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BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN ALL GENERATIONS Sue Schlichtemeier-Nutzman, Ph.D. Director, Business Leadership Program * College of Saint Mary (402) 416-8599.

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Presentation on theme: "BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN ALL GENERATIONS Sue Schlichtemeier-Nutzman, Ph.D. Director, Business Leadership Program * College of Saint Mary (402) 416-8599."— Presentation transcript:


2 BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN ALL GENERATIONS Sue Schlichtemeier-Nutzman, Ph.D. Director, Business Leadership Program * College of Saint Mary (402) 416-8599

3 Setting the Stage for Gen Y… The Beloit Mindset List – Applied to High School Seniors They were born in the early 1990s. Harry Potter could be a classmate, playing on their Quidditch team.

4 GPS navigation systems have always been available. Gas stations have never fixed flats, but most serve cappuccino. All have had a relative –or known of a friend’s relative– who died comfortably at home with hospice care.

5 They have always been looking for Carmen SanDiego. Since they were kids, some of them have had a toy karaoke machine in their livingroom. Students have always been “rocking the vote.”

6 They may have been given a Nintendo Game Boy to play with in the crib. Macaulay Culkin has always been Home Alone. Caller ID has always been available. Students have always had Goosebumps.

7 The Future of Organizations and Communities… IS IN THEIR HANDS!

8 CURRENT AGE: 15-27 KEY FACTS ABOUT GENERATION Y: 9. T or F? Gen Y’ers like to design their own products, projects, services, training. (Think Dell) 10. The #1 thing Gen Y is looking for in their future work is _____.

9 11. T or F? Gen Yers enjoy volunteering so much that they often hold “Senior Proms” at nursing homes. 12. If they have a good idea for their community, Gen Yers: a. Don’t really care whether it is used. b. Expect that it will be used right away. c. Know that communities work slowly, so it might be 10 years before it is used. d. Are pushy about getting their ideas used.

10 GENERATION Y Influences and Events: Technology in Stride Decision-Making Power Fear for Personal Safety Concern about War Social & Environmental “Green” Concerns “Global Society”

11 Values of Gen Y Inclusion Achievement Generate Alternatives Settle Differences by Consensus Have Expendable Income Make the World a Better Place

12 INVENTED OR MADE POPULAR DURING EARLY Yer YEARS: Have You Ever Enjoyed…? Munching a Lunchable or a “Wrap?” Sipping a Cappuccino or Bottled Water? Shooting photos on a disposable camera? Watching High Definition TV? Eating Skittles and Starburst? Drinking Mountain Dew? Skating on Roller Blades?


14 Attributes of Gen Y Employees, Customers, Citizens Want to create their own product/ service packages (i.e. “Build a Dell”) Interested in helping others/volunteering Prefer to work for and buy from organizations that are “green” Want to know people they interact with truly care about humanity Are accustomed to having it “now” View of Entrepreneurship: Chance to be creative

15 CURRENT AGE: 0-14 HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GEN Z CULTURE? 13. Who are the Wiggles? 14. Princess Fiona appears in whose video?

16 15. T or F? Gen Z’ers want to are before they plknow what the rules ay a game. 16. T or F? Many Gen Z’ers are already thinking about what kind of business they would like to start.

17 GENERATION Z Influences and Events: Y2K and 9-11 Virtual Reality Educational Reform More Soccer Moms War/Columbia Disaster “Cocooning” Student Led Conferences

18 INVENTED OR MADE POPULAR DURING EARLY Zer YEARS: Have You Ever Enjoyed…? Gourmet Ice Creams & Blizzards? Bagged Salads with Salad Spritzers? String Cheese or Bags of Baby Carrots? Restaurant Carside & Deli Dishes? Wearing a “No-Contact” Jacket? Listening to a Podcast? Riding in a Hybrid Car?

19 GEN Z Characteristics Non-conformists Not as interested in cultural preservation, more focused on global cultural freedom Would like everyone in the world to agree on what’s important (shared values) Assume mobile messaging is everyone’s way of communicating Like to know the boundaries, but want to create their own traditions “

20 REMINDER…The younger the generation, the fewer changes they have experienced, but the more adaptive qualities they possess.


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