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Trisha Revelle.  Aronin Site  Salvage recovery  Burials  Potawatomi connection  Focus on Individual E 1. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Trisha Revelle.  Aronin Site  Salvage recovery  Burials  Potawatomi connection  Focus on Individual E 1. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trisha Revelle

2  Aronin Site  Salvage recovery  Burials  Potawatomi connection  Focus on Individual E 1. 2.

3  Biological Profile  Paleopathology  Biocultural Perspective  Lack of Research  Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology  Indian Removal Period Significance

4  Origins  Territory  Subsistence  Settlement Patterns  Ongoing Contact 3. 4.

5  Preservation  Sex  Age at death  Stature  Ancestry  Paleopathology  Biocultural Comparison

6  Taphonomic Condition: Excellent  Sex: Male

7  Age Range: 21-57 years  Stature: 5’5” - 5’10”  Ancestry: American Indian  Identity Age Determination for Individual E MethodAge Range Todd27-35 Suchey-Brooks21-57 Auricular Surface30-34 Cranial Suture Closure21-57 5.

8  Pacconian pits  Osteoarthritis  Strenuous use of the pectoral girdle  Periostitis of ribs

9  Vertebral fractures 6.

10  Sacral reconstruction  Foot injury

11  Dental Wear  Tooth Loss  Dental Caries  Hypoplasias  Nutrition

12  Active, physically demanding lifestyle  Reliance on carbohydrate rich foods  Stressful period in childhood  Contribution  Further Research

13  Dr. Jennifer Rehg  Dawn Cobb  Faculty at SIUE  My Family

14  Aufderheide AC, Rodriguez-Martin C. 1998. The Cambridge encyclopedia of paleopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  Blasingham EJ. 1956. The depopulation of the Illinois indians part 1. Ethnohistory 3(3):193-224.  Buikstra JE, Ubelaker DH. 1994. Standards from data collections from human skeletal remains. Fayetteville (AR): Arkansas Archeological Survey.  Galloway A. 1999. Broken bone: anthropological analysis of blunt force trauma. Springfield (IL): Charles C Thomas Publisher.  Gill GW. 2001. Racial variation in proximal and distal femur: heritability and forensic utility. Journal of Forensic Sciences 45(4): 791-799.  Hillson, S. 1996. Dental Anthropology. New York: Cambridge University Press.  Jablow J. 1974. Indians of Illinois and Indiana: Illinois, Kickapoo, and Potawatami. (NY): Garland Publisher.  Larsen CS. 1997. Bioarchaeology: interpreting behavior from the human skeleton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  Lovell NC. 1997. Trauma analysis in paleopathology. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 40: 139-170.  Mann RW, Murphy SP. 1990. Regional atlas of bone disease: a guide to pathologic and normal variation in the human skeleton. Springfield (IL): Charles C Thomas Publisher.  Nawrocki SP, Bauman KM, Weiler CA, Schultz JW, Williamson MA, Schmidt CW, Judd L, Thew HA. 1998. Analysis of human skeletal remains from the historic EuroAmerican Rhoads Cemetary (12-Ma-777), Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana. University of Indianapolis Archeology and Forensics Laboratory Special Report No. 2. Indianapolis (IN): University of Indianapolis.  O’Gorman JA, Farnsworth KB. 1995. Trade and tradition: European trade goods and late historic mortuary sites in Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 7: 109-147.  Ortner, D. 2003. Identification of pathological conditions from human skeletal remains. 2 nd ed. (CA): Academic Press.  Papathanasiou A. 2005. Health status of the Neolithic population of alepotrypa cave, Greece. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 126: 377-390.  Ramenofsky AF, Wilbur AK, Stone AC. 2003. Native American disease history: past, present, and future directions. World Archaeology 35(2) 241-257.  Roberts C, Manchester K. 2005. The archaeology of disease. 3 rd ed. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press.  Schurr MJ. 2006. The windrose site (11Ka326): an early nineteenth-century Potawatomi settlement in the Kankankee River Valley of Northeastern Illinois. Illinois State Museum Report of Investigations, No. 56. Springfield (IL): Illinois State Museum.  Sciulli PW. 1993. Dental evolution in Prehistoric Native American of the Ohio Valley area: wear and pathology. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 7: 507-524.  Steele DG, Bramblett CA. 1988. The anatomy and physiology of the human skeleton. College Station (TX): Texas A&M University Press.  Wagner MJ. 2001 “He is worst than the (Shawnee) prophet”: the archaeology of nativism among  the early nineteenth century Potawatomi of Illinois. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 31: 89-116.  Wenner DJ. 1954. An Archaeological Survey of Site Gr-6. Springfield (IL): Illinois State Museum.

15  1.  2.  3. Potawatomi. [Photograph]. Encyclopædia Britannica Online: 88517.  4. Ohio. [Photograph]. Encyclopædia Britannica Online:  5.  6.  All photographs of Individual E are used with the permission of Dr. Bonnie Styles, Director Illinois State Museum.

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