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A comparison using the EMTA Barometer 2004 data This work has been realized on the basis of EMTA Barometer 2004 data recently published. Its objectives.

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2 A comparison using the EMTA Barometer 2004 data This work has been realized on the basis of EMTA Barometer 2004 data recently published. Its objectives are: - to position the metropolitan area of Torino versus the european metropolitan areas of EMTA in terms of mobility and public transport demand and supply features - to highlight the “european averages” indicators to be used somehow as standards of public transport service in Europe - to evaluate the effects of Torino public transport strategies towards them. Note: Torino data of 2004 are referred to a public transport supply without the metro, opened to operation in 2006..

3 Individual trips per year Average=161 Average=435 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Manchester Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Birmingham Oslo Sheffield Madrid Paris Stuttgart Helsinky Frankfurt Barcelona Modal Split 50% Modal Split 10% 30% 20% 40% Average = 27% 800 700 600 500 400 300 year = 300 days Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 900 = Individual motorized mobility

4 Individual trips per year Average=161 Average=435 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Manchester Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Birmingham Oslo Sheffield Madrid Paris Stuttgart Helsinky Frankfurt Barcelona Modal Split 50% Modal Split 10% 30% 20% 40% Average = 27% 900 = Individual motorized mobility 800 700 600 500 400 300 year = 300 days Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 - 54 - 12% - 14% - 23

5 Individual trips per year Average=161 Average=435 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Manchester Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Birmingham Oslo Sheffield Madrid Paris Stuttgart Helsinky Frankfurt Barcelona Modal Split 50% Modal Split 10% 30% 20% 40% Average = 27% 900 = Individual motorized mobility 800 700 600 500 400 300 year = 300 days Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 - 54 - 12% - 14% - 23 Long term transport strategies for sustainable mobility design a stronger public transport system formed by: - Metropolitan Railwais - Metro - Upgraded trams network. The expected effects on the demand of this system are a large attraction of passengers by the public transport (60%) together with a reduction of the use of the car (about 15%) resulting in an increase of PT modal split towards 40%.

6 Average=222 Average=58 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Manchester Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Birmingham Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Vienna Helsinky London PT demand and supply per inhabitant per year Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart 3,8 journeys / V*km 3 journeys / V*km 5 journeys / V*km

7 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Manchester Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Vienna Helsinky London - 10 - 105 - 17% - 47% Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart PT demand and supply per inhabitant per year Average=222 Average=58 3,8 journeys / V*km 3 journeys / V*km 5 journeys / V*km

8 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Manchester Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Vienna Helsinky London - 10 - 105 - 17% - 47% Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart PT demand and supply per inhabitant per year Average=222 Average=58 3,8 journeys / V*km 3 journeys / V*km 5 journeys / V*km The Metropolitan area of Torino, compared to the european metropolitan areas, shows a consistent gap of public transport journeys per inhabitant per year, together with the highest car ownership rate. The long term strategies expected effects are an increase of public transport effectiveness ( 25%) allowing the stronger system to manage the foreseen large increase of demand by a lower increase of service supply (about 30%).

9 Average=43,83 Average=1,44 Average = 30,4 Ratio = 20 Ratio = 40 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Vienna Helsinky London Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart Frankfurt Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 Fares

10 Average=43,83 Average=1,44 Average = 30,4 Ratio = 20 Ratio = 40 Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Torino Bilbao Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Vienna Helsinky London Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart Frankfurt -0,54 € -38% -14,83 € -34% Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 Fares

11 Average=2,18 Average=2,71 Average = 45% Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Manchester Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Helsinky London Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart 11 € / V*km Ticket+Subsidies 9 8 6 5 4 7 10 2 Coverage by ticket = 60% 50% 40% 20% 30% Torino Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 Revenues / supply ratio

12 Average=2,18 Average=2,71 Average = 45% Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Manchester Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Helsinky London Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart 11 € / V*km Ticket+Subsidies 9 8 6 5 4 7 10 2 Coverage by ticket = 60% 50% 40% 20% 30% Torino Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 -54% -1,17 € Revenues / supply ratio

13 Average=2,18 Average=2,71 Average = 45% Vilnius Brussels Valencia Seville Manchester Amsterdam Lyon Oslo Prague Madrid Paris Helsinky London Birmingham Barcelona Berlin Stuttgart 11 € / V*km Ticket+Subsidies 9 8 6 5 4 7 10 2 Coverage by ticket = 60% 50% 40% 20% 30% Torino Source: EMTA Barometer 2004 -54% -1,17 € The Metropolitan area of Torino, compared to the european metropolitan areas, shows a fare level lower by about 35%. As a consequence the fares revenues/supply ratio shows a gap of about 50%. The long term strategies figure out a reduction of 10% of the subsidies/supply ratio (increased efficiency) and a fares increase of 20% ( larger amount service and better quality of the service). As a result the system would reach about 37% of fares /total revenue ratio. Revenues / supply ratio

14 20% 60% Coverage = 50% 40% 30% 70% 100 200 300 400 Total revenues =500 Torino: financial resources for the PT strategy The amount of financial resources needed by the long term public transport strategies are expected to increase by about 100 milion €, to be supported about one third by the public subsidies and two thirds by the ticket sales. The public subsidies won’t probably be enough to support the strategy, and a third source of financial resources will be needed. Torino 2004 Torino “future”

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