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Digital Citizenship Terms & Behavior about Technology created by Samira Ali.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship Terms & Behavior about Technology created by Samira Ali."— Presentation transcript:


2 Digital Citizenship Terms & Behavior about Technology created by Samira Ali

3 Digital Etiquette Etiquette: Prescribed behavior Digital: having to do with electronics Digital Etiquette: Prescribed behavior with electronics

4 Digital Communication Electronic ways to send or exchange information Examples are: Texting, cell phones, IM, etc.

5 Digital Education The process of teaching and learning through technology and about it Examples would be: e-books, online tests, research, etc.

6 Digital Access Anyone can use technology, no matter who they are. (gender, race, ethnicity, age, and physical or mental challenges)

7 Digital Commerce Buying and selling electronically over the internet

8 Digital Responsibility Taking responsibility for the deeds and actions you do electronically.

9 Digital Rights Digital freedom for everyone in a community

10 Digital Safety Free from digital danger, and protected from digital harm….also physically

11 Digital Security Taking important steps to protect oneself for digital safety Such as: not sharing passwords, email addresses, and personal info.

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