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1 INSTITUTE of SOLID STATE PHYSICS Founded 1972 18 Laboratories and Theoretical Department Staff - 180, Scientific staff - 100 In the field of atomic and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 INSTITUTE of SOLID STATE PHYSICS Founded 1972 18 Laboratories and Theoretical Department Staff - 180, Scientific staff - 100 In the field of atomic and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 INSTITUTE of SOLID STATE PHYSICS Founded 1972 18 Laboratories and Theoretical Department Staff - 180, Scientific staff - 100 In the field of atomic and plasma physics 1.Optics and Spectroscopy 2. Atomic Spectroscopy 3. Metal Vapour Lasers

2 2 Laboratory Atomic Spectroscopy 1. Employment of HCD for analytical investigations – analyses of layer-by-layer surface of the complex material.- Dr. V. Mihailov 2. Investigation of plasma electron spectroscopy and applications – Dr. P. Pramatarov, Dr. M. Stefanova 3. Atomic constants, atomic spectroscopy and application – Prof. K. Blagoev 4. Quantum optics – Dr. E. Dimova

3 3 Atomic structure, atomic constants G. Malcheva K. Blagoev

4 4 Experimental methods for lifetimes and transition probabilities determination Radiative lifetimes - time evolution of the population * Beam foil/laser * time resolved method with: ++ electron excitation ++ laser excitation ( LIF) -width of the excited states + Hanle method Transition probabilities – branching fractions  I = 1/  A ik A ik = (1/  i )(I i /  I j )

5 5 Radiative lifetimes of excited states - time evolution of the population * Beam foil/laser * time resolved method with: ++ electron excitation ++ laser excitation ( LIF) -width of the excited states + Hanle method

6 6 Motivation Obtaining new information about atomic structure and radiative properties; New or more precise data for radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities in application for: laser physics, plasma physics and especially for astrophysics Verification of theoretical methods

7 7 List of the investigated atomic spectra Radiative lifetimes of high lying excited states of NeII,ArII,KrII,XeII – delayed coincidence method with pulsed electron excitation - Radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities of atoms and ions of IIB, IIA group Hg I - LIF and DC methods and HF calculations, Hg II - Delayed coincidence method with electron excitation, Hg III – Delayed coincidence method, Cd I, II - LIF method, HF calculation, branching ratio, Cd III - Delayed coincidence method with electron excitation, Zn I, I – LIF method and HF calculations, AgII, CuII – transition probabilities, branching ratio Radiative lifetimes of some transition elements Zr I, Zr II, III – LIF method and HF calculation Hf I, Hf III – LIF method and HF calculation Nb I LIF, calculations YI, Y III LIF, calculations Tb I, LIF in progress

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10 10 Table 2. Radiative Lifetimes of n 3 P states of HgI(ns) ExperimentTheory State[1] DC 2002 [2] Hanle, 1975 [3],  =1/  A ik 1987 [4] 8p 3 P 0 248213 8p 3 P 1 1676142177 8p 3 P 2 15695145 9p 3 P 0 339 9p 3 P 1 13579124 9p 3 P 2 41 10p 3 P 2 37544 1.K. Blagoev et al Proc SPIE,v5226, 164(2002), Proc. EGAS34,186(2002) 2.E. Alipieva et al Opt. Sprctr. 43,529(1977); 3. W. J. Alford et al Phys. Rev A36, 641(1987); 4. P. Hafner et al J. Phys. B 11, 2975(1978)

11 11 ExperimentTheory State[1] LIF [2] e-ph [3]  =1/  Aik [4] BF [5] BF [6] 6p 1 P1.31.351.271.2 7p 1 P2612 8p 1 P7238 9p 1 P10 10p 1 P55.65141 1. K. Blagoev et al proc. SPIE, v. 5256,164(2002); 2. G. C. King et al J. Phys. B B8, 365(1975); 3. W. J. Alford et al Phys. Rev A36, 641(1987); 4. E. H. Pinnington et al Canadian J of Physics, 66, 960(1988); 5. T. Anderson et al JQSRT 13,369(1973); 6. P. Hafner et al J. Phys. B 11, 2975(1978) Table 1. Radiative Lifetimes of np 1 P states of HgI(ns).

