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Psychology 290 Lab #2 Sept. 26 – 28 Types & Parts of Articles Operational Definition Variables Reliability & Validity.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology 290 Lab #2 Sept. 26 – 28 Types & Parts of Articles Operational Definition Variables Reliability & Validity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology 290 Lab #2 Sept. 26 – 28 Types & Parts of Articles Operational Definition Variables Reliability & Validity

2 Types of Articles –Research Report –Review Article –Theoretical Article Parts of Articles –Title –Abstract –Introduction –Method –Results –Discussion –References

3 Operational Definition “A precise description of the procedures the researcher followed in order to observe or measure a variable” [Relates a concept to specific operations]. Allows for knowing exactly what you are studying and directs how to study/measure it. Example – Defining Aggression –Verbal –Physical –Indirect

4 Variables Independent –manipulated by the experimenter Dependent –not under the control of the experimenter –the measured variable Extraneous –Other variables outside the focus of the study that may affect the results Qualitative (categorical) vs. Quantitative (measurement) Continuous (all values) vs. Discrete (limited values)

5 Reliability & Validity Reliability –refers to the consistency of a measurement –e.g. repeated measurement should yield consistent results when used under the same conditions Validity –Refers to the accuracy of the measurement –i.e. the measurement used is accurately measuring what it is intended to

6 Types of Reliability & Validity Reliability –Test-retest –Internal Consistency –Alternate Forms –Inter-rater Validity –Face validity –Content validity –Construct validity –Criterion validity

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