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CULTIVATING WELLNESS Marcia Wilson Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology - Ball State Jane Ellery Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology.

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Presentation on theme: "CULTIVATING WELLNESS Marcia Wilson Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology - Ball State Jane Ellery Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology."— Presentation transcript:

1 CULTIVATING WELLNESS Marcia Wilson Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology - Ball State Jane Ellery Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology - Ball State Jeanne Gillespie The University of Southern Mississippi Peggy Myers Columbus East High School, Columbus, Indiana


3 3 Wellness  An integrated method of functioning which is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable, within the environment where he is functioning Halbert Dunn, 1977  Supporting opportunities to impact the diverse, multi-dimensional processes important in preserving and protecting health and well-being by encouraging Complete Thinking, Balanced Valuing, and Flexibility (Passionate) Intervening Wellness Management Helping individuals maximize their potential and thrive in (and often in spite of) their current environment -Jane Ellery interpretation, 2009

4 Antonovsky Sense of Coherence Generalized Resistance Resources Salutogenesis

5  Pathogenesis – the origins of disease  Salutogenesis - the origins of health  Sense of Coherence (Antonovsky):  Your world is understandable: Stimuli from internal and external sources is perceived as structured and predictable. (Comprehensible)  Your world is manageable: Resources exist to meet demands posed by stimuli (Manageability)  Your world has meaning: Demands are challenges worth spending energy/effort on (Meaningfulness)  Health ease/dis-ease continuum

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7 GRR-RDs Generalized Resistance resources – resistance deficits  Generalized Resistance Resources:  Properties of a person, a collective or a situation that facilitate successful coping with the inherent stressors of human existence.  GRRs foster repeated life experiences which helped one see the world as 'making sense', cognitively, instrumentally and emotionally.  Wealth, ego strength, cultural stability, environment, support structures, etc.  Moving toward the positive end of the continuum – resource… the negative end – deficit

8 8 Questions to consider…  What makes us strong?  What experiences make us more resilient?  What opens us to more fully experience life?  What in organizations makes us grow?  How can we give meaning to life?  How can we support the development of GRRs?

9  BOTH/AND  Augment and enhance not change  Encourage programming for the program’s sake  Provide support/guidance to help individuals successfully accomplish what THEY want to do… rather than what WE think they should change  Work WITH the community… not for, in or on the community! A true, trusted partnership So what does this mean?




13 A FACULTY PERSPECTIVE The Ball State Experience: From Potential to Reality

14 What this Professor Values…  Public Health – Consumer focused  Professional interests include:  Developing partnerships to enhance consumer-friendly approaches to wellness initiatives and research practices  Integrating salutogenic interventions with more traditionally recognized health enhancement efforts  Encouraging students to experiment with different ways to use emerging media to enhance well-being

15 Minor in Workplace Wellness Undergraduate  Community Gardening as a Workplace Wellness intervention (Civic Engagement Class Opportunity)  Interdisciplinary (College of Applied Science and Technology)  3 “Core” Classes (Introduction, Planning, Administration)  2 “Civic Engagement” Classes  2 Related/Directed Electives  1 “Senior Seminar”

16 Education Redefined  Immersive learning (different than service-learning) at Ball State have most or all of the following characteristics:  carry academic credit  engage participants in an active learning process that is student-driven but guided by a faculty mentor  produce a tangible outcome or product, such as a business plan, policy recommendation, book, play, or DVD  involve at least one team of students, often working on a project that is interdisciplinary in nature  include community partners and create an impact on the larger community as well as on the student participants  focus on student learning outcomes  help students define a career path or make connections to a profession or industry

17 Defining Terms… Service Learning, Civic Engagement/Engagement, Experiential Education, (BSU) “Immersive Learning” and “Building Better Communities,” “Health Fellows,” Others…  How are these terms the same? Different?  What are the expected activities and outcomes?  Who drives the partnership development?  Who is responsible for sustaining the partnerships?  What do the students think?  How are faculty recognized/rewarded for their time?

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