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North Carolina Section Update Tim Slay, N4IB Section Manager February, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina Section Update Tim Slay, N4IB Section Manager February, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina Section Update Tim Slay, N4IB Section Manager February, 2007

2 ARRL Overview Founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW. 148,872 members. 120 paid staff with headquarters in Newington, CT.

3 ARRL Overview Publishes QST and two special interest magazines, along with 160 books and software titles. Outgoing QSL service. Contests and awards. Equipment insurance (now covers towers & antennas). Labs and technical support. Continuing education. Operation of W1AW.

4 ARRL Overview Representation at the World Administrative Radio Conference and the International Amateur Radio Union. Representation in Washington. Assistance with legal and technical issues. Facilitation of emergency communications efforts. Field organization support.

5 ARRL Overview $13.6 million in revenue in 2005. $5 million from membership dues. $3.5 million from publication sales. $2.5 million from advertising. $1.3 million from contributions (Diamond Club). $800,000 from investments and other sources.

6 ARRL Overview

7 Update from Washington WT Docket 04-140 Expand 80, 40 and 15m phone sub-bands by re- allocating current Novice sub-bands. Allow Novice and Tech-Plus to use current General class CW sub-bands Eliminate rules prohibiting manufacture of 10m – 12m amplifiers. Took effect December 15.

8 Update from Washington WT Docket 05-235 Eliminated Morse Code requirement for all license classes. Effective on February 23. ARRL Lawsuit against FCC

9 North Carolina Section Census 675,274 licensed amateurs in the US. 18,536 licensed amateurs in North Carolina (10 th largest). 3,792 ARRL members in North Carolina. 91 ARRL affiliated clubs (only 51 are current). 210 ARRL appointees. 15 section hamfests

10 Section Cabinet Section Emergency Coordinator: Bernie Nobles, WA4MOK Section Traffic Manager: David Roy, W4DNA Public Information Coordinator: Bill Morine, N2COP

11 Section Cabinet Affiliated Club Coordinator: Mike Lewis, WA4KE Official Observer Coordinator: Rick LaMonica, W4ZRA Technical Coordinator: Danny Hampton, K4ITL

12 Current Activities Get your copy of the Section Emergency Plan! ( Emergency Management Training Requirements IS-100, IS-200, and IS-700 ( ARRL Emergency Communications courses are very helpful (

13 Current Activities State PRB-1 efforts. “Broadband over Powerlines (BPL) in NC. Focus on publicity and recruiting. Headquarters working on national ARES database. New focus on grass roots lobbying. Packet study group.

14 Current Activities ARRL “Jump” Kits:

15 Current Activities “Emergency Radio” PR campaign:

16 Our Biggest Challenge NC ARRL Members: March 2001 = 4,282March 2006 = 3,782 11.6% drop in the past 5 years! Average age of ham = 47 Average age of ARRL member = 57 Average age is increasing by 1 every year!

17 Our Biggest Challenge NC ARRL Members: March 2001 = 4,282March 2006 = 3,782 11.6% drop in the past 5 years! Average age of ham = 47 Average age of ARRL member = 57 Average age is increasing by 1 every year!

18 Ideas for Growth Leverage Public Information Officer’s (PIO) in the section to publicize local activities! Use signs and ARRL brochures for public events. Build relationship with local schools. Start a recruiting/welcoming committee in your club. License classes and VE sessions.

19 Ideas for Growth Broadcast the “ARRL Audio News” on your repeater. Leverage ARRL’s “Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program” (now supporting 170 schools). Promote ARRL scholarships. Apply for an ARRL Foundation Grant.

20 Ideas for Growth Encourage ARRL membership: Club gets $15 for every new ARRL member. Club gets $2 for every renewal. Support ARRL through the Diamond Club. Keep your club info up to date on, including license classes and VE sessions!

21 Ideas for Growth I’m doing my part! What are you doing??

22 Tim Slay, N4IB Section Manager

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