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Larry Magid, Anne Bubnic, K-12 Ed Tech Consultant Digital Citizenship: Customizing Your Approach to Meet Local Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Larry Magid, Anne Bubnic, K-12 Ed Tech Consultant Digital Citizenship: Customizing Your Approach to Meet Local Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Larry Magid, Anne Bubnic, K-12 Ed Tech Consultant Digital Citizenship: Customizing Your Approach to Meet Local Needs

2 Today’s Resources All of the resources we are sharing today can be found at these sites:

3 Why do this workshop? Teachers, schools and districts are in various stages of readiness to take on digital citizenship training. Some schools have less staffing, financial and/or time constraints than others. We can provide you with options for how to build a digital citizenship program that addresses your needs.

4 Workshop Agenda Why Teach Digital Citizenship? Brief Tour of Resources at ConnectSafely Brief Tour of Resources at Diigo Review of approaches to teaching digital citizenship. [No one size fits all].

5 What is Digital Citizenship? “The norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.” -Gerald Bailey and Mike Ribble Represents a shift away from rules and threats Emphasis is on values and standards What happens when values and standards are violated?

6 Why Teach Digital Citizenship? CA Education Code requires districts to educate pupils and teachers on Internet safety, including how to protect online privacy, avoid cyberbullying and avoid online predators. CA Education Code 51871.5 - AB 307

7 Why Teach Digital Citizenship? Requires schools receiving federal E-Rate discounts to educate their students “about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.” Broadband Data Improvement Act

8 Why teach Digital Citizenship? Digital Citizenship is about people and appropriate behaviors, not the technology. Kids already know how to use technology but don’t understand how it accelerates, expands and magnifies the way we do things. Kids need to develop a moral compass online - Digital world comes with ethical, moral and legal obligations Online actions have offline consequences.

9 Digital Citizenship In the words of Professor Henry Jenkins… “Kids don’t need us watching over their shoulders. They need us to have their backs.”

10 Digital Citizenship Training Getting Started Identify areas of concern Identify existing programs or lesson plans that might address those concerns. Determine if you want a turnkey system or to develop curriculum of your own. Start with a pilot project among a few motivated teachers.

11 Digital Citizenship Training Getting Started Go to the directory of online resources for … Big picture of what education, advocacy, law enforcement & government groups are doing globally to educate kids and families. Quick access to resources in Spanish. Easy access to educational games.

12 Digital Citizenship Training Getting Started Join the Diigo Social Bookmarking Group on Digital Citizenship (AD4dcss) for access to up-to- date information, resources and best practices, contributed by colleagues from around the world. Link to the Diigo Lists of Digital Citizenship topics compiled and annotated by Anne Bubnic.

13 Digital Citizenship Training Getting Started Copy the Diigo hypertext code onto your school web site to start a live feed of digital citizenship information.

14 Digital Citizenship Training – Frameworks for Instruction 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship Bailey & Ribble http://www.digitalcitizenship. net Good Play Project (5 elements, emphasizing ethics) tal-citizenship

15 3 C Policy Framework Davina Pruitt Mentle, University of Maryland Digital Citizenship Training – Examples of Frameworks for Instruction

16 Digital Citizenship Training Examples of Frameworks for Instruction ISTE Standard IV (Teachers) a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources. c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools.

17 Types of Digital Citizenship Training Note: Examples of best practices shown in this slide show can all be found on my diigo list:

18 Some models being used in our schools: Basic cybersafety content/links posted on school web site. Individual classroom teacher efforts One-time events: school assemblies for students/parents Annual intensive one-week focus on cyberbullying or other digital citizenship topics - with student deliverables. Year-long focus, with one digital citizenship topic per month Use of a structured ongoing program with scope and sequence and built-in assessment (commercial or nonprofit). Digital Citizenship: Customizing Your Approach to Meet Local Needs

19 Digital Citizenship Training School Assembly Ideas Ryan’s Story Presentation *Officers of the law and school psychologists also commonly used.

20 Digital Citizenship Training English Class/Best Practices Digital Footprint/Online Safety

21 Other ways to integrate digital citizenship into the curriculum….

22 Digital Citizenship Training Example of a One-Week Event “On October 10, 2008, Congress passed the Broadband Data Improvement Act (Senate Bill 1492). The new legislation adds requirements that schools, as part of their Internet safety policies, educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.” To meet these requirements, NMUSD has organized the following materials for classroom teachers to use during Cyber Smart Weeks. Teachers should plan to spend 10-15 minutes delivering information to students on the topic for that day. Daily Topics for Grades K-3 October 25 · How To Use the Internet Safely October 27 - Don’t Talk to Internet Strangers October 29 – Good Cybercitizenship November 2 – Good Computer Manners November 4 – Check for Understanding Daily Topics for Grades 4-12 October 25 – Identity Privacy and Social Networks October 27 – Online Safety October 29 – Piracy, Copyright, and Plagiarism November 2 – Acceptable Use, and CyberBullying November 4 – Check for Understanding

23 Digital Citizenship Training K-12 Alignment with ISTE Standards Montpelier School District (Vermont) K-12 program of instruction Combined with information literacy and put together by the district’s library media specialist. Aligned to curriculum standards and ISTE NETS.

24 Digital Citizenship Training Scope & Sequence Approach Ready-made curriculum; ideal for schools that have support in place for a structured, curriculum-based program of instruction.

25 Digital Citizenship Training Element-of-the-month “We will use these nine elements to learn about digital citizenship. Each month, we will explore one of the elements, in advisory and at home, so that all of us-- students, parents, and teachers--can learn how to meet the challenges of the digital world.” MICDS Middle School – 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship


27 Digital Citizenship Training Alignment with Language Arts Standards

28 Digital Citizenship Training Alignment with Health Sciences http://healthsciencetechnology.wikispaces.com Hereford High School The purpose of this Wikispace is to explore the "Right Way”"Right Way” and "Wrong Way"and "Wrong Way" to use the internet, blogs, wikis, email and Social Networking websites. Popular sites such as Facebook or Myspace are used by many students on a daily basis. The majority of students also have cell phones and text message or instant message (IM) their friends. So the question is this: Do you know how properly use technology and Social Networking tools safely and effectively? Social NetworkingFacebook Myspacetext message instant message (IM)

29 Digital Citizenship Training Self-Paced Instruction/Assessment Positive, research-based lessons, discussions, activities and journaling, developed in collaboration with Dr. Patricia Agatston, co-author of Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age.

30 Digital Citizenship Often we invoke the word "citizenship" in terms of rights to privacy and free speech. But digital citizenship is also about developing a moral compass and using our social media skills to protect, maintain and enhance our global society. We wish you good luck in your journey.

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