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3198 Task 5: Wind-2-Water Converting Wind Energy to Mechanical Energy for Water Treatment Viento Agua, Duke University, WERC 2009 Task Identification Design.

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Presentation on theme: "3198 Task 5: Wind-2-Water Converting Wind Energy to Mechanical Energy for Water Treatment Viento Agua, Duke University, WERC 2009 Task Identification Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 3198 Task 5: Wind-2-Water Converting Wind Energy to Mechanical Energy for Water Treatment Viento Agua, Duke University, WERC 2009 Task Identification Design Criteria Water Filtration  Harness the wind’s energy to power a water treatment process to treat brackish ground water without converting it to electricity.  Applicable in a third world setting and meet all OSHA requirements  Design Assumptions Namibian village of 100 people, requiring 1000 L/day for drinking /cooking uses Wind blows 12.5% of the day Wind speed of 8.5 m/s, the highest distribution in Namibia General  Durability  Low Cost  Ease to Construct/Maintain  Suitable for Developing World  Noise Wind Turbine  Self-start  Low Cut-in Speed  High Torque  Accepts Wind from any Direction  Efficiency Power Transmission  High Pressure Pump  Adequate Flow Rate  Control Simplicity Water Filtration  Rejection of Organics  Water Flux  pH Tolerance  Temperature Stability  Oxidant Tolerance  Compaction Tendency Wind Turbine Pulley System Weight Pump Rotational to Linear Force Kinetic to Potential Energy Potential Energy to Water Pressure Power Transmission Detailed Calculation for Turbine Sizing RO membrane: -Spiral-wound, thin film composite membrane: treats high TDS with relative lowest pressure -4 in. in diameter and 40 in long with a minimum salt rejection of 98% - Tested with 2000 ppm NaCl under 150 psi; flow rate = 2700 gallons/day - Assuming 80% recovery and operation of 3 hrs/day results, flow is just over 1000 L/day. Pre-treatment: - Granular activated carbon (GAC) filter: easy to install and only require periodic cleaning via backwash - Empty bed contact time (EBCT): bed volume divided by flow rate, 10-15 min - Volume of GAC needed: 0.05678 m 3 Locally available material, such as concrete with D= 0.5 m and L = m chosen Bench scale testing: - One liter of feed water used composed of 1390 mg Na 2 SO 4, 3200 mg CaCl 2.2H 2 O, and 150 mg NaHCO 3 - TDS measurement was done by pipetting 10.00 mL of water sample into a pre-weighed aluminum tray and allowing the water to evaporate at 105 . Then, the remaining salts were allowed to cool to room temperature in a desiccator before obtaining the weight. - WHO standard of potable water: 1000 ppm TDS Advisors Dr. David Schaad Dr. Josiah Knight Wind Energy Capture Matthew Ball Alison Ernst William Liew Lyndsey Morgan Deshira Wallace Power Transmission Alexander Brehm John Peter Dolphin Trisha Lowe Nicholas Millar Peter Perez Clement Ramos Water Filtration Samantha Beardsley Pim Dangkulwanich Aaron Lee Natalia Rossiter- Thornton Wind Turbine Double-hook rotor: → From literature, optimal geometric ratios: -b:d = 0.22 -p:q = 0.4 -AR: efficiency increases with increasing AR up to 5.0. Due to stability concerns and increased material cost, AR = 2.5 was chosen. -θ varied in bench scale test; θ =135 o was optimal A: S-rotor, 0% Gap B: S-rotor, 15% Gap C: S-Rotor, 30% Gap D: Double-hook, θ =135 o E: Double-hook, θ =90 o Water Filtration  Cost Benefit Analysis: Benefits include improved health, quality of life, time  Legal Considerations: Liability of injury  Heath & Worker Safety: Optional safety fence surrounding area perimeter  Waste Generation: Brine stream removed via a simple evaporation pond  Groundwater Retrieval: Second identical system can be installed without filters for pumping water from the ground  Increased Water Need: Benefit of simple ‘cookie cutter’ system. Multiple systems can be installed in separate locations for higher water volume  Minimal Negative Environmental Implications  Public Involvement: Involve community in decision-making processes, on-site design if necessary, and construction. Provide training sessions on operation and maintenance. Other Considerations ← S-rotor: Various gap sizes tested; efficiency well below double- hook in bench scale tests Lever Arm Torque supplied by turbine overcomes torque needed to generate pressure at pumps As arm is lifted, pumps complete upstroke and pull water into chambers. As arm falls, pumps complete downstroke and push water through the system Pulley System Rope wraps around turbine shaft and through pulley system, moving as turbine spins Cam attachment allows arm to engage and disengage at bottom and top of stroke High-Pressure pump has longer stroke, smaller area than low-pressure pump for equal stroke volume Weight amount and placement can be varied for more energy storage Water Pressure to Reverse Osmosis

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