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AIM GOALS Activating Inquisitive Minds= Accelerated Intellectual Movement Advanced Communication Goals Advanced Research Goals Creative Thinking and Creative.

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2 AIM GOALS Activating Inquisitive Minds= Accelerated Intellectual Movement Advanced Communication Goals Advanced Research Goals Creative Thinking and Creative Problem Solving

3 Advanced Communication Skills The student uses written, spoken, and technological media to convey new learning or challenge existing ideas using digital citizenship standards. The student produces written and/or oral work that is complex, purposeful, and organized, includes relevant supporting examples and manipulation of language.

4 ACS The student creates products and/or presentations that synthesize information from diverse sources and communicate expertise to a variety of authentic audiences. The student uses a variety of multi-media and innovative technology to create illustrations, models, charts, tables, and graphs as tools for communication.

5 ACS The student applies interviewing techniques for a variety of purposes. The student anticipates and addresses potential misunderstandings, biases, and expectations in communication with others. The student responds to contributions of others, considering all available information.

6 ACS The student participates in small group discussions to argue persuasively or reinforce others’ good points. The student maintains a journal or web log for self-reflection and/or self evaluation. The student supports and defends his/her own opinions while respecting the opinions of others.

7 ACS The student understands technology which includes systems, concepts and operations so they can use them effectively and productively.

8 Advanced Research Skills The student uses a variety of print and non- print resources to investigate a topic of interest. The student formulates original and appropriate questions to test the limits of an existing body of knowledge. The student uses concepts within and across disciplines to develop valid hypotheses, thesis statements, or alternative interpretations of data.

9 ARS The student selects appropriate research tools and methodologies to conduct scientific investigations. The student gathers, organizes, analyzes, and synthesizes data from multiple sources to support or disprove a hypothesis. The student develops and uses systematic procedures for recording and organizing information.

10 ARS The student evaluates research methodologies and data to detect validity, bias, reliability, and applicability to real world problems and/or solutions. The student allows for and accepts alternative interpretations of data. The student uses APA or MLA style to document/cite references, resources, quotations, notes, and bibliographies.

11 ARS The student defends research findings in a presentation or exhibit. The student applies ethical standard to research and analysis. The student applies the rules of web-based searching (i.e. Boolean)

12 Creative Thinking and Creative Problem Solving The student questions accepted practices, rules, and existing principles to discover new knowledge. The student designs, applies, evaluates, and adapts a variety of innovative strategies when problem solving (e.g., recognizes problems, defines problems, identifies possible solutions, selects optimal solution, implements solution, and evaluates solution).

13 CT & CPSS The student incorporates brainstorming and other idea-generating techniques to solve problems or create products. The student demonstrates skills in fluency and flexibility to solve problems or create new products. The student develops original ideas, presentations, or products through synthesis and evaluation.

14 CT & CPSS The student independently or through collaboration with classmates, clarifies, illustrates, or elaborates on an idea for product improvement. The student uses analogies, metaphors, and/or models to explain complex concepts. The student tolerates ambiguity when solving problems.

15 CT & CPSS The student recognizes and assumes risks as a necessary part of problem solving. The student monitors and reflects on the creative process of problem solving for future applications. The student uses technology for data representation, organization, and/or analysis. The student uses technology to develop a variety of creative products.

16 CURRICULUM COMPACTING A STRATEGY FOR “RESPONSIVE TEACHING” Material drawn from It’s About Time by Alane J. Starko, copyright 1986 Reproduced with permission from Creative Learning Press, Inc., P.O. Box 320, Mansfield Center, CT 06250

17 Curriculum Compacting Outcomes: By the end of the training participants will have: 1) considered student behaviors that might suggest a need for compacting. 2) clarified curriculum compacting as a strategy for differentiation. 3) recognized the difference between basic skills compacting and content compacting. 4) discussed the role of assessment as related to compacting. 5) shared some planning and management tools for compacting.

