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How to Prepare for an Ohio Technical Assistance Visit.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Prepare for an Ohio Technical Assistance Visit."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Prepare for an Ohio Technical Assistance Visit

2 What is a TAV? …an internal “self-reflection and evaluation” and an external “snapshot” of current efforts in place to increase student achievement. Designed to help district/school stakeholders to: Assess progress Identify changes needed in fully implementing the HSTW/MMGW goals, key conditions and key practices Reinforce efforts already in place

3 Why is our school conducting a TAV? As an Ohio implementing site, your school is one of 44 sites scheduled for a Technical Assistance Visit in 2009 - 2010. TAVs are scheduled every three to five years to measure progress in implementing the HSTW/MMGW school improvement design.

4 How will our school use the TAV? The TAV Exit and TAV Final Written Report are “tools” to use in updating and monitoring your school improvement plan with… Research-based actions State and national best practice resources

5 A Vision: Meeting the HSTW/MMGW Goals All students in high schools and middle schools within SREB states will perform at the basic level and an increasing percentage will be proficient or advanced in reading, mathematics and science as measured by the HSTW Assessment or Middle Grades Assessment.

6 A Vision: Meeting Ohio’s Goals All students in Ohio HSTW/MMGW high schools and middle schools will perform at the proficient level and an increasing percentage at the advanced level as measured by the Ohio Graduate Tests or the Ohio Achievement Tests.

7 What happens during a two-day TAV? TAV leader and team members will: Review goals, strategies and action steps identified in the previous TAV/TRV reports and other school improvement documents Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to identify trends in achievement over multiple years Collect evidence through classroom observations and stakeholder interviews

8 Getting Started: Walk-through the TAV Guide Take a few minutes to find responses to these question: How do the TAV goals align with the key practices? pg. 5 Who serves on the TAV Team? pg. 6 What happens during the two-day TAV visit? pg. 6 What are the sites, regional coach and TAV leader responsibilities? pg. 7

9 The first thing you should do is… Contact your TAV Leader by phone and/or e-mail to discuss: Timelines Assistance needed in completing the documentation for the visit Team Leader “creature comforts” hotel, food, directions, etc. Concerns or issues with the visit

10 Preparing for the Visit: Agenda (App. 1) At least 6 weeks before the visit Create a customized Agenda Adjust the times to your bell schedule and teachers’ planning time, if possible Identify locations for the team and interviews E-mail the draft agenda to the TAV leader for review and work together on the final approved agenda

11 Preparing for the Visit: Team Members (App. 2) At least 6 weeks before the visit Select your Team Members from HSTW/MMGW sites familiar with the process. The KEY to a successful visit! The team should include… (pg. 6) Ask your TAV leader or regional coach to assist with selecting your team members E-mail your draft team member roster to the TAV leader for approval

12 Preparing for the Visit: Site Background (App. 3) At least 6 weeks before the visit Complete the… Site Background Use the template provided. For each item in parenthesis, provide the information requested Delete information that does not apply E-mail to TAV leader for approval

13 Preparing for the Visit: Phone Interviews (App. 14) At least 6 weeks before the visit Schedule Phone Interviews: Before the visit, the TAV leader will conduct a one-hour, individual phone interview with the superintendent, principal, site coordinator, and counselor(s) Assist the TAV leader in scheduling the phone interviews, especially for the superintendent

14 Preparing for the Visit: On-Site Interviews At least 6 weeks before Recruit 6 to 8 randomly selected participants from each of the following groups: Academic teachers  C-T teachers/other teacher groups  Students  Parents Complete the individual/group interview schedule (App. 14) and e-mail to the TAV leader a few days before the visit

15 Preparing for the Visit: Interview Questions At least 6 weeks before For a list of interview questions for each individual/group interview, see App.15. The TAV leader will customize the questions for each site. Send a letter/e-mail to each interviewee confirming the time, location and expectations/questions Request parental consent forms for all students. Do not send the questions to students before the interview

16 Preparing for the Visit: DOPs (App. 4-10) At least 6 weeks before the visit Review the “Instructions for Completing the Document of Progress (DOP) Worksheets” (App. 4) Prepare the Draft DOPs (App. 5-10) You will need: - Documents listed - HSTW/MMGW Site Data Tool for Ohio Use the updated version e-mailed with the guide or on the disc

17 Preparing for the Visit: Site Logistics At least 6 weeks before the visit Arrange for the site logistics and Verify with the TAV leader:  Private meeting locations for the team and interviews  Substitute for the site coordinator  Accommodations for the team leader is the responsibility of the TAV leader, with your assistance  Accommodations for team members staying overnight and meals is the responsibility of the school.  Team member substitutes and mileage is the responsibility of the home school or organization  Food/refreshments for the team should be provided both days  Handouts, supplies and equipment as needed

18 Preparing for the Visit: At least 4 weeks before the visit E-mail to the TAV leader the final “coach” approved DOPs Prepare the TAV Site Presentation - 45 minute PowerPoint presentation - Use the template provided Assemble the TAV DOP Notebook Mail/e-mail to TAV leader and team members (see pg. 9)

19 Preparing for the Visit: At least 2 weeks before the visit Inform teachers, staff and students Provide TAV documentation to all faculty and staff (agenda, team roster and site background information, DOPs)  Provide a one-page TAV fact sheet for teachers to share will all students  Prepare announcements for the day before and during the visit  Remind office staff that the TAV leader/ members will be visiting the school

20 Preparing for the Visit: At least 2 weeks before the visit Prepare for TAV Exit Report Invite the superintendent, administrators and Leadership Team to attend the Exit Report on Day 2. Consider video-taping the exit report.

21 Preparing for the Visit: At least 2 weeks before the visit Site Logistics Confirmed Prepare room signage, name tags/visitor passes for the team and mark off parking spaces. Gather appropriate supplies and equipment for the team’s workroom Make additional copies for team use Verify with the TAV leader the copies needed for the visit

22 After the Visit Celebrate!!! Reflect on your successes and opportunities for improvement Approximately two months following the TAV visit, review and make revisions to the draft written report

23 Next Steps Contact Your Regional Coach Contact your regional coach to assist you in preparing for your visit Recommended Within two weeks of the visit, meet with your regional coach to discuss the TAV exit report and recommendations Required Within two to three months of the visit, organize a “How to Use the TAV Report” professional development/waiver day

24 Finally… Update your School Improvement Plan Use the input from the faculty and staff to prioritize the TAV recommended actions and update your HSTW/ MMGW Site Action and School Improvement Plan.

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