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Class of 2015 Graduation. JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH.

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1 Class of 2015 Graduation













14 Andy (Avocado)—The Main Thing & Jennifer (Jelly)—I liked when we placed cards on our backs and everyone wrote something they thought about you after only knowing you for one day. To go back and read what they wrote filled your heart. As well as filling theirs with nice words too.

15 Megan (Milk)—The ropes course gave me the greatest sense of teamwork, trust, and accomplishment while truly stretching me. This tied the last six months together perfectly! & Jomel (Julep)– “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

16 Matt (Mints) – The economic impact quilting has on Hamilton and the surrounding area is my favorite memory. & Ashley (Apple Pie)– The best memory of this course that will stay with me is climbing the tower.

17 Mark (Meatloaf) – Always remember… “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” & Tyler (Taco)—The teamwork and relationships developed throughout the course. The ropes course was awesome.

18 Christel (Chocolate) – “Hope is an action.” Tim Crowley & Jackie (Juicy Fruit) – Getting to know everyone at the retreat - forming a bond between the 24 of us, one that hopefully will last a lifetime.

19 Jose (Jalapeno) – This experience pushed me beyond my comfort zone during the retreat and ropes course. & Jayne (Jam) – The activities that took all of us using our gifts and abilities to accomplish a task. Especially at the retreat and the water container at MOERA.

20 Josh (Juice) – The first day of the retreat was amazing how many people opened up and how close we became. & Keli (Kiwi) – “If you think you can or you can’t you are right.”

21 Jennifer (Jelly Bean) & Vanessa (Velveeta) “There is nothing exciting about a bread sandwich.”

22 Jay (Jelly) – The relationships that are forged here are outstanding. The process that is explored here in this class is valuable on a personal and professional level. & Kent (Kale) – Meeting the Doan Family in Hamilton was a great experience and a wonderful story.

23 Beric (Brisket) – Teamwork we have developed over the last six months. “The Main Thing” & Ben (Broccoli) – My favorite part was getting to connect to people from all over the region and to see other people’s perspective.

24 Ellen (Eggs) – I have learned so much about the beauty, resources, and people of northwest Missouri. I have developed relationships that have benefited me personally and professionally. & Rick (Rutabaga) – My favorite memory is the feeling of safety I felt at our retreat; to tell my silver lining story and the acceptance I felt after I told it!

25 Patrick (Pancake) & Jolene (Jerky) “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”


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