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Purchasing Bulletin Board & Subscription Option Department of Management Services State Purchasing.

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Presentation on theme: "Purchasing Bulletin Board & Subscription Option Department of Management Services State Purchasing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purchasing Bulletin Board & Subscription Option Department of Management Services State Purchasing

2 Bulletin Board Access the bulletin board by going to the State Purchasing home page:

3 Sort Messages by Category State Term Contracts State Purchasing Agreements Other

4 Message View View complete message by clicking “…more” from main list of messages Note: This message contains a file attachment

5 How to create an account to receive notification of web page updates.

6 Click on the “Notify Me” button at the top of a web page within the website.

7 Click on the “Sign Up” Button

8 Fill out the registration form Password must be at least 6 characters in length

9 An email will be sent to you with a confirmation URL Clicking on the confirmation URL activates your account and you can now login Once your account is activated you can set up your notification preferences. A link to the notification settings will be provided in the confirmation email mentioned above. You have the option to receive notice of updates daily, weekly or monthly. You can also choose the time of day to receive the email notice. If you check “Receive all messages combined in one digest”, this will send you one email for all changes made in that timeframe defined by your preferences. If you leave this box unchecked you will receive a separate email for each update. On this page you can remove subscribed pages by placing a checkmark in the “Select” box next to the page name and click “Remove” Activate Your Account

10 Update Your Settings

11 Once logged into the system, you can go to any page within the website and click “Notify Me” to subscribe and receive email notification of updates. The DMS website is built in a cascade structure: if you mark “Notify Me” on a primary page, you will receive notification for any changes on that and all subsequent pages beneath it. Example: If you choose “Notify Me” on the Purchasing home page you will receive notification of updates made on any of the Purchasing web pages. Notify Me

12 Subscribed pages have the link “You get notification about updates to this page” at the top of the page that link to your notification settings.

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