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Digital Citizenship A Realistic Look at Your Responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship A Realistic Look at Your Responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship A Realistic Look at Your Responsibility

2 Digital Citizenship 1. Etiquette 2. Communication 3. Education 4. Access 5. Commerce 6. Responsibility 7. Rights 8. Safety 9. Security

3 Solar System of Digital Citizenship 

4 Citizenship What is it? Norms of behavior with regard to technology use  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology  TEXT

5 Etiquette What is it? Electronic standards of conduct or protocol  TEXT Email Etiquette Netiquette Cell Phone Etiquette Computer Ethics TEXT

6 Communication What is it? The electronic exchange of information  TEXT Phishing Social Networking Cyberbullying TEXT

7 Progress Diagram “Online Social Networks are web spaces where individuals can post information about themselves, usually by creating a profile or website, and where they can connect with others in the same network.” Two main elements to social networking that relate to its appeal to teens (and young adults) Connecting and communicating with others Content creation a.k.a. self- expression  “Online Social Networks are web spaces where individuals can post information about themselves, usually by creating a profile or website, and where they can connect with others in the same network.” Two main elements to social networking that relate to its appeal to teens (and young adults) Connecting and communicating with others Content creation a.k.a. self- expression  Social Networking Phase 2 Phase 3


9 Education What is it? Teaching and learning about technology through the use of technology  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

10 Access What is it? Electronic participation in society regardless of gender, race, age, ethnicity, and physical or mental challenges  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

11 Commerce What is it? Electronic buying and selling of goods  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

12 Responsibility What is it? Electronic responsibility for actions and deeds which is either ethical or unethical  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

13 Rights What is it? Those freedoms extended to every student, administratior, teacher, parent or community member  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

14 Safety What is it? Free from digital danger and guaranteed ditigal well being  TEXT Spyware Identity Theft TEXT

15 Security What is it? Self-protection— taking necessary precautions to guarentee electronic digital safety  TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

16 Citizenship What is it? Norms of behavior with regard to technology use TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

17 Citizenship What is it? Norms of behavior with regard to technology use TEXT Prepares students for a society of technology TEXT

18 Cycle Diagram Text Cycle name Add Your Text

19 Progress Diagram Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

20 Block Diagram TEXT

21 Table TEXT Title A Title B Title C Title D Title E Title F

22 3-D Pie Chart TEXT

23 Marketing Diagram Title TEXT

24 References         A Timeline of Teens and Technology Amanda Lenhart Policy & Advocacy in the Schools Meeting APA August 16, 2007 San Francisco, CA  

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