18 Differentiating in Mixed- Ability Classrooms “Teaching should respond to what we know about the learner(s).”

19 Student Behaviors Which May Suggest That Compacting is Necessary Consistently finishes tasks early Work is usually well done and correct Seems to have some advanced familiarity with the material Expresses interest in pursuing alternate or advanced topics Consistent high performance or motivation Creates own puzzles, games, or other diversions in class


21 Never Finished Freddie “It takes him an hour-and-a- half to watch Sixty Minutes.”

22 Curriculum Compacting 1) What’s important? 2) What can be skipped or eliminated? 3) What do students already know or are able to do? 4) What will they grasp easily? 5) What can be accomplished quickly?

23 CURRICULUM COMPACTING It’s About Time--- Finding time for students to pursue in-depth learning.

24 A teaching strategy that “buys time” for acceleration and/or enrichment. The goal is to modify or “streamline” curriculum to allow students to move at a quicker pace and then have time to pursue an alternate topic or go into greater depth in an area of study.

25 “This is Boring!” These words do not bring happiness to the hearts of teachers. One way to respond to this statement is to ask the students to be more specific in describing their boredom. Ask students to differentiate between “Boring A” situations and “Boring B” situations. Boring A Situations “I already know that; could you give me an opportunity to show you?” Boring B Situations “At the present time I do not know enough about the topic to be interested in it.”

26 Two Kinds of Curriculum Compacting Basic Skills Compacting Spelling, Math Computation, Language Arts Basic Skills Pretesting is easily used to document proficiency. Content Compacting Social Studies, Science, Literature, Math Applications, and Problem-Solving Students may already know some material or may be able to read advanced material or master objectives more quickly.

27 MOST DIFFICULT FIRST 1. The teacher previews the student task and selects the most difficult examples. 2. The examples are marked (*) and students are given the opportunity to do these items first as a means of demonstrating mastery or understanding. 3. If students are able to demonstrate mastery, then they are free to select alternate activities for that period of time.

28 GOALS OF COMPACTING Create a challenging learning environment Guarantee proficiency in basic curriculum Buy time for enrichment and acceleration

29 Areas of StrengthDocumenting MasteryAlternate Activities Student’s Name: ________________________________

30 Areas of StrengthDocumenting MasteryAlternate Activities Student’s Name: Annette _______________________________ Math --- Decimal Fractions Score of 85 percent or higher on the pretest Will work with class on days they learn concepts she has not mastered Will work on alternate math enrichment activities on other days

31 Areas of StrengthDocumenting MasteryAlternate Activities Student’s Name: Jose, Joanne, Sam, and Linda______________ Social Studies--- Colonial Living Unit High Interest Strong Readers---- Will read and pick up concepts quickly Students will read chapters 5 & 6 in text at own pace Do chapter exercises 3, 7, & 9 Take unit test when ready Students will select a topic of interest from a list of alternate activities related to an aspect of colonial living for an independent study

32 Areas of StrengthDocumenting MasteryAlternate Activities Student’s Name: ____William____________________________ Map Skills Achieved an “A” on the pretest Will read to gather research for his book about castles Will write book about castles INSTEAD of doing map activities

33 Phases of Curriculum Compacting Phase I - Establishing the goals and outcomes of the unit or segment of instruction Phase II - Identifying students who may be candidates for compacting Phase III - Identifying areas to be considered for compacting Phase IV - Establish procedures for compacting the basic material Phase V - Provide options for enrichment or acceleration

34 Progress through the education program at rates faster or at ages younger than conventional; providing instruction at a level and pace appropriate to a child’s achievement and readiness regardless of grade level. Acceleration may include but is not limited to: (1) Advanced Placement in a Subject (2) Curriculum Compacting (3) Telescoping Curriculum

35 Giving students the opportunity to learn in greater depth and breadth. Enrichment may include but is not limited to: (1) Complexity of Content (2) Creative and Original Products (3) Self-selected Topics

36 Curriculum Areas to be Considered for Compacting Procedures for Compacting Basic Material Enrichment and/or Acceleration Activities

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