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Tyce DeYoung Penn State University for the IceCube Collaboration June 22, 2007 IceCube Recent Results and Prospects Rome International Conference on Astroparticle.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyce DeYoung Penn State University for the IceCube Collaboration June 22, 2007 IceCube Recent Results and Prospects Rome International Conference on Astroparticle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyce DeYoung Penn State University for the IceCube Collaboration June 22, 2007 IceCube Recent Results and Prospects Rome International Conference on Astroparticle Physics

2 The IceCube Collaboration University of Alaska, Anchorage University of California, Berkeley University of California, Irvine Clark-Atlanta University University of Delaware / Bartol Research Institute University of Kansas Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Laboratory University of Maryland Pennsylvania State University Southern University and A&M College University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, River Falls RWTH Aachen DESY, Zeuthen Universität Dortmund MPIfK Heidelberg Humboldt Universität, Berlin Universität Mainz BUGH Wuppertal Stockholms Universitet Uppsala Universitet Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université Libre de Bruxelles Universiteit Gent Université de Mons-Hainaut Chiba University University of Canterbury, Christchurch Universiteit Utrecht Oxford University

3 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Outline The IceCube Detector –Design –Construction Status Recent Results –AMANDA –IceCube Scientific Prospects

4 AMANDA Eiffel Tower Svenska Dagbladet Digital Optical Module (DOM) currently instrumented IceCube 4800 DOMs on 80 strings 160 Ice-Cherenkov tank surface array (IceTop) Surrounds existing AMANDA detector (677 OMs) 22 strings deployed in 3 construction seasons IceTop

5 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 The Digital Optical Module (DOM) Onboard capture of PMT waveforms –300 MHz for ~ 400 ns with custom chip –40 MHz for 6.4 µsec with comm. fast ADC Absolute timing resolution < 2 ns (RMS) Dynamic range ~ 1000 p.e./10 ns Deadtime < 1% Noise rate ~ 700 Hz (260 Hz w / artif. deadtime) Failure rate < 1% Onboard capture of PMT waveforms –300 MHz for ~ 400 ns with custom chip –40 MHz for 6.4 µsec with comm. fast ADC Absolute timing resolution < 2 ns (RMS) Dynamic range ~ 1000 p.e./10 ns Deadtime < 1% Noise rate ~ 700 Hz (260 Hz w / artif. deadtime) Failure rate < 1% Digitized Waveform 20

6 DOM Noise correlated noise correlated noise due to radioactive decays producing fluorescence in glass suppress with artificial deadtime O(200μs) very low dark noise at low temperature AMANDA Poissonian expectation rate [kHz] 9 IceCube strings mean ~ 260 Hz width ~ 30 Hz

7 IceTop See talk by Tilo Waldenmaier

8 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 IceCube + AMANDA Densely instrumented “Inner Core” Lower energy threshold 7 IceCube + 18 AMANDA strings 225 DOMs + 540 OMs Outer IceCube strings form veto volume Inner Core veto

9 IceCube Construction Status AMANDA 01/ 2000 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/06 IceTop station only 2006 21 30 29 40 50 39 38 47 48 49 59 58 57 66 67 74 65 73 78 46 56 72 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/05 IceCube string and IceTop station 02/07 2004/05: 1 2005/06: 8 2006/07: 13 (12 planned) 2007/08: 14 2008/09: 14 2009/10: 14 2010/11: 11+

10 Drilling Performance 2007 Drill down Ream hole 40 hours!

11 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Integrated Exposure 1 km 3 ∙yr by early 2009 Close to 4 km 3 ∙yr after one year of operations with full detector

12 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Outline The IceCube Detector –Design –Construction Status Recent Results –AMANDA(See talk by Kirsten Münich) –IceCube Scientific Prospects

13 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 AMANDA Atmospheric Neutrinos preliminary K. Münich Limit based on only 2000 data: E 2  < 2.6·10 -7 GeV/cm 2 s sr Unfolded neutrino energy spectrum based on observed muon energies (807 days)

14 AMANDA Sky Map Random events 2000-2004 data Significance /  69 out of 100 sky maps with randomized events show an excess higher than 3.7  4282 neutrino candidates selected purity  95% Achterberg et al. 2007, astro-ph/0611063

15 event selection optimized for both dN/dE ~ E -2 and E -3 spectra source nr. of events (5 years) expected background (5 years) E -2 flux upper limit (90% c.l.) [10 -11 TeV -1 cm -2 s -1 ] Markarian 42167.4 M8766.18.7 1ES 1959+65054.813.5 SS43346.14.8 Cygnus X-376.511.8 Cygnus X-187.013.2 Crab Nebula106.717.8 3C 27384.7218.0 No significant excess observed Search for neutrinos from 32 candidate sources crab Mk421 Mk501 M87 Cyg-X3 1ES1959 Cyg-X1 SS433 3C273 1.2  equiv. (random maps) Achterberg et al. 2007, astro-ph/ 0611063

16 IceCube Neutrino Observations 9-string data (2006) Cosmic ray background seen with weak cuts Atmospheric neutrinos seen with strong cuts Agreement in event rate over 6 decades Final Cuts cosmic ray muons atmos. neutrinos Achterberg et al. astro-ph/0705.1781

17 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 IceCube-9 Neutrinos Residual background near horizon ( ~ 10% of total set) Peaks in azimuth along detector long axis Zenith Angle Azimuth Achterberg et al. astro-ph/0705.1781

