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Published byRolf Domenic Parrish Modified over 9 years ago
TERENA General Assembly meeting Sofia, 24 October 2008
Slide 2 1. Welcome and Apologies (1/2) Apologies have been received from: ›Dany Vandromme (RENATER) ›Jon Ingi Einarsson (RHnet) ›Kees Neggers (SURFnet) ›Serkan Orcan and Cem Sarac (ULAKBIM) ›Shirley Wood and Jeremy Sharp (JANET(UK)) ›David Foster (CERN) › Klaas Wierenga (Cisco Systems) › Dai Davies (DANTE) ›Yves Poppe en Geert-Jan Spelde (Tata Communications)
Slide 3 1. Welcome and Apologies (2/2) Proxies: ›Steve Hogger represents JANET(UK) with proxy ›Artur Binczewski represents PSNC with proxy
Slide 4 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes of the 29 th meeting ›The GA is asked to approve the agenda ›The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 29 th GA meeting (Bruges, 22 May 2008)
Slide 5 4a. Admission of new members 4b. Changes in membership ›None
Slide 6 4c. Changes in representative › Thomas Schneider (representative of ADVA Optical Networking) and Dieter Will (substitute representative of ADVA Optical Networking) › Jan Willem Elion (representative of Nortel Networks) › Helge Moe (substitute representative of UNINETT) › Lars Fischer (substitute representative of NORDUnet)
Slide 7 4d. Outstanding membership fees ›None!
Slide 8 5. TERENA Technical Programme ›Presentation by Christoph Graf, Vice President Technical Programme
Slide 9 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2009 (1/4) Introduction: ›EARNEST study mentions three main challenges for our community: ›Economic challenges ›Technical challenges ›Challenge of the wider deployment of services ›The challenges require collaboration in the European research and education networking community ›Role for TERENA
Slide 10 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2009 (2/4) TERENA ’ s mission and status: ›(strategic vision:) TERENA is first and foremost a collaborative organisation ›Financial situation of TERENA satisfactory in recent years (however, circumstances may change) ›Financial status of TERENA highly dependent on income from GN2 and GN3 projects › Currently no approval yet by EC of GN3 project proposal and hence uncertainty about TERENA ’ s work and finances in 2009 ›Cost reimbursement rules in GN3 are less favourable than in GN2, but nevertheless break-even budget for 2009 is possible
Slide 11 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2009 (3/4) Main development in 2009: ›Start of GN3 project ›Some TERENA work from GN2 continues: › Support of TERENA ’ s technical task forces ›Annual TERENA Compendium ›Networking Development Support activities ›eduroam confederation-level service ›Distributed GN3 workshop at TERENA Networking Conferences ›GN3 training workshops on services ›Limited foresight study (to start in 2011) ›Some new roles for TERENA: ›Partner Services Promotion (to be discussed in detail under agenda item 10) ›European PKI Coordination service (expanding TACAR) ›Contribution to the new eduGAIN service › Leadership of JRA “ Enabling Communities ” › Leadership of NA “ Status and Trends ” ›Logistics of GN3 Project Management Conventions and annual GN3 Project Symposia
Slide 12 6. TERENA Activity Plan 2009 (4/4) Some special features among the specific plans for 2009: ›Publication of history book ›Move the publication of the annual Compendium to December ›‘ Media ’ workshop early in 2009 ›Possible workshop on environmental issues › Continuation of TERENA ’ s role in the provision of federated services, and open to new requests in this area
Slide 13 7a. Contribution categories of national members ›The GA is asked to decide that ›UNINETT (Norway) and PSNC (Poland) will be in category 6 from 1 January 2009 and, as a phase-in, will pay 7 units as their membership fee in 2009 ›UIIP NASB (Belarus) will be in category 3 from 1 January 2009 and, as a phase-in, will pay 1.3 units as its membership fee in 2009
Slide 14 7b. Projected outlook 2008 (kEUR)2007 result2008 budget2008 outlook INCOME contributions99410201026 project income148111531221 interest received755580 other income213 TOTAL 255222292330 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs-1464-1274-1599 Technical Programme-46-52-33 TOTAL-1510-1326-1632 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE1042903698 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs-526-735-434 other administrative costs-226-306-178 TOTAL-753-1041-612 OPERATING RESULT289-13886 financial expenses-21-22 project results from earlier years-2 INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE265-16064 RESERVES AT YEAR START11471413 RESERVES AT YEAR END141312531477
Slide 15 7c. Proposed budget 2009 (1/2) (kEUR)2008 budget2008 outlook2009 proposed budget INCOME contributions102010261063 project income115312211346 interest received5580 other income131 TOTAL222923302490 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs-1274-1599-1835 Technical Programme-52-33-39 TOTAL-1326-1632-1874 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE903698616 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs-735-434-442 other administrative costs-306-178-152 TOTAL-1041-612-594 OPERATING RESULT-1388622 financial expenses-22 project results from earlier years INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE-160640 RESERVES AT YEAR START1413 1477 RESERVES AT YEAR END12531477
Slide 16 7c. Proposed budget 2009 (2/2) › The GA is asked › to set the membership fee unit for 2009 at 5,107 euro › to adopt the budget for the year 2009 as in document GA(08)016
