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Title 5 Emissions Quantification © Dr. B. C. Paul.

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Presentation on theme: "Title 5 Emissions Quantification © Dr. B. C. Paul."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title 5 Emissions Quantification © Dr. B. C. Paul

2 Dust Calculations Operations typical of quarry –Drill rock –Blast –Load –Haul –Primary Crusher –Screening –Conveying –Secondary Crushing

3 Quantifying Dust Emissions Start with a flow sheet of the operation Show major equipment and haul roads approximately relative to property boundaries On an annual basis quantify tonnage flows through your processes –knowing crusher settings and screening efficiencies can be important

4 Next Step When process tonnages are calculated check AP42 for appropriate emission figures Many of the figures are given in lbs dust/ton of material processed Other figures come from formulas Sometimes spreadsheets have been prepared to facilitate fast calculation

5 Haul Roads Formula Lbs PM10/Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT) = 2.124 * (Silt Content %/12)*((365 - Days Rain)/365)*sqrt(# of wheels/4) * Avg Truck Speed/30*((Unloaded Truck Weight in tons + Average Loaded Truck Weight)/6)^0.7 Silt Content of road can be picked from standard values in AP42 (9.6% for example) –or you can usually document your own sampling (don’t do it on your first pass - spend money on most significant issues first)

6 The Rainy Day Mystery Rainy days - consider that if there is more than 0.01 inches of rain wet roads are not dusty) Use National Weather Service Data –it has been copied into AP42 –Most of Illinois is between 110 and 120 days –we'll use 115 days

7 The Truck Parameters Number of Wheels –can use # of axel sides rather than number of tires –a quarry truck will typically have 2 axels and 4 wheels (two rear are dual) Need average speed (you know this from your ton mile per hour calculations) - 20 mph for this example Know empty and loaded weight 415 - 35 tare and 70 loaded for example

8 Haul Road Emissions Formula gives 5.75 lbs/VMT Know the tonnage hauled and haul distance and payload size so you can calculate VMT Example say 12,000 miles per year –This will be for all aggregate haul vehicles combined –5.75*12,000/2,000 = 34.5 tons per year This is termed the “actual emissions”

9 Other Emission Rates Need to calculate the Maximum Possible Emissions (usually used for determining whether you are a major generator) –For the Haul road consider how many vehicle miles could be traveled –Quarries are usually market constrained so actual emission are less than equipment would allow –Need to calculate with the maximum number of miles the haul trucks could travel

10 What is the Maximum? Some felt that meant all trucks running 24 hours a day 365 day per year –EPA rulings indicate that you can work with realistic constraints You may have 5 trucks but your availability is not 100% The truck may be able to run after dark but if you have no haul road lighting you can’t run it There may be 12 months in a year but many quarries must shut down in deep winter for safety reasons

11 Title 5 Emissions Not all mine dust sources have to be considered in Title 5 permit -even though they may have to be disclosed to regulators –Aggregate Processing Equipment built prior to Aug 31, 1983 is not subject to New Source Performance Standards NSPS –If substantially rebuild it you loose exemption –If you replace it with like for like then you still get grandfathered out of NSPS

12 Emissions with Constants Most emissions are calculated as a tonnage through-put times an emissions factor Drilling Tons rock produced * 0.00008 lb/ton –process is considered wet and already controlled Jaw Crusher Tons rock produced * 0.00057 Conveyors Tons conveyed * 0.000046 lbs/ton - have a whole lot of conveyors

13 Aggregate Processing Plant There are factors for –Screening –Fine Screening –Factors for conditions wet or dry There are not factors for –Blasting –Equipment in a Wash Plant considered to produce no dust

14 Open Stock Pile Storage Emissions combine 3 factors Load in Load Out Factor –0.00224 * (Mean Wind Speed/5)^1.3/(Moisture %/2)^1.4 Wind Speed Generally from local weather service data - we’ll use 8 mph –Moisture content of stored aggregate - for crushed stone about 1.1 - can sample or AP42 has tables of typical values

15 Wind Erosion Factor = 0.0125 * (Silt Content/1.5) * (Storage Duration/90) * (Dry Days per year/235) * (% of time wind > 12mph/15) –Silt Content - typical values in AP42 or can measure 1.6% –Storage Duration 30 days (your handling records) –Dry Days/ year - opposite of wet - use chart 250 for example –Wind Speed - weather service records 22%

16 Activity Factor = 0.05 * (Silt Content/1.5) * (Dry Days per year/235) * Vehicle Activity Factor –Only new term here is activity factor - ratio of time in which equipment actually in there working –often about 0.25 Totals = 0.0095 lb/ton for loadin load out –0.0139 lbs/ton for wind –0.0142 lbs/ton for Activity –Total is 0.0376 lbs/ton

17 Emissions from Stockpiles Your emissions factor is multiplied by quarries production through stockpiles for actual emissions By your quarries maximum practical production rate for potential to emit

18 Emissions Spreadsheet * Note that one of first concerns is planned and potential hours of operation and tonnage - needed for actual and maximum potential emissions

19 Other Notes Note that on maximum potential emissions that the limit could be an operational design constraint on production or that the existing permit already limits hours of operation Also note ask whether equipment is NSPS effected because that influences whether it goes into Title 5 Emissions Totals –There is a charge for Title 5 Emissions that funds the program

20 Emission Calculation

21 Things to Note Note that the spreadsheet includes multiple crushers –Each crusher has an ID number which will match it to your material balance flow diagram (and potentially to State Regulatory program) Some spreadsheets go equipment item by equipment item for NSPS effected - this NC spreadsheet does all NC requires wet supression on crushers - and uses wet factors for emissions calcs

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