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 Standards can be located through our classroom websites and county website.

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2  Standards can be located through our classroom websites and county website.

3 Reading to Learn vs. Learning to Read Reader’s Workshop- tailored to individual learning needs by using mentor texts, as well as leveled, self-selected books Interactive Reading Notebooks- Respond to reading Use proof from the text Read, read, read! And then read some more!

4 Genres of Writing  Narrative  Persuasive  Informative Spelling word work and authentic practice in writing Cursive Writing

5 Number sense & problem solving focus Review concepts through homework MULTIPLICATION MASTERY REQUIRED! PRACTICE NIGHTLY! Place value, rounding, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, fractions, measurement

6 Hands-on labs  Scientific Method  Georgia Habitats  Rocks/Minerals  Fossils  Heat Energy  Magnets  Conservation

7  Maps & Landforms  Government  Economics  Famous Americans

8  Will be administered in the Spring  Reading/LA and Math assessments have constructed and extended response portions  Criterion (subject knowledge)- and norm (national comparison)- referenced  All assessments will be completely online  Replaces GCRCT and the Georgia Writing Assessment  More information will be available on our county website and classroom websites as it becomes available

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10  Writing is integrated across the curriculum. Students will explain what they know and HOW they know- in complete sentences- with capital letters and correct punctuation.  Practice with constructed and extended responses  Students have already been taking tests online  DanceMat

11  Will be administered during the month of October  Assesses basic skills in reading and math  Online format  More information will be available on our county website and classroom websites as it becomes available

12  Please check your child’s red folder daily. “Keep at Home” items should be removed.  Please place notes, money (in envelopes), and signed papers in the front of the “Return to School” side.  Transportation calendar is in the front or back pocket. Please confirm with your child each morning.  Your child should know how he/she is going home each day.  AGENDA: Reminders and updates are written down in the agenda throughout the week. If there was a behavioral concern during the day, your child will have a behavior mark in the agenda. Please review with your child and initial.

13 No more than 30-45 min. a night Read at least 15 - 20 minutes per night Practice math facts nightly Personal responsibility is a must!

14  Bear Bucks  Zingers and Classroom Coupons  Classroom Jobs

15  A tablet, pad, or Kindle with wireless network capabilities  Phone screens have been found to be too small for students  Provides an alternative tool for learning

16  Help with Special Projects  Creative assistance with bulletin boards, display cases, and door decorating  Multiplication Masters’ Wall of Fame

17  Email blasts from Mrs. Moss, homeroom teachers, and subject area teachers  Websites  Conferences: Planning time is 9:30-10:15  Aspen Student Portal  http://portal.cherokee. on-es/default.aspx http://portal.cherokee. on-es/default.aspx

18 Mrs. Powell Ms. Boden Mrs. Phillips Mrs. Galbraith Mrs. Smith

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