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Civic Engagement through News Literacy: Pedagogical Approaches for Differing Audiences. John Huxford PhD Illinois State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Civic Engagement through News Literacy: Pedagogical Approaches for Differing Audiences. John Huxford PhD Illinois State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civic Engagement through News Literacy: Pedagogical Approaches for Differing Audiences. John Huxford PhD Illinois State University

2 News Literacy: Its Place in the Democratic Process News Literacy: Varying Approaches Across Audiences Two-Step Agenda

3 Avoiding Misinformation "the ultimate check against an inaccurate or irresponsible press….would be a generation who would learn to distinguish for themselves between news and propaganda, verification and mere assertion, evidence and inference, bias and fairness.” Howard Schneider, Dean at Stony Brook University

4 To understand the traditions, working practices and codes of conduct within which journalists operate. To recognize the differences between news and other kinds of information. To distinguish between assertion & verification, evidence & inference, media bias & audience bias. To view critically the use of sources and statistics News Literacy Objectives

5 Pedagogy Across Audiences Pedagogy Across Audiences Generic Course Mature students Journalism Majors Com. Majors

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