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Discipline Wide variety of approaches, though there are some prohibitive laws (e.g. against physical violence) Strict discipline is still common in some.

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Presentation on theme: "Discipline Wide variety of approaches, though there are some prohibitive laws (e.g. against physical violence) Strict discipline is still common in some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discipline Wide variety of approaches, though there are some prohibitive laws (e.g. against physical violence) Strict discipline is still common in some cultures, but “laissez-faire” (let things happen) parenting is increasingly common. Discipline Styles -Authoritarian: strict rules, harsh punishments, demand obedience -Permissive: children set their own rules, lighter punishments New Approach: DEMOCRATIC. What do you think this involves? -something b/w authoritarian and permissive -parents and children work together to set rules and consequences WHICH METHOD IS BEST? WHY?

2 Diana Baumrind Clinical and developmental psychologist Developed the idea of parenting styles –e.g. Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive –(happy medium) (too strong) (too weak) Controversially, Baumrind has concluded that spanking a child as a form of discipline (when done in the context of authoritative parenting, not authoritarian) does not produce a detrimental effect. However, there is little or no evidence to suggest that it produces a positive outcome.

3 Baumrind's Criteria Responsiveness: degree to which a parent responds to a child's emotional need. Demandingness: extent to which a parent expects mature and responsible behaviour.

4 Baumrind's Parenting (discipline) Styles DemandingUndemanding UnresponsiveAuthoritarian: Demanding, but not responsive Very high expectations, and harsh punishments for poor outcomes Limited explanation of rules or consequences Compliance, respect and obedience is demanded Negligent: Undemanding and unresponsive Low level of involvement and little warmth and care No expectations, andlittle consideration for emotional needs Basic needs are still provided ResponsiveAuthoritative: Both demanding and Responsive Here, much is expected, but with a benevolent approach Parents encourage maturity and responsibility: expect much, but give ample freedom Consequences are consistent, well-explained, and not particularly harsh. Permissive (indulgent): Undemanding but responsive Few behavioural expectations for children Parents are still closely involved in child's life Mild consequences and few rules

5 Discipline Strategies 1) Be firm and Kind 2) Apply consequences 3) Redirect –4) Ignore mis-behaviour and acknowledge positive behaviour 5) Say “Yes” if possible 6) Teaching problem-solving skills 聘 7) Call a “break”

6 Scenario 1: Jimmy Jitters You are working with a group of children at a conservation site classroom. The children have been building bird feeders for several hours. Jimmy is already finished with his project and is wandering around the room distracting the other children. His behavior is becoming increasingly disruptive and other students are falling off-task as a result.

7 Scenario 2: Cruel Exclusivity Ana and Roberta, both six years old, are playing with Lego at a day-care centre where you are a volunteer. Carrie comes up to them and asks if she can play with them. You overhear Roberta say, "Go away! We don't like you!"

8 Scenario 3: Zzzzzzoo-keeper You are an elementary teacher and have invited a zookeeper to speak to your class. Most of the students are eight years old, and they are very excited to hear what she has to say. The children begin to fidget after 30 minutes and not pay attention, despite the speaker being animated and having props. The speaker is clearly frustrated that the children are losing their focus.

9 Scenario 4 Tammy and Joanne are setting up a board game. You hear them argue about who will go first. Joanne tries to take the board game away and when Tammy resists, the board is ripped in half and all the pieces scatter on the floor. They each blame the other and call each other mean names.

10 Scenario 5 While playing soccer, James and Lisa get into an argument about the rules of the game and it looks like they are about to hit each other. When you approach them to diffuse the situation, they direct their anger at you, telling you to leave them alone, that you don’t know anything. They continue to act hostile towards eachother.

11 Scenario 6 Repeatedly and deliberately, Pierre keeps knocking down June’s blocks. June gets angry and throws a wooden block, which hits Pierre and cuts his forehead.

12 Guidance Children need an authority figure: parent, grandparent, religious leader, coach, guidance counsellor, older sibling. The person who assumes this role (of pointing the child in the right direction) is very much determined by culture

13 Transmitting Cultural Heritage to Children 1. Language: -Mother language (first language) is the earliest dimension of cultural contact -Studies have shown that there are cultural variations in the communication sounds of babies. -Children are sometimes provided with additional schooling in a language of their heritage (i.e. Hebrew School, Greek School) -Religions often have their own languages or elements of language (used for rituals, prayers, etc)

14 Transmitting Cultural Heritage to Children 2. Food: Food is closely linked to cultural identity. The touch, sight, smell, taste, (sound) become familiar and comforting. 3. Visual Learning: rituals, art, and the performance of general tasks become ingrained at an early age. 4. Parenting Customs: -naming: androgynous* name vs gendered name -Respect: for parents, for elders, for authority -boarding school vs living at home -playing games together vs parental observation *having both male and female characteristics. Could be a boy’s name or a girl’s name

15 Multiculturalism Because of globalization* modern children often reflect a variety of cultures. What examples can you think of? *the vast system of interconnections between people and countries that have arisen due to increasingly powerful technologies (internet, cell phones, etc)

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