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Rome Under Octavian/Augustus

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1 Rome Under Octavian/Augustus

2 Economic Status of Rome
Republic- Bronze coins Empire- Gold coins Increased trade & prosperity Provided jobs for the unemployed Power to tax transferred from the senate to the princeps Used private funds to buy land for soldiers ordered demobilized Legal reforms introduced covered everything from treason & bribery to social reforms

3 Social Brought stability, security & prosperity to Rome (27 BCE- 180 CE = Pax Romana) Focused on ancestral values (monogamy, chastity and piety (virtue)) Introduced moral reforms to revive traditional Roman religion and moral standards Didn’t impose religious beliefs on conquered peoples Women were 2nd to men, but many held great influence Slaves were considered property Should only interact in social classes Encouraged art & literature Believed in the importance of a simple life

4 Politics Within The Empire
REPUBLIC ---> EMPIRE New political structure = Roman principate Political chaos brought to a close Governed entire Mediterranean region Called himself “princeps” (first citizen) Octavian held the right to control armies and appoint military leaders as well as governors Laws enforced Adultery=ILLEGAL (crime against the state) Penalized childless marriages, celebate people and the unmarried Tax incentives to families w/ 3+ kids (especially sons) Marriage stability Raise birth rates

5 Timeline of Battles 6 BCE-Aerarium Miliatare
-Created treasury drawn from taxes to fund professional army 38 BCE-Defeat Sextus Pompey -Octavian amasses naval fleet 31BCE-Battle of Actium -Defeated Antony & Cleopatra (Egypt) 42 BCE-Battle of Philippi -Octavian & Antony defeat Greece

6 Bibliography Armstrong, Martin. "Armstrong Economics." Armstrong Economics. Armstrong Economics. Web. 14 Sept < Mark, Joshua. "Augustus." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Joshua J. Mark, 22 Aug Web. 14 Sept < Fife, Steven. "Augustus' Political, Social, and Moral Reforms." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Steven Fife, 18 Jan Web. 15 Sept < Morey, William. "Outlines of Roman History, Chapter 23." Outlines of Roman History, Chapter 23. Forum Romanum. Web. 14 Sept <

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