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Lesson Guides for EAL B10L Lesson 8. Targets Students will work on using adjectives in their. Students will use their knowledge of phonics to find words.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Guides for EAL B10L Lesson 8. Targets Students will work on using adjectives in their. Students will use their knowledge of phonics to find words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Guides for EAL B10L Lesson 8

2 Targets Students will work on using adjectives in their. Students will use their knowledge of phonics to find words based on a limited amount of letter. Students will learn to give quality feedback

3 Class Outline 1.Review last class. 2.Outline class targets and structure. 3.Discuss writer’s workshop, develop their descriptive writing skills (L1 and L2). 4.Students will all try an uncover words from a list of letters. 5.The cooperative learning portion will be accessed through the blog. 6.Assess our performance and our goals.

4 Class Targets and Mini-Lesson Writer’s or Reader’s Workshop Work Cooperative Learning Activity Learning Reflection Typical Class Format

5 Writer’s Workshop Show the students this list of colours, and challenge them to use 10 of them in their writing.

6 Make as many words as possible, using only these letters. All the letters of your words must attach. For example, pit is good, but pen is not. You have 6 minutes to find as many words as possible. Word Work –Making Word eiucprst * See notes for possible answers Sort for: p it et i ice er /est (endings)

7 Please go to the blog to see the video/tutorial associated with this lesson. Link: Feedback Basics Cooperative Learning

8 The purpose of this lesson is to discover when giving and getting feedback is useful and timely for someone.

9  To provide you with a clear indication of how good your work is in relation to the expectations of your lecturers.  To give guidance about how to improve for your next piece of work.  To identify the things you are doing well and should continue doing for next time. What is feedback?

10 Task Explanation One student is asked to leave the room, and the task is explained to the other students. Student returns and is blindfolded, and asked to throw a ball in a basket that has been moved Student returns and is blindfolded, and asked to throw a ball in a basket that has been moved. First they only receive negative feedback Second they only receive positive feedback Third they receive useful feedback

11 Please remind the students to fill out the daily reflection section in their binders. Please ask them to provide one piece of task specific feedback, to make today’s lesson more effective. Daily Reflection

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