18 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Outline The IceCube Detector –Design –Construction Status Recent Results –AMANDA –IceCube Scientific Prospects

19 W-B IceCube 1 yr AMAND A 2000- 03 Achterberg et al., astro-ph/0705.1315 Diffuse Neutrino Fluxes AMANDA UHE 2000-02 (prelim)

20 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Point Source Sensitivity T. Montaruli IceCube 1 yr AMANDA 2000-4 ANTARES 1 yr MACRO: astro-ph/ 0002492 AMANDA: astro-ph/ 0611063 ANTARES (binned): E. Carmona, Ph.D. thesis IceCube: astro-ph/ 0305196

21 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 IceCube Muon Response Simulations and analysis techniques based on AMANDA Big improvements possible – waveforms, more hits, better noise reduction, reconstruction techniques cos  A eff / km 2 cos 

22 Muon Energy Resolution 0.3 in log 10 (E) low stochastic loss rate – use muon range? saturation – can be corrected new method Zornoza, Chirkin et al. ICRC 2007 total charge N channels

23 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Extremely High Energies 5 year search for muon events depositing more than 10 PeV in the detector Detector response not yet included! S. Yoshida et al. astro-ph/0312078 GZK (hard, strong evol.) Kalashev et al. 2002 GZK (standard) Yoshida & Teshima ’93 TD - Sigl et al. 1999 Z-burst – Yoshida et al. 1998

24 A Distant GRB HAWC IceCube γ, ν ν Swift, GLAST, HETE, etc.) Timing/localization from satellites & ground- based detectors for neutrino searches Neutrinos from GRBs, AGN, and supernovae ROTS E IceCube alerts to TeV ACTs, robotic optical telescopes? MAGIC

25 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 MeV Supernova Neutrinos DOM counts integrated over 10s Significance of observation vs distance IceCube AMANDA Visibility out to Large Magellanic Cloud ( ~ 5  signal) Signal at LMC: 52 kpc L. Köpke

26 AMANDA Eiffel Tower Svenska Dagbladet New Capabilities IceTop IceCube will be a factor of ~ 60 larger than AMANDA (instr. volume) Better events, not just more events –Fully contained, well away from edge of detector –More of event observed AMANDA

27 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Low Energy Physics 5400 IceCube only 8200 incl. AMANDA Preliminary Atmos.  per 200 days (trigger level, IC22+AMANDA) Gross et al. ICRC 2007 30 GeV! Akhmedov, Maltoni & Smirnov, hep-ph/0612285 10 2

28 Indirect WIMP detection Sun  Krauss, Srednicki & Wilczek, ’86 Gaisser, Steigman & Tilav, ’86 Silk, Olive and Srednicki, ’85 Gaisser, Steigman & Tilav, ’86 Freese, ’86  Detector   velocity distribution  scatt  capture  annihilation interactions int.  int. annihilation channels

29 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Solar WIMP Sensitivity AMANDA limits (144 days, 2001): astro-ph/ 0508518 current AMANDA limits soft decay spectrum hard spectrum Expected sensitivity with IC22 + AMANDA Expected sensitivity for 1/2 year: Lic. thesis, G. Wikström Preliminary

30 Prompt Neutrino Flux Muon neutrinos Electron neutrinos “prompt” neutrinos from charm decay “prompt” neutrinos from charm decay T. Montaruli

31 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Tau Neutrino Detection Negligible intrinsic tau neutrino flux from accelerated hadrons Oscillations over astrophysical distances lead to flavor equality (we think) Essentially zero physics background to astrophysical tau neutrinos at relevant energies « 1 yr -1 above 1 PeV (TDY, Razzaque & Cowen 2007) –Only background is misidentified events

32 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Tau Neutrino Signatures     decay N “Double Bang” Learned & Pakvasa hep-ph/9405296   “Lollipop” Beacom et al. hep-ph/0307025   “Sugar Daddy” TDY, Razzaque & Cowen astro-ph/0608486  decay

33 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007

34 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Flavor Signatures 10 TeV 10 PeV 375 TeV Muon Cascade: e or NC Tau double bang

35 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Energy Windows by Flavor (supernovæ) showers vs. tracks full flavor ID Neutrino flavor   e Log 10 (Energy/eV) 1218 156 219 e Expect 1:1:1 from oscillations – if not…?

36 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Beyond IceCube? Besson et al., astro-ph/0512604 Effective volumes and number of GZK neutrinos detected per year (ESS flux) Very low attenuation of radio, acoustic waves in ice

37 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 I Didn’t Have Time to Talk About… Cosmic ray composition Diffuse extraterrestrial neutrino fluxes Sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays Neutrino point sources (AGN, microquasars, magnetars, SNRs,…) Neutrinos from GRBs (afterglow, precursors, choked GRBs, neutrons) Ultrahigh energy cosmogenic neutrinos (GZK interactions) Non-neutralino dark matter (Kaluza-Klein, sleptons,…) Neutrino oscillations (  13 ) Tests of Lorentz invariance, weak equivalence principle Exotic massive particles (topological defects, relic particles) TeV-scale extra dimensions, electroweak instantons,… Magnetic monopoles, nuclearites, Q-balls,… Fundamental physics with flavor ratios

38 Tyce DeYoung June 22, 2007 RICAP 2007 Conclusions IceCube construction is going well –On target for completion in 2011 22 IceCube strings now deployed, working well and taking data AMANDA analysis is continuing –Now integrated into IceCube First IceCube physics papers are starting to appear Stay tuned!

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