12 12 ExperimentTheory State[1] DC [2] e-ph [3]  =1/  Aik [4] BF [5] BF [6] 6p 1 P 1 1.31.351.271.2 7p 1 P 1 2612 8p 1 P 1 7238 9p 1 P 1 10 5d 9 6s 2 6p 1 P 1 5.3 10p 1 P 1 55.65141 Table 1a. Radiative Lifetimes of np P states of HgI(ns). K.Blagoev et al Proc. SPIE, v4397, p. 256

13 13 Delay generator Helmholtz coil Top view Ablation laser Nd:YAG laser (A) Rotating Zr target MCP PMT Monochromator Transient Digitizer Computer Trigger KDP BBO Side view Trigger Nd:YAG laser (B) SBS compressor Dye laser Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence Equipment in Lund Laser Centre

14 14 H2H2 Raman cell Lens Pelin-Broca prism Generation of necessary frequencies using second, third harmonic and Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman components.

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17 17 List of the investigated atomic spectra Radiative lifetimes of high lying excited states of NeII,ArII,KrII,XeII – delayed coincidence method with pulsed electron excitation - Radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities of atoms and ions of IIB, IIA group Hg I - LIF and DC methods and HF calculations, Hg II - Delayed coincidence method with electron excitation, Hg III – Delayed coincidence method, Cd I, II - LIF method, HF calculation, branching ratio, Cd III - Delayed coincidence method with electron excitation, Zn I, I – LIF method and HF calculations, AgII, CuII – transition probabilities, branching ratio Radiative lifetimes of some transition elements Zr I, Zr II, III – LIF method and HF calculation Hf I, Hf III – LIF method and HF calculation Nb I - LIF, calculations YI, Y III - LIF, calculations Tb I - LIF in progress

18 18 Table2. Excitation schemes LevelE, cm -1 Starting level Starting level, cm -1 exc (nm) air obs (nm) air 4d5p z 1 D 2 o 53647.214d 2 1 D 2 5741.5208.68286.9 33 4d5p z 3 D 1 o 55614.424d 2 3 P 0 8062.0210.23268.6 33 4d5p z 3 D 2 o 56435.654d 2 3 P 1 8325.6207.79265.6 33 4d5p z 3 D 3 o 57346.834d 2 3 P 2 8838.2206.08264.4 33 4d5p z3F 2 o 55555.634d 2 3 P 1 8325.6211.66269.0 33 Table 1. Radiative Lifetimes of Zr III excited levels (data in ns). Level Energy,ExperimentTheory. cm-1This work [7][3] 4d5p z 1 D 2 o 53647.211.70(20)1.521.531.48 4d5p z 3 D 1 o 55614.421.10(15)0.950.960.91 4d5p z 3 D 2 o 56435.651.15(10)0.920.940.89 4d5p z 3 D 3 o 57346.831.05(15)0.920.930.89 4d5p z3F 2 o 55555.631.90(20)1.55 1.51 R. Mayo, J. Campos, M. Ortiz, H. Xu, S. Svanberg, G. Malcheva and K. Blagoev Eur. Phys. J: D40,169,2006.

19 19 A typical experimental time-resolved signal from the 53647.21 cm−1 level in Zr III.

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22 22 Experimental methods for lifetimes and transition probabilities determination Radiative lifetimes - time evolution of the population * Beam foil/laser * time resolved method with: ++ electron excitation ++ laser excitation ( LIF) -width of the excited states + Hanle method Transition probabilities – branching fractions  I = 1/  A ik, A ik = (1/  i )(I i /  I j )

23 23 Принцип на действие на лазерно-индуцираната спектроскопия (LIBS)

24 24 Nd-YAG Laser Monochromator Photodetector AmplifierDelay Oscilloscope OMA III Computer Laser parameters: 1064 nm, 20 Hz, t = 7 ns, E = 240 mJ. Transition probabilities - LIBS

25 25 Time dependence of Au I and Au II spectra

26 26 LIBS in archaeology

27 27 Nd:YAG laser (Quanta Ray GC3),λ = 1064 nm E = 700-800 mJ T≈ 10 ns; 10 Hz Eschelle spectrometer (Mechelle 5000) Sample

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30 30 Spectrum from silver sample obtained by Meshele 5000

31 31 LIBS in Art

32 32 LIBS

33 33 J. Campos, M. Ortiz,R. Mayo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; -H. L. Xu, S. Svanberg, L. Engstr¨om, H. Lundberg - Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden - H. Nilsson - Lund Observatory, Lund, Sweden -E. Biémont, P. Quinet, V. Fivet - Université de Liège, Liège 1, Belgium -P. Palmeri - Astrophysique et Spectroscopie, - Universit´e de Mons– UMONS, Mons, Belgium -Acknowledgements -Laser lab in Europe -Bulgarian National Science Foundation

34 34 Thank you

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