Slide 17 8. Conferences and Workshops ›Presentation by Miroslav Milinovic, Vice President Conferences
Slide 18 9. TF-PR, TF-MSP › Presentation by Alberto P é rez
Slide 19 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3; discussion on Partner Services Promotion ›According to the GN3 project proposal, TERENA will have 13 work items in the GN3 project ›Purpose of this agenda item: ›In-depth discussion about Partner Services Promotion (your ideas and commitment are needed) ›Short explanations and possibly discussions about the other 12 work items
Slide 20 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (1/12) ›Support to the technical TERENA task forces ›Continuation of GN2/NA6 ›Window of GN3 to the larger world of experts in technologies relevant for research and education networking ›Opportunity to present GN3 technical work to wider community ›Feedback on ongoing GN3 work (JRAs and SAs) ›Breeding ground for new initiatives (incl. new JRA work in GN3) ›TERENA Secretariat staff to organise and support task force work ›Financial data: ›3.9 manyear over 4 years ›50 kEUR travel costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 146 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 92 kEUR
Slide 21 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (2/12) ›Annual TERENA Compendium of NRENs in Europe ›Continuation of GN2/NA4 ›Publication in December instead of September ›Status of research and education networking at national level in countries in and around Europe ›General description of trends ›Will help to measure and address digital-divide issues ›Useful tool for policy and financial discussions ›TERENA Secretariat staff to carry out the work, with the help of Compendium Review Panel of NREN staff members ›Financial data: ›2.4 manyear over 4 years ›44 kEUR travel costs ›44 kEUR other costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 99 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 68 kEUR
Slide 22 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (3/12) ›Assistance to the Development of Research and Education Networking in Less Advanced Regions ›Continuation of GN2/NA4 ›Studies of status of research and education networking at national and local level, leading to ”country needs assessment” reports with recommendations ›Technical and managerial workshops, consultancy etc. ›Geographic scope: European and Mediterranean countries where research networking is less advanced ›TERENA Secretariat and NREN staff to carry out the work, with the help of Development Support Advisory Panel of NREN staff members ›Financial data: › 2.0 manyear over 4 years, plus 4.0 manyear from NRENs ( “ parked ” ) ›48 kEUR travel costs ›20 kEUR other costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 93 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 62 kEUR
Slide 23 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (4/12) ›Distributed GN3 workshop at annual TERENA Networking Conference ›Continuation of GN2/NA7 ›Covers proportional part of logistics costs of TERENA Networking Conferences ›Financial data: ›0.1 manyear over 4 years ›87 kEUR other costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 24 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 24 kEUR
Slide 24 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (5/12) ›Training workshops on GN3 services ›Continuation of GN2/NA8 ›Work carried out by TERENA Secretariat staff (logistics, organisation), DANTE (overall coordination, teaching) and NREN staff (teaching, developing materials) ›Financial data: ›0.4 manyear over 4 years ›4.8 kEUR travel costs ›6 kEUR other costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 11 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 11 kEUR
Slide 25 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (6/12) ›Logistics of GN3 Project Management Conventions and annual GN3 Project Symposia ›Not in GN2 ›GN3 Project Management Conventions: regular (e.g. quarterly) closed management meetings of the GN3 project ›GN3 Project Symposia: annual closed meeting of people working in the GN3 project plus invited guests ›TERENA Secretariat staff to handle the logistics ›Financial data: ›1.4 manyear over 4 years ›8.8 kEUR travel costs ›156 kEUR other costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 65 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 65 kEUR
Slide 26 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (7/12) ›Part of the work of the Operational Team of the eduroam confederation service ›Continuation of GN2/SA5 ›Operational Team consists of TERENA Secretariat, CARNet/Srce, UNIC and SURFnet staff members ›Financial data: ›2.0 manyear over 4 years ›4 kEUR travel costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 63 kEUR ›Expected EU+NREN reimbursement in 2009: 63 kEUR
Slide 27 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (8/12) ›Contribution to the provision of the eduGAIN service ›Not in GN2 ›Service to be provided by HUNGARNET, PIONIER, CARNet, NORDUnet, CESNET, HEAnet, JANET(UK), SWITCH and TERENA Secretariat staff ›Role of TERENA staff not yet clearly defined ›Financial data: ›1.0 manyear over 4 years ›4 kEUR travel costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 34 kEUR ›Expected EU+NREN reimbursement in 2009: 34 kEUR
