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April 7, 2015 1.5 Quality of Writing Objective: To read & analyze prompts To brainstorm an essay prompt Bellringer: Grab a paper from the front table and.

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Presentation on theme: "April 7, 2015 1.5 Quality of Writing Objective: To read & analyze prompts To brainstorm an essay prompt Bellringer: Grab a paper from the front table and."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 7, 2015 1.5 Quality of Writing Objective: To read & analyze prompts To brainstorm an essay prompt Bellringer: Grab a paper from the front table and complete it.

2 INFORMATIVE/EXPLANATORY ESSAY “examine a topic” “convey ideas concepts and information”

3 How do you get a 4? “Sharp distinct topic” “Evident awareness of task, purpose, and audience” “Organizational strategies” 5 paragraphs “Substantive, specific, and relevant content” “Thorough elaboration” 5 sentences per paragraph “Facts, examples, concrete details” “Transitions” “Effective control of language, vocabulary, stylistic techniques, sentence variety” Good “grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation” Non-distracting errors! Write legibly!

4 What costs you points? (Look at 2/1 scores) Not five paragraphs “inadequate” or “minimal organizational strategies” Too short “vague” “minimal content” No transitions “inconsistent/limited” “minimal transitions” Poor spelling & punctuation “Grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation; errors present may/often interfere with meaning”

5 ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY formerly PERSUASIVE “write arguments to support claims” “clear reasons and relevant evidence”

6 How do you get a 4? “Sharp claim” “Evident awareness of task, purpose, and audience” “Organizational strategies” 5 paragraphs “Substantial, specific, and relevant content” “Thorough elaboration” 5 sentences per paragraph “precise and relevant evidence” “Transitions” “Effective control of language, vocabulary, stylistic techniques, sentence variety” Good “grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation” Non-distracting errors! Write legibly!

7 What costs you points? Same as with INFORMATIVE/EXPLANATORY! (Look at 2/1 scores) Not five paragraphs “inconsistent” or “minimal organizational strategies” Too short “inadequate, vague” “minimal content” No transitions “inconsistent” “minimal transitions” Poor spelling & punctuation “Grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation; errors present may/often interfere with meaning”

8 NARRATIVE “write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events” “using techniques, descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences”

9 How do you get a 4? Clear “point of view” that “introduce the narrator and/or characters” first or third person will work “story line that clearly sequences events” “provides a conclusion” “Elaboration” 2 pages minimum! “Narrative techniques” foreshadow, flashback, dialogue, symbolism, suspense, humor, etc. “transitional words”” 5 sentences per paragraph “literary devices, sensory language, and sentence structure that clearly conveys experiences and events” IMAGERY, similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification Good “grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation” Non-distracting errors! Write legibly!

10 What costs you points? (Look at 2/1 scores) Confused sequence/ out of order “Inconsistently sequences events; interruptions to the sequence” Too short “inadequate, vague” “minimal content” No transitions “inconsistent/ limited” “minimal use of transitional words” No description “weak” “minimal description” No use of imagery, similes, metaphors, personification, etc. “Limited” minimal control of literary devices, sensory language” Poor spelling & punctuation “Grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation; errors present may/often interfere with meaning”

11 Now you have a mode of writing. You either have INFORMATIVE/EXPLANATORY or ARGUMENTATIVE. Grab Brainstorming Techniques reminder. Your homework tonight is to brainstorm your essay topic. Choose your essay topic from the prompt list on the front table. Both modes are on there: one on the front and one on the back.

12 4/8/15 1.4 Types of Writing 1.5 Quality of Writing Objective: To review openers, attention getters and introductions To write a rough draft Have your brainstorming homework out on your desk. Number 1-5 in your notebook skipping a line between each. HOMEWORK: Write five- paragraph rough draft in your notebook for tomorrow.

13 “Jack of all trades- a master of none” is a phrase often heard on the job site. One can dabble in many areas, but not truly master any one skill. It is important to be a well-rounded individual, but eventually one must find his niche and what he is good at. Being good at many things may help a person now, but in the future being an expert at one will mean more success. What opener technique is represented? What prompt does this introduction go with?

14 Do you enjoy seeing the leaves change color in the fall, or the gentle snowfall in the winter months? Imagine not being able to experience such natural beauties. Variety is the spice of life, and an area with four seasons offers a great variety of sights, activities, and beauty. The four season climate allows for inhabitants to experience all the natural wonders, exciting events, and picturesque views of the area. What opener technique is represented? What prompt does this introduction go with?

15 Dear young one, When I was seven years old, I refused to come inside the house until I taught myself to blow bubbles with my gum. It was getting dark and I was standing by my chimney, out of the view of my mother. I was determined to succeed and I placed a lot of pressure on myself. I never learned to blow bubbles that night, and when my mom finally found me, in tears, close to midnight I learned an important lesson. Sometimes failure is a better teacher than success. Love, Kim What opener technique is represented? What prompt does this introduction go with?

16 I never knew that a slice of pizza could change my life! When visiting Chicago last summer I thought I knew all there was to know about pizza. I am a teenager and pizza does constitute a large part of my weekly diet; I’ve tried many types of pizza. A new experience with pizza awaited me in a small Italian restaurant in Illinois, though. A taste of Chicago style deep dish pizza was an extremely unique experience for my palate. What opener technique is represented? What prompt does this introduction go with?

17 Responsible, respectful, and helpful are three words to describe me. I have a few privileges in my family, but I think I deserve more because of the positive qualities I have. I show my responsibility and my willingness to help through my chores I do around the house; I am respectful when talking to my parents and older sister. Because I am such a great son, I deserve more privileges other kids my age have. What opener technique is represented? What prompt does this introduction go with?

18 April 9, 2015 1.5 Quality of Writing 1.4 Types of Writing Objectives: To edit essays To revise writings HOMEWORK- Have final draft complete on booklet pages for tomorrow. Grab a Combining Sentences paper from the front table and complete it.

19 April 10, 2015 1.5 Quality of Writing Objective: To review PSSA Writing multiple choice sections Submit your essay to bin. Grab Punctuation Review paper from the front table. Complete it with a partner. HOMEWORK- Shawna McCann Essay

20 April 13, 2015 1.5 Quality of Writing Objective: To review PSSA Writing multiple choice sections Get your homework out. Grab a red pen.

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