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ECONOMY OF LATE ANTIQUITY By Lyndon Exton and Katie Alexander.

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Presentation on theme: "ECONOMY OF LATE ANTIQUITY By Lyndon Exton and Katie Alexander."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECONOMY OF LATE ANTIQUITY By Lyndon Exton and Katie Alexander

2 The Big Question How did the Economy Effect the Challenges of Building Back the Empire????

3 The Emperor  The emperor governed with the Roman senate  resulted in civil war, foreign invasion, and corruption  all authority was taken away from the emperor The Problem The Solution  Diocletian restored the Empire back to glory  he made sure that there Was a ruler to succeed him  He split the empire into four sections, all ruled by four different emperors- including himself

4 Coinage  copper coinage began to decrease in value  the solidus did not benefit the poor standard gold coin  450,000 copper coins bought one solidus  small businesses and merchants struggled to get by

5 Christianity’s Contributions  New jobs and opportunities were introduced for Christians  Women had opportunities converted men to Christianity  Jobs Doorkeepers grave diggers

6 Christianity’s Contributions  Roman Catholic Church became main religion  took money from people  Bishop- Episcopal authority

7 Rich/Poor Rich  have more authority  More property  Greater goods  the Bishop  he was the head of the most important institution in the Roman world Poor  One single solidus represented four months pay.  faced extreme economic hardship

8 Sources  the textbook  Sizgorich, Tom. "late antiquity." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. 

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