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Math GAINS Coaching Supports Holiday Inn Select, Toronto January 27 th, 2009 “A coach helps to develop expertise in planning, reflecting, problem solving.

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Presentation on theme: "Math GAINS Coaching Supports Holiday Inn Select, Toronto January 27 th, 2009 “A coach helps to develop expertise in planning, reflecting, problem solving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math GAINS Coaching Supports Holiday Inn Select, Toronto January 27 th, 2009 “A coach helps to develop expertise in planning, reflecting, problem solving and decision making.” (Costa & Garmston, 2002)

2 Provincial Math Coaches Kaye Appleby Tom Chapman John Rodger Anne Yeager Rod Yeager David Zimmer Irene McEvoy

3 We can work with you on professional learning for –coaches –math leads –teachers capacity building for potential coaches facilitation and coaching skills

4 Materials

5 Frameworks and Backgrounders What Does Good Math Instruction Look Like? (video) Administrators’ Guide Math Talk Learning Communities Rationale for Questioning Focus

6 Professional Learning Packages Overview Differentiated Instruction with Dr. Marian Small (video) Processes

7 Board Journeys Math Coaching (video) Demonstration Classrooms (video) Professional Learning Menus Collaborative Assessment

8 Professional Learning Series Processes DI Assessment Effective use of Tools and Technology Functions Based Approach


10 DI- Professional Learning Series Insert pic of session outline for day on Questioning Insert video hyperlink to video clip on questioning

11 NELSON’S Resources Aligned with GAINS Big Ideas from Dr. Small PRIME 7-12 (open and choice) Mathematics Teacher eMentor Making Math Meaningful Differentiated Instruction with Focus on Questioning PRIME 7-12 Big Ideas from Dr. Small Mathematics Teacher eMentor Making Math Meaningful Coaching Big Ideas from Dr. Small PRIME 7-12 (key concepts and key skills) Mathematics Teacher eMentor Big Ideas ONAP (Ontario Numeracy Assessment Package) PRIME Diagnostic Tools Aligning Assessment and Moderated Marking

12 Professional Resource Books PL Course for Coaches First Steps in Mathematics First Steps in Mathematics BreakThrough Mathematics Lesson Study for PLCs Uses Video, Readings, Activities to focus conversations Van de Walle Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades 5-8 and Book Study Facilitator Guide Van de Walle Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades 5-8 and Book Study Facilitator Guide Ontario Numeracy Nets Uncovering Misconceptions Closing the Gap Building Communities and Deepening Knowledge Enhancing Instructional Impact

13 We live in a time of such rapid change and growth of knowledge that only he who is in a fundamental sense a scholar- that is a person who continues to learn and inquire- can hope to keep pace, let alone play the role of guide. Nathan M. Pusey

14 Building on All Levels

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