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International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute Global Demand For Human Productivity Impacts Software Companies Vladimir L Pavlov, INTSPEI.

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Presentation on theme: "International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute Global Demand For Human Productivity Impacts Software Companies Vladimir L Pavlov, INTSPEI."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute Global Demand For Human Productivity Impacts Software Companies Vladimir L Pavlov, INTSPEI Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer

2 Let’s Benchmark 2

3 Agenda 3 Global demand for productivity How does it impact your strategy? INTSPEI services How can INTSPEI help you implement your strategy?


5 Global 500 Companies 5

6 Ideally … People should focus on three key things: Making decisions Innovating Expressing themselves emotionally and artistically All the rest should be "outsourced" to computers 6

7 Let’s Benchmark 7

8 Let’s Benchmark: Year Over Year Productivity Growth 8

9 Productivity Strategies for a Software Company Partner Ecosystem’s Productivity Clients’ Productivity Employees’ Productivity 9 Decrease Spending Increase Outcome

10 In The Software World …. Productivity is Not About Software OpenUP SDLC

11 Three Types of SDLCs Agile XP SCRUM MSF-Agile Semantics-focused P-Modeling Framework Formal SSADM RUP MSF-CMMi 11

12 How Can INTSPEI Help You Grow Productivity of Your Employees? We will help you optimize your existing software development process SDLC = Software Development Life Cycle SDLC Fine-Tuning: Increase Outcome We will help you create your new software development subsidiary in Eastern Europe SDC = Software Development Center SDC In-A-Box: Decrease Spending 12

13 SDLC Fine-Tuning 13 The most important decisions (and most expensive mistakes) are done at the beginning of the project The initial amount of quality control is minimal and then grows as development moves forward. This results in a costly rework (often hidden) on the late stages of the project INTSPEI SDLC Fine-Tuning addresses this problem. We enable our clients to reduce delays between bug insertions and bug fixes After SDLC Fine-Tuning, your engineers will start discovering and fixing critical mistakes virtually immediately - when introduced - not at the late phases where they are the most expensive to resolve Requirements Architecture Detailed Design Construction Maintenance Phase That a Defect is Corrected Phase That a Defect is Created Cost to Correct Cost to correct a defect greatly depends on how early it was introduced and revealed

14 SDC In-A-Box: INTSPEI Creates a Software Development Subsidiary for You Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and other countries Hiring, facility, logistics, infrastructure, local legal requirements, business-processes, etc. The development center is launched as client’s subsidiary, or we’ll manage it until you are ready 14

15 International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute Money-Back Guarantee Available for a period of 30 days after our services are completed 10% Discount for Participants of the Software Business 2007 Available for a period of 6 months after the conference

16 Next Steps 16 Assess your company’s productivity strategy: Employees’ productivity? Productivity of your customers? Productivity within your partner ecosystem? Contact INTSPEI Talk to me at a coffee-break Stop by our booth Mail me at Order INTSPEI services: SDLC Fine-Tuning to increase outcome of your engineering process SDC In-A-Box to bring down the costs of your engineering process

17 International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute

18 International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute Backup Slides


20 IBM Rational Unified Process Phases Management Environment Business Modeling Implementation Test Analysis & Design Preliminary Iteration(s) Iter. #1 Disciplines Iterations Iter. #2 Iter. #n Iter. #n+1 Iter. #n+2 Iter. #m Iter. #m+1 Deployment Configuration Mgmt Requirements ElaborationTransitionInceptionConstruction

21 Microsoft Solutions Framework

22 eXtreme Programming

23 Iterative Development

24 Traceability Management

25 SDLC Fine Tuning: The Process Defining Scope Of Work Client and INTSPEI agree on the scope of service 2-4 hours, pre-audit interviews with the key stakeholder(s) Process Assessment Thee strengths and weaknesses of the current client’s SDLC will be evaluated 2-7 or more days, 1:1 audit meetings with the key people Improvement Design We design improvement proposals for client’s SDLC to make it more efficient 1 +day(s), individual work Improvement Implementation We teach client’s staff how to eliminate bottlenecks identified on the first stage 2-7 or more days, training/coaching for the key people 25

26 SDC In-A-Box: Two Ownership Options Software Development Center is owned by the client from the very beginning Client Initially INTSPEI owns the Software Development Center As soon as the client feels comfortable, the ownership is transferred to the client INTSPEI 26

27 SDC In-A-Box: The Process Defining Scope Of Work Client and INTSPEI agree on the list of people to hire, office space requirements, business processes, budget, etc. 5-30 days Launching the Software Development Center INTSPEI sets up an office for the client, deploys the infrastructure, hires people, performs the paperwork to meet local legal requirements, etc. 2-5 months Managing Current Operations (optional) INTSPEI manages outsourcing office As many months as the client needs 27

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