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European Plans for ATF2 G.A. Blair LCPAC, KEK 24 th March 2006 Overview CERN + LAPP EUROTeV UK France DESY.

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Presentation on theme: "European Plans for ATF2 G.A. Blair LCPAC, KEK 24 th March 2006 Overview CERN + LAPP EUROTeV UK France DESY."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Plans for ATF2 G.A. Blair LCPAC, KEK 24 th March 2006 Overview CERN + LAPP EUROTeV UK France DESY

2 ItemLAL,LAPP (France) DESY (Germany) CERN (Europe) UK ATF2 EU Overview I

3 ItemLAL,LAPP (France) DESY (Germany) CERN (Europe) UK ATF2 EU Overview II

4 CERN Contributions & Plans for ATF/ATF2 From: Frank Zimmermann, CERN contributions to ATF2 ‘studies’ hardware contributions details of precision transformer BPMs laser-Compton polarized e+ source

5 CERN ATF-2 “Studies” 1) development of commissioning strategy; already wrote section of design report 2) investigation of optimum beam-based alignment pro- cedures with pertinent specification of BPM ranges 3) simulation of IP tuning and maximum tuning knob ranges 4) survey of relevant collective effects in ATF-2 and ATF extraction line; particularly wake fields 5) participation in commissioning activities 1 person month 3 person months 4 person months 1 person month in total: 1 person year approved by CSC on 13.10.2005

6 CERN ATF2 Hardware I Active stabilization table including stabilizing feet (STACIS2000 from TMC); honeycomb structure with length 2.4 m, width 0.8 m, height 0.8 m; absence of structural resonance below 230 Hz stabilizing feet are equipped with geophones, rubber pads for passive damping, and piezo-electric movers for active damping of load vibrations induced from the ground; table was used for CLIC stabilization study; presently on loan at Annecy; available from mid-2006; best use at ATF-2 to be identified; e.g.: Stabilize final quadrupoles and IP monitors value about 100,000 CHF (8.72 MYen)

7 CLIC test stand for vibration measurements & magnet stabilization studies S. Redaelli, R. Assmann

8 LAPP will contribute the FD support system for all the four final focus magnets of QD0, SD0, QF1 and SF1 with the three dimensional analysis of the vibration there. CERN provides the CLIC active table. LAPP is also responsible of installation of the FD system and commissioning. CERN/LAPP Contributions

9 Stabilization of Focal Point Nano-BPM Built by SLAC group Nano-BPM Built by KEK group ~2m ATF2 program needs: Stabilization of Shintake monitor of 10nm with respect to final focus qudrupole. Require to monitor on timescales of seconds and minutes → Laser interferometric straightness monitor. StaFF group in Oxford is developing a straightness monitor for ILC. A setup using >20 distance meters will be tested at ATF during 2006-2007, with 20-30 nm expected resolution. Oxford D. Urner

10 R&D for compact Straightness Monitor ATF setup needed to test –Test distance meter (under accelerator conditions). –Combination of several measurements. –Test of Stabilization algorithms (using BPM movers). Compact straightness monitor needed for ILC –Integration into one device harder – but allows system with much smaller vertical dimensions (few cm). –ATF2 ideal test facility. –Goal is to provide at least 10nm resolution (as required by ATF2). –Time frame 2009 anticipated. Oxford D. Urner

11 Three precision transformer BPMs. Projected spatial resolution 100 nm Time resolution: 15 ns; Aperture 4 mm (available at the end of 2007) aperture might be increased within limits CERN ATF2 Hardware II Advantages of transformer BPMs - arbitrary bunch spacing - large bandwidth (almost 6 decades) - simple readout electronics - insensitive to spray Development cost about 160,000 CHF (13.95 MYen) plus manpower; co-financed by EU via EUROTeV

