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organize your mind for coaching

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2 organize your mind for coaching

3 I could not do this without…
Paul Hammerness, MD Wilma Koutstaal, PhD Shelley Carson, PhD Ran Zilca

4 Where is your mind right now?

5 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing
Carson, Moore, Zilca. 2014

6 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Thinking?
Carson, Moore, Zilca, 2014

7 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Thinking?
Mind Wandering? High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Carson, Moore, Zilca. 2014

8 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Thinking?
Mind Wandering? High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Open Awareness? Experiencing Carson, Moore, Zilca, 2014

9 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Thinking?
Mind Wandering? High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Open Awareness? Narrow Awareness? Experiencing Carson, Moore, Zilca, 2014

10 Where is my mind now?

11 Flow Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing
Carson, Moore, Zilca, 2014

12 Meta Awareness Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS
Experiencing Carson, Moore, Zilca, 2014

13 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Judge
Prepare Strategic Collaborate Imagine Mind Wandering High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Flow Meta Awareness Nonlinear Embodied Learning Narrow Awareness Experiencing Open Awareness

14 What is an organized mind?
Intentional Agile Deep Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

15 Why is it hard to organize our minds?
Low brain energy Overdose of negative emotions Chronic multitasking Chronic distractions Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

16 We’re addicted to checking our smartphones
68% A35-44 61% A45-54 55% A55+ 36% Lookout Mobile Mindset Survey, 2012

17 Distractions cause… 1,000+ car crashes per day 420,000 car crashes per year 3,300 deaths per year

18 Hacked, Hooked, Hijacked
Have to respond immediately Not paying attention to other people Feel restless when you are away Stay longer than intended Use to escape negative emotions Hacked, Hooked, Hijacked Ability to focus is impaired Huffington Post: 6 Signs your Smartphone is Stressing You Out, 2013

19 If brain focus is impaired, we can’t remember, think, collaborate, create, learn, and perform at our best.

20 How can we organize our minds?
Physical Health: Upgrade brain energy Mental Health: Tame your frenzy Use your brain states well Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

21 01 Upgrade Brain Energy EEG Measure of Attentional Resources
After reading After 20 min walk Upgrade Brain Energy Hillman et al. The Effect of Acute Treadmill Walking on Cognitive Control and Academic Achievement in Preadolescent Children. Neuroscience 149 (2009)

22 Coach Meg’s Brain Foods
Alloway, T, Alloway, R. The Working Memory Advantage, 2013

23 02 Tame your Frenzy Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

24 Emotions are biological messengers of met and unmet needs

25 Inner critic frenzy You are not good enough I am not good enough

26 Get Meta Notice & Name Emotion
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness for Beginners, 2012

27 Five Facet Mindfulness Assessment
Awareness Not automatic pilot Observing No interpretation Describing Labeling Non-judgment Acceptance Non-reactivity Not carried away

28 Accept Every cell is doing the best it can with the resources it has at hand.
Neff K. Self-Compassion, 2011

29 Give negative emotions a little compassion…
Neff K. Self-Compassion, 2011

30 Growth Mindset Dweck C. Mindset, 2006

31 Positive Emotions Improve Brain Function, Resilience, and Health
Fredrickson, B. Positivity, 2009

32 Your brain is energized and calm… ready for coaching sessions

33 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Judge
Prepare Strategic Collaborate Imagine Mind Wandering High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Flow Meta Awareness Nonlinear Embodied Learning Experiencing Narrow Awareness Open Awareness

34 Be Present Open Awareness

35 Be Curious I wonder…

36 Judge You are not good enough.
Grant, A. Give and Take, 2013

37 Harness your Drive High Octane Energy for Focus
Deci, E. Why we do what we do?, 1995 (Self-determination theory)

38 Prepare Carson, Your Creative Brain, 2010

39 Now the coaching session

40 Connect Fredrickson, B. Love 2.0, 2013

41 Harness client’s drive High Octane Energy for Focus
Deci, E. Why we do what we do?, 1995 (Self-determination theory)

42 Imagine the Outcome Carson, S. Your Creative Brain, 2010

43 Collaborate Create Mind Cloud
Carson, Moore construct, 2014

44 PEAK: Relational Flow? Let go a little
Carson S., Your Creative Brain, 2010

45 Embodied Learning Learn by Mind Meld with Masterful Expert

46 Embodied Learning This is what coaching presence does for clients
Carson, Moore construct, 2014

47 Creative non-linear, divergent
Carson, S. Your Creative Brain, 2010

48 Be Strategic Zoom out to 30,000 feet
Carson, Moore construct, 2014

49 Evaluate Carson, S., Your Creative Brain, 2010

50 Gratitude

51 What about distractions?

52 You are deep in a brain state There is an interruption

53 Connect Prefrontal Cortex to Limbic System
Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

54 Apply the brakes to distractions
ABC Awareness Breathe Choose Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

55 Take brain breaks Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

56 Mind Wandering Brain Keeps on Solving Problems Out of Focus
Carson, Moore construct, 2014

57 Body breaks Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

58 Yoga

59 Narrow Awareness Hammerness, Moore, Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, 2012

60 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing Judge
Prepare Strategic Collaborate Imagine Mind Wandering High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Flow Meta Awareness Nonlinear Embodied Learning Experiencing Narrow Awareness Open Awareness

61 Thinking High Control FOCUS Low Control FOCUS Experiencing

62 One’s own self is well hidden from one’s own self… Of all mines of treasure, one’s own is the last to be dug up Friedrich Nietzsche

63 organize your mind for coaching
Margaret Moore, aka Coach Meg

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