Slide 28 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (9/12) ›European PKI Coordination service ›Not in GN2 ›To be led by Licia Florio (TERENA) ›Expand TERENA’s TACAR service (repository of trust anchors), establish Policy Management Authority, provide catch-all PKI for those users whose NREN does not provide a PKI service ›TERENA Secretariat staff to run repository service and to support PMA; an NREN to run catch-all PKI ›Financial data: ›1.9 manyear over 4 years ›4 kEUR travel costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 62 kEUR ›Expected EU+NREN reimbursement in 2009: 62 kEUR
Slide 29 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (10/12) › Leadership of JRA3 “ Enabling Communities ” ›Not in GN2 ›JRA3 to be led by Licia Florio (TERENA) ›Consists of three Tasks: Roaming Developments (led by Stefan Winter, RESTENA), Identity Federations (led by Andreas Solberg, UNINETT), Composable Network Services (led by Diego Lopez, RedIRIS) ›Division of roles between Activity Leader and Task Leaders still to be defined further ›Financial data: ›3 manyear over 4 years (but 2 manyear might be sufficient) ›8 kEUR travel costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 72 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 54 kEUR
Slide 30 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (11/12) › Leadership of NA3 “ Status and Trends ” ›Not in GN2 ›NA3 to be led by Karel Vietsch (TERENA) ›Consists of five Tasks: TERENA Compendium (led by John Dyer, TERENA), Coordination of Task Forces (led by Valentino Cavalli, TERENA), Foresight Update (led by Karel Vietsch, TERENA), Campus Best Practice (led by Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT), Study of Environmental Impact (led by Mike Norris, HEAnet) ›Division of roles between Activity Leader and Task Leaders still to be defined further ›Financial data: ›3 manyear over 4 years (but 0.8 manyear might be sufficient) ›4 kEUR travel costs ›Expected costs in 2009: 52 kEUR ›Expected EU reimbursement in 2009: 31 kEUR
Slide 31 10. TERENA ’ s role in GN3 (12/12) ›Foresight Update ›Follow-up to GN2/NA5 (EARNEST) ›To start in March 2011 ›More limited exercise than SERENATE or EARNEST ›Budget set at 1/3 of EARNEST budget ›To be carried out by TERENA Secretariat, DANTE and NREN staff and external experts as needed ›Content, study methods and people/organisations involved to be defined in 2011
Slide 32 10. Discussion on Partner Services Promotion (1/4) › PSP is part of GN3/NA2 “ Dissemination and Outreach ” ›Challenge formulated by EARNEST: useful services are not deployed or are not being used to the extent that one would expect ›Examples: videoconferencing, eduroam, IPv6 etc. › Objective of PSP: promote the deployment and uptake of GN3 and NRENs ’ services at a local level (i.e., through national promotion actions) by providing information on (support for) existing or newly developed services to the campus/institution and end- users
Slide 33 10. Discussion on Partner Services Promotion (2/4) ›Leading role in PSP lies with the NRENs ›Is different from other parts of NA2 ›PSP can assist NRENs by providing them with tools, materials and assistance that they can use to conduct dissemination actions in their countries ›Can also include facilitating the exchange of promotional materials between NRENs ›Priorities will be set and actions will be defined by NRENs (PR managers, others?)
Slide 34 10. Discussion on Partner Services Promotion (3/4) ›TERENA will coordinate the work (Laura Durnford); will make 0.8 fte available ›Build on the existing collaboration in task force TF-PR ›PSP can only be successful if NRENs take the lead; commitment from NREN managers is needed ›Hence discussion between NREN managers in this meeting › Collaboration and coordination with other GN3 Tasks (training, account management, “ Internal Cooperation ”, technical support to NRENs)?
Slide 35 10. Discussion on Partner Services Promotion (4/4) ›Questions for discussion: 1.Which services in your country would need a boost? 2.What are in these cases the barriers for deployment resp. use? 3.Can PR / information dissemination / promotion activities contribute to better rollout and use? 4.Should the NRENs in such activities address institutions (management, IT staff) or end-users? 5.Are you already undertaking such activities, and if so, what is the success of those activities? 6.Who from the NRENs should be involved in such activities? (PR staff, managers, technical staff?) 7.What would be your priorities for PSP? 8.How should the PSP work be organised? 9.What can your NREN contribute? 10.………
Slide 36 11. Liaisons
Slide 37 12. Secretariat matters Karel VietschSecretary General John DyerBusiness and Technology Strategist Valentino CavalliChief Technical Officer Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer Licia FlorioProject Development Officer P é ter SzegediProject Development Officer Dick VisserIT Support Officer24/39 Christian GijtenbeekSenior Webmaster Gijsbert SliedrechtWebmaster Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer Laura DurnfordPublic Relations Officer36/39 Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator28/39 Gy ö ngyi Horv á thConference and Workshop Organiser Jim BuddinWorkshop Organiser Hanna CheriguiSecretary Harri ë tte RaaymakersAssistant Bookkeeper16/39
Slide 38 13. Next meetings ›GA 31 : 11-12 June 2009, Malaga ›immediately following TERENA Networking Conference 2009 ›GA 32: 23 October 2009, Bucharest ›following GN3 Policy Committee meeting on Thursday 22 October 2009
Slide 39 14. Any Other Business and Close
Slide 40
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