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Good day to thee thou villainous ill-bred baggage Act IV begins today.

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Presentation on theme: "Good day to thee thou villainous ill-bred baggage Act IV begins today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good day to thee thou villainous ill-bred baggage Act IV begins today.

2 Do Now How would you help Juliet get out of marrying Paris? Explain.

3 Information Act III ends today Act III ends today - study guide due on Tuesday Begin Act IV, end is near Begin Act IV, end is near - should finish play this week - essay coming Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday - first 10 words

4 Envoy – (n.) a representative or messenger Synonyms – agent, ambassador, emissary

5 Escalate – (v.) to elevate, increase in intensity Synonyms – climb, raise, ascend, mount Antonyms – decrease, lessen, descend

6 Act III, sc. iv Capulet tries to understand Juliet’s sadness Capulet tries to understand Juliet’s sadness - example of irony Marriage to Paris? Marriage to Paris? Changes in attitudes Changes in attitudes

7 Act III, sc. v The Wedding night The Wedding night - Juliet and Romeo together Romeo goes to Mantua Romeo goes to Mantua Lady Capulet Lady Capulet - still wants him to die

8 Act IV, sc i Juliet goes to the Friar Juliet goes to the Friar Friar Lawrence needs a Friar Lawrence needs a plan plan Paris remains joyful because of Paris remains joyful because of marriage to Juliet

9 Act IV, sc ii Juliet returns from confession Juliet returns from confession Tell Capulet she will be happy Tell Capulet she will be happy to marry Paris - Irony? Capulet makes preparation for the wedding Capulet makes preparation for the wedding

10 Act IV, sc iii Juliet retires to bed Juliet retires to bed - asks the Nurse to leave Juliet is nervous Juliet is nervous - does not know if potion will work Bids mother farewell Bids mother farewell - irony - foreshadowing

11 Exit Ticket Do you think Friar Lawrence’s plan is good? What could go wrong with this plan? Explain your answer.




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