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Preschooler 4 -6 Yrs. DEVELOPMENTAL SKILLS. Emotional Development 4 yrs. Asserts independence, impatitent, self-centered, defiant, boastful They often.

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Presentation on theme: "Preschooler 4 -6 Yrs. DEVELOPMENTAL SKILLS. Emotional Development 4 yrs. Asserts independence, impatitent, self-centered, defiant, boastful They often."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preschooler 4 -6 Yrs. DEVELOPMENTAL SKILLS

2 Emotional Development 4 yrs. Asserts independence, impatitent, self-centered, defiant, boastful They often argue, compete, bossy Use of language with enthusiasm, enjoy sounds of language Has slapstick humor Needs parental approval Use flexible rules when guiding behavior

3 Emotional Development 5 yrs. Carry on real discussions, ask meaningful questions They are patient, generous, persistent, conscientious, practical, sympathetic, serious An improved attention span, so can finish uncompleted tasks Better memory to finish tasks

4 Emotional Development 6 yrs. Think they know everything Stubborn, quarrelsome, resent directions, center of universe No reason – love & hate, accept & reject, smile & storm Appreciate humor & jokes

5 Guidelines for Moral Development Set a good example Learning self-discipline is lifelong skill Talk about mistakes in private Show love despite misbehavior

6 Intelligence Development This age is preoperational thinking Use of symbols Make believe play Egocentric viewpoint Limited focus J. Piaget

7 Intelligence Development This age: Gardiner’s Multiple intelligences explains the different ways of mind/body experiencing the world Verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic

8 Verbal-linguistic Learns best through words Word games/puzzles, reading, writing, jokes & tongue twisters, games involving memorizing

9 Logical-mathematical Skills in arithmetic and areas of science Number games: chess & checkers; maps & diagrams; tests of logic; experiments

10 Visual-spatial Learning easiest through pictures & colors Play with pictures, drawing, modeling clay, construction toys, jigsaw puzzles

11 Musical Hearing rhythms/melodies helps promote learning Toy instruments, household objects that can be banged, music tapes, music lessons

12 Bodily-kinesthetic Skill in moving body through space Physical activities – athletes: Gymnastic, soccer, playground equipment, dancing, active movement

13 Interpersonal Social skills – good communication Activities involving other children such as joining clubs/groups

14 Intrapersonal Private, strong will, independent Time to be alone and think, writing in a diary

15 Naturalistic Understanding of natural world Opportunities to experience nature, gardening, being outdoors, walking in woods, watching birds, books about plants, animals, processes of nature

16 Teaching Self-Care Skills Self-care: washing hands, bathing, brushing teeth Dressing: choosing clothes, caring for clothes, comfortable, durable, economical clothing, no complicated fasteners Sleeping/Toileting: routines

17 Learning from Everyday Life Rides on trains, buses, airplanes Nature walks, looking at nature, leaves, flowers, animals Helping around the house with household duties

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