the information they have learned.

33 REFLECTION/ASSESSMENT- SCRIBBLE PRESS APP How can I use it? Choose from a pre-created template or make your own blank book. Change the color of the text. Edit specific pages or add a new page. Add pictire, photos or text. Check out this Scribble Press book on Native Americans!

34 TEACHER REFLECTON Please take a few minutes to reflect on the apps and sites that you have learned about today. Please respond to the questions using the Socrative Student App! Room Number: Pfeifer150 1. Name (last, first) 2. Name one app or site that you plan on trying to use in your classroom before our next PD in March. 3. What are your ideas so far? How do you plan on using this app or site (in which content area or within which unit)? 4. What can I do to help you implement this before next month?

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