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Government: Greece and Rome Social Studies Unit Three performance-based assessment.

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1 Government: Greece and Rome Social Studies Unit Three performance-based assessment

2 Background…. In unit one, your tribe’s fearless leaders(you!) helped your people transition from hunting and gathering to living in a city-state using agriculture! Turn and talk with your group and how you managed this amazing feat!

3 Background… But after your city-state grew to 100,000, people became angry over lack of communication and cooperation which was tearing your society apart! Again, you came to the rescue by creating a social structure and giving a speech to your citizens about how this structure would create cooperation and produce change! Turn and talk about your plans and how they were effective!

4 After the speech…. Your speech was an amazing success and changed your city- state’s fate! Your citizens saw you as heroes and they began to cooperate, which solved their problems! Your city state has grown to 10 million! You have started to establish colonies and have conquered nearby civilizations as you continue to grow! Your city-state is envied around the world, and people fear your mighty army!

5 But….. All of that growth has lead to problems…. Problems have arisen in your colonies and conquered lands! People are beginning to break away from your system of cooperation, local government officials are abusing power and taking advantage of the people Each village seems to have different rules, standards, and punishments Something has to be done before the citizens get fed up and revolt against your leadership! If they revolt, all will be lost and your city-state will crumble!

6 Your challenge You must meet with the other leaders and create a form of government to correctly rule your people ***Your government’s goal is to rule the people WITHOUT abusing your power! You need the right balance of freedom and rules! Hint: What would happen to a country with a government that is too strict? A government that is too relaxed?

7 Where to start—PART ONE First, you need to analyze the forms of government used in Greece and Rome Make a list of pros and cons for each type Pick out the form of government you think would best use power without abusing it Make a list of elements of that government that you like, and changes you would make for your civilization You must explain WHY you like certain elements and WHY you would change some elements

8 PART TWO Now that your government is picked, you need an official document that you can make available across your civilization EXPLANING the new government and how it will work The document(you can make up a name for it) must include the following: The type of government you have chosen and WHY you chose it The aspects of the government that you like and will keep The aspects of the government you will change and WHY you will change them The problems that you think it will fix and HOW it will fix them (problems included citizens not cooperating, government officials abusing power, citizens angry at unclear rules, different rules for each village)

9 PART TWO Make sure you plan out how the document will look There can be designs on the document

10 PART THREE You will need a symbol that reminds people of their civilization and what it stands for! You get to create a flag! The flag design must reflect core values/beliefs of the government and civilization! Along with a picture of your flag, you will also need a written explanation of why you used each color and design.

11 PART THREE example American Flag 50 stars each represent the 50 states Stars also represent the heavens 13 red and white stripes represent the original 13 colonies Stripes also represent the rays of light from the sun The color white represents purity and innocence The color blue represents justice, perseverance(determination), and vigilance(alertness) The color red represents bravery and valor(courage)

12 Good Luck! Good luck creating a government that will use power without abusing it, which will bring order to your massive and ever-growing civilization!

13 Project outline Part I—pick a form of government A. analyze each form from Greece and Rome B. make a list of pros and cons for each C. choose one write down what you will keep and change 1- include explanations each item kept and changed Part II– create an official document A. The type of government you have chosen and WHY you chose it B. The aspects of the government that you like and will keep C. The aspects of the government you will change and WHY you will change them D. The problems that you think it will fix and HOW it will fix them (problems included citizens not cooperating, government officials abusing power, citizens angry at lack of clarity of rules) Part III– create a flag A. Create visual that reflects your civilization’s beliefs B. Include a write-up of why you chose certain colors/designs

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