12 Aperture: 4mm Resolution: 100nm (CMMR > 92dB) Absolute precision: 10μm Rise time: <15ns Dynamic range: ±1.5mm (15 bits) Linearity error: < 1% 24h stability: 1μm Vibrations <100nm Low frequency cutoff: 100kHz High frequency cutoff: 30MHz Bake out temperature: 150°C Operating temperature: ~20°C Vacuum: 10 -9 Torr: Lars Soby CERN BPM Design goals

13 Starting point: 40 mm aperture BPM (CTF-3): Aim: 4mm aperture PBPM Lars Soby Design Idea: designed by M. Gasior, CLIC Note 572, DIPAC 2003

14 CERN also has great interest to participate further in a polarized e+ source based on Compton scattering Snowmass ILC proposal (T. Omori, J. Urakawa, E. Bulyak, P. Gladkikh, K. Moenig, …) uses Compton ring with 30 laser-beam IPs, stacking in main damping ring; modified scheme for CLIC benefits from smaller # bunches, smaller charge, high repetition rate, only 1 laser-beam IP, stacking in compact pre-damping ring yield in CLIC Compton ring vs. turn (E. Bulyak)

15 ATF2 Laser-wire I Build on experience at ATF extraction line Multiple IPs for emittance measurement Light transport studies, looking to ILC Implementation of fast-scanning mechanisms. Understand operational issues and input into ILC technical design. Complementary programme at ATF and at DESY to address ILC operational issues.

16 ATF2 Laser-wire II new dedicated IP Integrated BPM? Integrated wire scanner? Multi-dimension scans Light delivery Petra system

17 ILC/ ATF2 Diagnostics Laser System Laser oscillator choice: A conventional mode-locked Nd:YLF (1047 nm/1053nm) or Nd: YAG (1064 nm) laser or A mode-locked fiber laser (1047/1053/1064 nm) Laser Amplifier choice: High power diode pumped Nd:YLF or Nd:YAG Choice on 2 nd harmonic crystal : LBO/BBO (250 nm – 500 nm) System being investigated now (fiber laser attractive) Will be built this year at Oxford High power output will require further second stage Could be used for laser-wire and Shintake at ATF2?

18 BDSIM simulation of ATF/ATF2 beamline BDSIM is a Geant4-based beamlne simulation toolkit Used for PETRA laser-wire (J. Carter) In use at ATF (L. Deacon) Plans for ATF2 L. Deacon (RHUL) O. Dadoun (LAL) (EUROTeV) Important to benchmark for ILC

19 67 ns 54 ns 23 ns 2002 2004 2005 FONT: Intra-train Feedback P. Burrows FONT4 digital processor board


21 France at ATF2 LAL-Orsay, LAPP-Annecy and LLR Polytechnique, together with 8 scientists from KEK, have just sent in a joint application (~€800k) to the newly created ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) for project money to work on ATF-2 in the period 10/2006-9/2010. Result is expected in July 06. Development and implementation of the beam correction algorithms Beam line modeling with an optimised version of the GEANT4 simulation Active stabilisation of critical mechanical support structures for the final Focus Development of specific beam instrumentation

22 DESY at ATF2 Stabilisation study for the FD system and the site (ground motion at the ATF2 floor) Laserwire; interest in Compton detector and in data taking + analysis (part of EUROTeV) Fast kicker to produce the ILC like bunch structure at ATF2 in the future. DESY may also be interested in fabrication of magnets.

23 Funding Programmes Funded until Dec. 2007 Includes ATF/ATF2: CERN BPM, Laser-wire STAFF (stabilisation) FONT, NanoBPM BDSIM Funded until Mar. 2007 Includes ATF/ATF2: Laser-wire FONT, NanoBPM BDSIM

24 SUMMARY A very active and fruitful collaboration involving European partners at ATF/ATF2 Plans are advanced for future participation in Both the hardware and the running of ATF2 BPM Compton source Laser-wire/Shintake Lasers Stabilisation Feedback Simulation/optimisation The next funding round is starting now …

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