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College of Management and Technology Setting Objectives Dr. Teri McConville.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Management and Technology Setting Objectives Dr. Teri McConville."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Management and Technology Setting Objectives Dr. Teri McConville

2 College of Management and Technology 2 Strategic Management Process Internal Assessment Environmental Analysis Strategy Formulation (Planning) Strategy Implementation Strategic Control

3 College of Management and Technology Strategic Defence Review Adapted from the Ukraine 2008 White Book, p15 Current organisation of the Armed Forces Current Capabilities Capability Gaps Internal Assessment Required capability Aims of military security State Capabilities for support of Defence Threat assessment Environmental Analysis Policy Making Definition of priorities Management Strategy

4 College of Management and Technology A Strategic Framework BALANCED SCORECARD Measures Targets Initiatives Objectives Resources Efficiency/ Effectiveness Role/Purpose Capacity Building

5 College of Management and Technology 5 Stage 1: Determine the Vision Minister’s Vision 2010 “The efforts of the MoD are directed towards strengthening peace, modernizing Georgian Armed Forces and contributing to NATO integration process."

6 College of Management and Technology Stage 2: analyse vision according to 4 perspectives BALANCED SCORECARD Measures Targets Initiatives Objectives Resources Efficiency/ Effectiveness Role/Purpose Capacity Building

7 College of Management and Technology Four Questions to Ask Requirements as defined by policy What is our purpose? What do we need to do to achieve our purpose? What do we need in order to do that? What do we need for the future? Role Efficiency & effectiveness Resources Capacity building

8 College of Management and Technology Four Questions to Ask Main Defence Forces What is our purpose? What do we need to do? What do we need, to do it? What do we need for the future? Defend against major aggression; Defeat the enemy in a local war; Force … an armistice; Reinforce the JRRF. Combat & mobilisation readiness (90-120 days) Effective forces Effective command and control bodies Personnel at 70% of required strength Provision of weapons & equipment, State support Develop Command & Control system Logistics support Improve personnel policy Improve civil-military relations From Ukrainian Strategic Defence Bulletin to 2015, p.40

9 College of Management and Technology Stage 3: express vision as strategic aims BALANCED SCORECARD Resources Efficiency/ Effectiveness Role/Purpose Capacity Building

10 Future (Capability Building) Are we building for the future? Defence Balanced Scorecard 2008 - UK MoD Purpose (Role) Are we fit for today’s challenges and ready for tomorrow’s tasks Resources Are we making best use of our resources? Enabling Processes (Efficiency & effectiveness) Are we a high performing organisation? Defending the United Kingdom and its interests; Strengthening international peace and stability; Acting as a force for good in the world

11 College of Management and Technology UK Defence Scorecard in more detail Purpose (Role) A.Current Operations: Succeed in Operations and Military Tasks today. B.Future Operations: Be ready for the tasks of tomorrow. C.Policy: work with allies, other governments and multilateral institutions to provide a security framework that matches new threats and instabilities Resources D.People: Manage our people to provide sufficient, capable and motivated Service and civilian personnel.. E.Finance and Value for Money: Maximise our outputs within allocated financial resources. F.Estate: Maintain and develop estate infrastructure of the right capability and quality.

12 College of Management and Technology Enabling Processes (Efficiency & effectiveness) G.Military Equipment Procurement: Equip and support our Armed Forces for operations now and in the future. H.Infrastructure Procurement: Invest in strategic infrastructure to support defence outputs. I.Security & Business Continuity: Enable secure and resilient operational capability.. J.Safety: Minimise non-combat fatalities and injuries. K.Reputation: Maintain our reputation amongst our own people and externally L.Sustainable Development: Work with other government departments to contribute to the Government’s wider agenda, including sustainable development. Future (Capability Building) M.Future Capabilities: Develop the capabilities required to meet the tasks of tomorrow.. N.Change: Develop flexible and efficient organisations, processes and behaviour to support the Armed Forces. O.Future Personnel: Deliver the personnel plans to meet the needs of current and future tasks

13 College of Management and Technology Stage4: Determine … What are the critical success factors for achieving strategic goals? What are the critical measures that indicate strategic direction? What actions should we take? Helps us to determine our priorities. What are the standards that we need to achieve? The beginning of the action plan. 13

14 College of Management and Technology A UK Example Resources D.People: Manage our people to provide sufficient, capable and motivated Service and civilian personnel. E.Finance and Value for Money: Maximise our outputs within allocated financial resources. F.Estate: Maintain and develop estate infrastructure of the right capability and quality. The vision: Defending the United Kingdom and its interests: acting as a force for good in the world

15 College of Management and Technology People: Critical success factors Ensure we have sufficient diverse people, maintaining manning balance and the right profile of skills within each service and the right mix of skills in the civilian workforce despite reducing numbers, Ensure our people are capable of doing the jobs we need them to do by keeping them healthy and training them well, Manage our people well, motivating them and offering them worthwhile can satisfying careers.

16 College of Management and Technology To ensure we have sufficient regular Service personnel, we will: Achieve full manning balance in each of the 3 services as soon as possible by: – Achieving overall Service manning balance (+1% to -2%) between the trained strength and the trained liability. Maintain the correct profile of skills and experience within the regular Service manpower structures Improve longer-term recruiting prospects by increasing the representation of minority ethnic groups within the Armed Forces. Delivery responsibility: Chiefs of Naval, General and Air Staff.

17 College of Management and Technology Manning Balance: Critical Measures End of financial year: 2008/092009/102010/112011/12 Royal Navy/ Royal Marines 35,79035,41035,36035,380 Army101,660101,630100,560101,510 Royal Air Force40,83040,36040,67040,170

18 College of Management and Technology Step 5: Cascade targets through the chain of command Achieve full manning balance in each of the 3 services as soon as possible by: – Achieving overall Service manning balance (+1% to -2%) between the trained strength and the trained liability. Maintain the correct profile of skills and experience within the regular Service manpower structures Improve longer-term recruiting prospects by increasing the representation of minority ethnic groups within the Armed Forces. Delivery responsibility: Chiefs of Naval, General and Air Staff.

19 College of Management and Technology Step 6 Consider your goals as the foundation for a control and reporting process …

20 College of Management and Technology Resource Management Budget Manning Level Estate Reputation Reporting performance (Example) Output/Deliverables Operations Effectiveness Policy Process Improvement Training Logistics Support Acquisition Outputs Learning and Development Investing in people Lessons learned Information Technology =satisfactory =minor weakness =serious weakness =critical weakness

21 College of Management and Technology 21 Value & Potential of the Scorecard Approach A simpler, clearer statement of the strategic intent of the Defence Council & Defence Management Board A more comprehensive view of performance A clear focus on outputs An insight into how the components of performance relate to each other & to the delivery of our key outputs

22 College of Management and Technology 22 Performance Management Benefits Simplified strategic goals Fewer, more strategic, performance targets Better information on our performance Integration of financial and non-financial reporting Sharper focus on results

23 College of Management and Technology Workshop Defence Capabilities – … enhancement of defence capabilities that will support effective defence of the State from external threats and … Defence Systems Management – Improvement and refinement of defence management system is and important component of Georgia’s defence transformation. Education and Human Resource Management – … among the main factors for effective functioning and development of the defence system … NATO integration and international co-operation. – … successful implementation of the commitments undertaken in the frames of the on-going co-operation formats.

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