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Presentation on theme: "EMR REGIONAL SNAPSHOT SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT - DATA ANALYSIS PRINCIPALS FORUM Term 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 Source:\\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis\2010 Data Up-date\SFO Comparison 2006-20010 by Network EMR DEMOGRAPHIC SOCIO-ECONOMIC

3 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis\Demographic\Population 0-5 yrs.xls EMR DEMOGRAPHIC POPULATION PREDICTIONS

4 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis\Demographic\EMR LGA Population Distribution 0-17 (1996-2026).xls EMR DEMOGRAPHIC POPULATION PREDICTIONS

5 EMR DEMOGRAPHIC Migration Source: DIAC Settlement Database July 2010

6 EMR DEMOGRAPHIC Migration Source: DIAC Settlement Database July 2010

7 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis\Demographic\Refugee\Refugee Status over three years 2007-2010 v2.xls EMR DEMOGRAPHIC Migration - Refugees

8 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Enrolments\Enrolments 2010.xlsx Enrolments

9 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Enrolments\Enrolments 2010.xlsx Enrolments

10 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Retention\Apparent_Retention_Rates_(ARR)_7_12 Apparent Retention Rates 7-12 2004-2011

11 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Network Data\Koorie\10-ATSI.xlsx NAPLAN Participation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders students

12 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Network Data\Koorie\10-ATSI.xlsx NAPLAN Average Scale Score Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders students

13 Key Messages Top Level Analysis

14 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\NAPLAN\2010 NAPLAN\NAPLAN 2008-2010.xlsm NAPLAN – Year 3 Numeracy Reading Writing

15 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\NAPLAN\2010 NAPLAN\NAPLAN 2008-2010.xlsm NAPLAN – Year 5 Numeracy Reading Writing

16 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\NAPLAN\2010 NAPLAN\NAPLAN 2008-2010.xlsm NAPLAN – Year 7 Numeracy Reading Writing

17 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\NAPLAN\2010 NAPLAN\NAPLAN 2008-2010.xlsm NAPLAN – Year 9 Numeracy Reading Writing

18 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis 2010 v7.1.xlsx STUDENT ABSENCE - P-12



21 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Network Data\Exit Destination\Year 10 EMR 2010 Exit Dest Network Comparison.xls STUDENT EXIT YEAR 10 – 2008 to 2010 Network Comparison

22 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis 2010 v7.1.xlsx EXIT DESTINATION YEAR 10 665 Students 56 Students

23 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis 2010 v7.1.xlsx EXIT DESTINATION YEAR 11 403 Students 76 Students

24 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Network Data\Exit Destination\Year 10 EMR 2010 Exit Dest Network Comparison.xls EMR 2010 EXIT DESTINATION 91% 77% 56% 84% Continuing Education

25 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Network Data\Exit Destination\Year 10 EMR 2010 Exit Dest Network Comparison.xls EXIT DESTINATION YEAR 10

26 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Network Data\Exit Destination\Year 11 EMR 2010 Exit Dest Network Comparison.xls EXIT DESTINATION YEAR 11



29 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis 2010 v7.1.xlsx Attitudes to School

30 Source: \\EDUEMRFS01\Share\users\SHARE\DATA\Region Wide Data\Regional Analysis 2010 v7.1.xlsx Attitudes to School

31 Staff Opinion

32 Network Story Data Set Analysis

33 Manningham Network Increased percentages of students in the top two bands of NAPLAN for all year levels in writing (except year 3) and numeracy. Improvement in NAPLAN writing at years 5, 7 and 9 in 2010. VCE English mean score improvement above previous years. Improvement in NAPLAN reading mean in years 3, 5 and 7

34 Dandenong Ranges Network Reading mean score improvements in at least one of the last two years at all year levels Reading top two band targets met at years 3, 5 and 9 Student Wellbeing and Engagement Strong improvement trend across the 2007-2010 period Student Wellbeing and Engagement Strong improvement trend across the 2007-2010 period VCE mean scores have all improved in 2010

35 Boroondara Network Improvement in the percentage of schools with outcomes in the top 10% and 20% of the state Improvement in all areas for the percentage of students achieving at or below the National benchmark 3.4% growth in Enrolments in 2010 27% increase in students undertaking VCAL subjects over the last 2 years

36 Maroondah Network Significant improvement at Year 9 in all NAPLAN domains. In VCE, specific improvements in Further Maths scores. Improvements in student feedback in Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness. VCAL participation rate improved 18.9% and is well above target set for the network strategic plan. Significant improvement at Year 9 in all NAPLAN domains. In VCE, specific improvements in Further Maths scores. Improvements in student feedback in Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness. VCAL participation rate improved 18.9% and is well above target set for the network strategic plan.

37 Knox Network The rates of completion of units of competence in VET studies were maintained at consistently higher levels Improvement in writing at years 5, 7 and 9 in 2010. Improvement in the Student Attitudes to School Survey (2010) for the variables of student safety and school connectedness Yrs 5-12. Reduction in the bottom two bands of NAPLAN in reading, writing and numeracy

38 Whitehorse Network Significant Improvement in the number of students achieving in the top two bands Reduced number of ‘unknown destinations’ from 6.1% of exiting students in 2009 to 0.6 in 2010 Reduced Student Absences across years P-12 in 2010 Improvement in Years 5-6 Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness Improvement in Years 5-6 Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness

39 Monash Network VCE mean score improvement in the Allstudy, English and Maths Methods and Further Maths studies. Student absence averages remained below the state average P-6, 7-12, P-12 and for all individual year levels Improvement in School connectedness and stimulating learning for each of the combined 5-6 and 7-12 Improvement in NAPLAN numeracy mean in years 3, 5 and 7

40 Yarra Valley Network Improvement in top two bands of Numeracy in years 3, 5 and 7 Increase in the % of students continuing with education and training or engaged in full time employment at years 10 and 12. VCE Improvement in mean scaled scores for Maths Methods and Further Maths and Allstudy Improvement in Years 5-12 Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness Improvement in Years 5-12 Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness

41 Yarra Ranges Network An increase in the percentage of students scoring in the top 2 NAPLAN bands in Reading at Year 7 Significant improvement in the percentages of students participating in VET (22%) and VCAL (20%) in 2010 Year 3 Reading and Writing shows significant increase in NAPLAN mean from 2008-2010 Improvement in Years 5-6 Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness, Significant improvement in Student Safety 7-12 Improvement in Years 5-6 Student Safety, Stimulating Learning and School Connectedness, Significant improvement in Student Safety 7-12

42 Waverley Network Improvement of Network mean for Stimulating Learning and Student Safety 7-12 VCE Improvement in Maths Methods and Further maths mean scaled scores Improvement in NAPLAN reading mean in years 3, 5 and 7 Improvement in NAPLAN numeracy mean in years 3, 5, 7 and 9


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