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Vikings. Where did they live? The Vikings lived north of Europe and east of England in an area called Scandinavia This includes present day Denmark, Finland,

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1 Vikings

2 Where did they live? The Vikings lived north of Europe and east of England in an area called Scandinavia This includes present day Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway Viking is a term used by modern scholars to refer to the nordic-speaking peoples from southern Scandinavia who raided Europe and the British Isles roughly between A.D. 793-1066. They would have identified themselves as Danes, Svear, Goths, Norwegians, etc.. There never really was a single "Viking" culture; only a loose assortment of shared ideas, economies, religious beliefs, and especially a common Germanic language known today as Old Norse.

3 The Vikings passed down land to their sons and daughters but by the start of the Viking age the area of Scandinavia was overcrowded. This meant that young Viking men needed to find new land of their own to settle or wealth from other areas. The Vikings raided coastal areas and settlements along rivers frequently, targeting areas where they could attack quickly. The Vikings settled and explored the areas of Iceland, Greenland, and even northeastern Canada. Archaeology shows they were in North America hundreds of years before Columbus.

4 Sagas are the most important literature about the Vikings. They record events and deeds that were written down by Christian descendants of the Vikings who lived in Iceland two or three hundred years after the events took place. They tell us a great deal about individual personalities, but the details are often unclear or contradictory. Unlike history books, sagas are narratives; they tell complete stories. But because those stories existed as oral tales for many generations before being written down, the details may have been mis-remembered or changed over time.

5 ml Click on building a ship on this link The Vikings built fast ships for raiding and war. These ships were 'dragon-ships' or 'longships'. The Vikings also had slower passenger and cargo ships called knorrs. They built small boats for fishing or short trips. Viking longships could sail in shallow water. So they could travel up rivers as well as across the sea. In a raid, a ship could be hauled up on a beach. The Vikings could jump out and start fighting, and then make a quick getaway if they were chased.

6 Sails and oars A Viking ship had one big square sail made of woven wool. In some ships, the mast for the sail could be folded down. When there was not enough wind for the sail, the men rowed with long wooden oars. To steer the ship, one man worked a big steering oar at the back end, or stern. At the curved front end of the ship was a carved wooden figure-head. A dragon-ship had room for between 40 and 60 men. The men slept and ate on deck. There was some space below deck for stores, but no cabins. Finding the way Vikings sailed close to the coast whenever possible, watching for landmarks. Out of sight of land, they looked for the sun: west (towards the sunset) meant they were headed for England; east (towards the sunrise) meant home to Denmark or Norway. The Vikings invented a kind of sun compass to help find their way. At night they watched the stars. They knew a lot about winds and sea currents. By watching birds or even the color of the water, an experienced sailor could tell when land was close.

7 d_first.html Click on inside a longhouse Viking houses Viking houses were built of wood, stone or blocks of turf - depending on local materials. The houses were long box-shapes with sloping thatched or turf roofs. The walls were made of wattle (woven sticks, covered with mud to keep out the wind and rain). The floor of a Viking house was often dug below ground-level; perhaps this helped keep out drafts. Most houses had just one room for a family to share. Rich people's farmhouses might have a small entrance hall, a large main room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a store room. In a Viking town, houses were crowded close together along narrow streets.

8 The Vikings worshipped many gods. The old stories they told about gods, giants and monsters are known as Norse myths. Norse gods and goddesses Odin was the ruler of the gods, and the god of magic, poetry and war. His wife was the motherly Frigg, and their son was Balder, who was kind and gentle. Freyja was goddess of love and fertility, and wept golden tears when she was unhappy. She had a twin brother Freyr, and their sacred animal was the boar. Red-headed Thor ruled the skies, storms and thunder. He had iron gloves, a magic belt and a hammer. People loved Thor but did not trust Loki, the mischievous 'trickster god'. By a trick, Loki caused the death of Balder. Click for more info on specific gods

9 Magic and monsters Viking stories told how people lived in Midgard or Middle Earth, along with giants, elves and dwarfs. The gods and goddesses lived in a sky world called Asgard. Linking Midgard with Asgard was a rainbow bridge. The Vikings told many tales of monsters, such as trolls, dragons, sea serpents, and the fierce wolf Fenrir (which the gods tried to keep chained up). Odin rode a magical horse named Sleipnir, which had eight legs.

10 What happened to the Vikings? They married with the locals of their conquered lands They married with the locals of their conquered lands They became Christians They became Christians They left behind their old ways and culture They left behind their old ways and culture Vikings became citizens of many places in Europe. Vikings became citizens of many places in Europe. Kings instituted taxes and the economy changed so that you could make a better living as a trader than a raider. Kings instituted taxes and the economy changed so that you could make a better living as a trader than a raider. European kingdoms learned how to protect themselves and gain by trading and negotiating with the Vikings instead of battling them. European kingdoms learned how to protect themselves and gain by trading and negotiating with the Vikings instead of battling them.

11 Click for more clips from the History Channel Want to Know More?

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