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Additional Coord Inst Capt Simpson.  Tactical Proficiency –MCWP –MCRP –MCDP –Commandant’s Reading List –Books about culture, people, and terrain –Takes.

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Presentation on theme: "Additional Coord Inst Capt Simpson.  Tactical Proficiency –MCWP –MCRP –MCDP –Commandant’s Reading List –Books about culture, people, and terrain –Takes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Additional Coord Inst Capt Simpson

2  Tactical Proficiency –MCWP –MCRP –MCDP –Commandant’s Reading List –Books about culture, people, and terrain –Takes effort

3  Get tough –Leader, not a friend (identify the difference because trying be both will conflict with one another) –Expected to be held to a higher standard –Hold them to this standard –Don’t accept bullshit from anyone –Accountability is accountability regardless of rank

4  Balance Punishment w/ Rewards –Negative Counseling's, Low pros and cons, NJPs, Court Martial, etc. –Positive Counseling's, LOAs, Cert Comm., Awards, Schools –Secondary effects of rewards

5  Always a mentor –PFC => CPL –CPL => SGT –SGT => SSGT –Better Americans

6  Difficult and challenging training –No such thing as being too hard on the platoon –Err on the side of being too demanding –Realistic training –MCDP1-Friction, Disorder, Violence, Danger, Fear, Uncertainty –Train on all your TTPS at night

7  Counsel your Marines –Their business is your business –Leadership and communication go a long way in preventing problems from arising –Pick and choose your battles –Utilize SNCO and NCOs

8  MCIs –Initially require of your Marines –Helps them to get promoted –Increase their knowledge base –Makes a smarter fighting team

9  PT –3 times a week minimum –Always in attendance –Mandatory for all (incl. light duty)

10  Bad attitudes –Bad apples –Zero tolerance

11  Platoon Commander’s Notebook –Track everything on your platoon  PT scores  Swim qual  MCIs  Counselings  Awards  Rifle Score  Sick Call  Schools  Dental / Shots

12  SOPs –Find previous copies to serve as a template –Get them established ON PAPER early if they aren’t already in existence –If one already exist read it and modify it ASAP

13  FITREPS –KEEP TRACK OF THEM! –Easy to overlook –Keep and notebook to write down accomplishments at any time –Document Everything –2 Weeks to provide billet descriptions –Pick up FITREP guides from Exchange to help you write decent FITREPs initially

14  Two Steps Ahead –Initial Speech to your platoons –Am I prepared to develop a training schedule after two weeks of checking in?

15  Supervise and stay engaged  Burn your desk

16 End State  “I will tell His Majesty what a king is. A king does not abide within his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand at watch upon the wall. A king does not command his men’s loyalty through fear, nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake. That which comprises the harshest burden, a king lifts first and sets down last. A king does not require service of those he leads but provides it to them. He serves them, not they him.”

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