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American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (RPSD) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Arzu Alpan, RPSD Chair June 27,

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Presentation on theme: "American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (RPSD) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Arzu Alpan, RPSD Chair June 27,"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (RPSD) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Arzu Alpan, RPSD Chair June 27, 2012 - Chicago, Illinois

2 RPSD Mission The division promotes the interchange of technology related to: transport of particulate and electromagnetic radiation in materials and biological systems techniques and instrumentation to measure and calculate radiation fields quantification of radiation effects and nuclear heat deposition within materials. Radiation protection management, ALARA, operation health physics, and radiation shield design and evaluation are key subject areas

3 RPSD Governance Chair: Arzu Alpan (Westinghouse) ………………...(2012) Vice Chair: Nolan E. Hertel (Georgia Tech) ……….(2012) Treasurer: Joel M. Risner (ORNL) ……………........(2012) Secretary: Scott W. Mosher (ORNL) ………………(2012)

4 RPSD Governance Executive Committee: Shaheen A. Dewji (Georgia Tech – Student Member) ………….(2012) Steven J. Nathan (SRS) …………………………………………(2014) Wayne D. Newhauser (M. D. Anderson Cancer Center).............(2012) Douglas E. Peplow (ORNL) …………………………………….(2014) Arkady Serikov (KIT/Germany – International Member) ……...(2012) Erik F. Shores (LANL) ………………………………………….(2014) Robert C. Singleterry (NASA) ………………………………….(2012) Glenn E. Sjoden (Georgia Tech) ………………………………..(2013) Martin R. Williamson (Y-12) …………………………………...(2013) Ex-Officio: Charlotta E. Sanders (UNLV) Michaele C. Brady Raap (PNNL) BoD Liaison: Joe F. Colvin YMG Liaison: Ahmad Ibrahim (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)

5 RPSD Governance Bylaws & Rules Status: Updated, revised and submitted to the ANS Bylaws and Rules Committee in May 2012 for approval Strategic Planning Status: Updated and sent to the ANS Planning Committee in January 2012 (available on the RPSD website); selection of top priorities: – Division’s Commitment to Young Members Group (YMG) and Student Support: RPSD liaison to YMG appointed Co-organized sessions with YMG Supported 2012 Student Conference Hosted a booth at the 2012 Student Conference Working with ANS to support a student survey Awarding student summaries/presentations at ANS National Meetings Student Executive Committee Member position

6 RPSD Governance – National meeting participation; 2012 ANS Annual Meeting: Radiation Protection and Shielding: General Computational Tools for Radiation Protection and Shielding Research Applications of Neutron Spectrometry and Dosimetry (Reactor Physics Division session co-sponsored by RPSD) Radiation Protection and Shielding—Roundtable Reactor Pressure Vessel Neutron Exposure Monitoring—Tutorial MCNP/MCNPX Tutorial for Homeland Security (co-sponsored by YMG) – Class IV Topical Meeting: ICRS-12 & RPSD-2012 – Website: update and improve – ANS Position Statement: special committee being formed to review ANS Position Statement # 41, “Health Effects of Low-Level Radiation.” – Peer Recognition/Honors and Awards: Service Recognition, Professional Excellence, Rockwell Lifetime Achievement, best summary/presentation at National Meetings – ANS-6 Standards monitoring

7 RPSD Governance Communication: – website ( – newsletter issued twice a year and available at website

8 RPSD Membership Trend

9 RPSD Membership

10 RPSD Finances 20112012 Budget Funds(actual)(budget) Carry forward from previous year21,52721,431 Member Allocation2,6922,628 Division Income982 a 0 Total Budget Funds25,20124,059 Expenses Awards, Plaques359960 National Meeting Costs200800 Student Support29003,725 Newsletter1000 Other Expenses211200 Scholarship Funding00 Total Expenses3,7705,685 Excess (Deficiency)21,43118,374 a RPSD-2010 (Class I); RPSD-2012 is Class IV (no revenue); next revenue from topical will be from RPSD-2014.

11 RPSD Finances Everitt P. Blizard Scholarship ($3000) –Timothy Patrick Burke, University of Michigan (2012) Professional Excellent Award –Alireza Haghighat and Shiaw-Der (Steve) Su (2011) Service Recognition Award –John Hendricks (2011) Best Professional Summary/Presentation Award –Hatice Akkurt, Dorothea Wiarda, and Keith Eckerman (ORNL), “Recent Updates to Radiation Organ Dose Estimation Tool PIMAL” (2011) Best Student Summary/Presentation Award –J. G. Richard (Univ. of Florida), M. L. Fensin, S. J. Tobin, M. T. Swinhoe, H. O. Menlove (LANL) “Burnup-Dependent Neutron Source Term for Gross Neutron Detection Techniques” (2010)

12 RPSD Contributions to Society Maintains 7 ANSI Standards –2 standards are currently under revision ANS-6.1.2 and ANS-6.4.3 –1 standard is waiting for approval for a revision request ANS-6.4.2 –2 standards are being reviewed with an anticipation of a revision ANS-6.1.1 and ANS-6.6.1 –2 reaffirmed standards need chairs and are currently inactive ANS-6.3.1 and ANS-6.4

13 RPSD Contributions to Society A special committee is being formed to review ANS Position Statement #41, “Health Effects of Low Level Radiation” Provided comments to the Blue Ribbon Commission Report in 2011

14 RPSD Contributions to Society Affiliations with other technical organizations: –American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Health Physics Society (HPS), European Nuclear Society (ENS) –ICRS-12 & RPSD-2012 Topical (organized by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan) –Within ANS: Mathematics and Computation Division (MCD) and Reactor Physics Division (RPD) through the Joint Benchmark Committee Computational Medical Physics Working Group (CMPWG) Organizing sessions with YMG, RPD, and Aerospace Nuclear Science & Technology Division (ANSTD)

15 Summary Areas of Success –Tutorials at ANS National Meeting 2 at 2012 ANS Annual Meeting, 3 at 2011 ANS Winter Meeting –Honors and Awards Selecting recipients for each RPSD award every year Resumed giving best summary/presentation awards at ANS National Meetings Formed new best summary/presentation award for students at ANS National Meetings –Efforts on student and young member involvement –Updating of bylaws and rules, website, strategic planning, standing committees

16 Summary Focus for Future Action –Increase the variety of technical sessions as well as paper contributions at ANS National Meetings

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