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Sumoccer originated in Australia, it was made by two people named Paolo. A and Leigh. R It started as a school project. It was soccer and sumo wrestling.

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Presentation on theme: "Sumoccer originated in Australia, it was made by two people named Paolo. A and Leigh. R It started as a school project. It was soccer and sumo wrestling."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sumoccer originated in Australia, it was made by two people named Paolo. A and Leigh. R It started as a school project. It was soccer and sumo wrestling joined together it, grows in popularity at 2009 because of Japanese sumo wrestler wanting to play soccer and they heard the great idea sumoccer. the old rules was, 8 people on the field at a time, no contact, and they play with a normal soccer ball the rules changed at 2010 because of sumo’s breaking they're back when they kick the ball and miss and they just fall so they got the giant soccer balls half the size they are and they added contact to practise pushing people. People stated to watch the sport at 2012 because they just think its funny watching fat people run around.

3 Rules No Touching The Ball With Your Hands Must Be a Sumo To Play 8 Players On Each Team Full Contact Is Aloud 2 Umpires On The Field At One Time

4 Goals Centre Half Centre line Defensive Half Defensive line Goal Line Sumoccer Field YEAH!!!!



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