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APA, 5th Edition Made Easy How A Scholarly Paper Should Look

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1 APA, 5th Edition Made Easy How A Scholarly Paper Should Look

2 Basics Font: Times New Roman (recommended, but Courier and Arial okay), 12 point Margins, 1.0 all around- ragged right margin (left margin can be l.5 inches if instructor has requested the paper to be bound.) Everything is double spaced – this includes quotes and reference page. Double space between all lines of the paper: title, headings, quotations, references, figure captions and all parts of the tables. APA, 5th edition, page 286. Do not justify lines, APA, 5th edition, page 287.

3 Title Page Page numbers start with title page by setting header feature of your software. Header includes 2 or 3 words from title, then 5 spaces and page number. See example of a title page on the next slide. Pages are numbered consecutively beginning with the title page. The page number should appear at least l inch from the right-hand edge of the page in the space between the top edge of the paper and the first line. Headers: pages occasionally are separated during the editorial process, so identify each manuscript page with the first 2 or 3 words from the title in the upper right=hand corner left of the page number. APA,5th edition, page 288.

4 Title page 1 Running head: YOUR TITLE (optional) Appropriate Title
Your name Name of College Course number Instructor name Date assignment is due This is an example of how the title page should look per APA, 5th edition, page 306. The arrow indicates that you should insert 5 spaces in the header between the title and page number.

5 APA Title Page – Example (Text in yellow and blue boxes reference specific pages in the APA Manual 5th edition.)

6 Text pages Title of paper is centered on first page of text.
All paragraphs are indented 5-7 spaces Everything is double spaced Must have at least 2 lines of a paragraph at the bottom of the page and 2 at the top of the page. (No widows or orphans!)

7 Two Easy Rules on Quotes
Short quotes with fewer than 40 words are incorporated into text and enclosed by quotation marks. Example: “Approximately 27% of the workforce displays poor emotional intelligence” (Miele, 1993, p. 276). If quote ends the sentence, the punctuation goes outside the final parenthesis, APA, 5th edition, page 121. If the quote is mid sentence, end the passage with quotation marks, cite the source in parentheses immediately after the quotation marks, and continue the sentence. At the end of a block quote, insert the punctuation and then cite the source. Example: Xxxxxx The placebo effect which verified in previous studies. (p. 276) (Publication Manual, 2001, p. 118)

8 Miele (1993) found the following:
Block Quote over 40 words Miele (1993) found the following: The ‘placebo effect,’ which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner. The behaviors were not exhibited again even when real drugs were given. (p. 40)

9 Electronic Quotes Documents retrieved from the Internet should include Internet source, document title, and date retrieved on the reference page (URL or uniform resource locator). Remember, properly cited sources add to the researcher’s credibility. Electronic Example (in-text citation): As Myers (2000, para. 5) aptly phrased it, “positive emotions are great.” Note: This is an APA,5th edition change using para. instead of par. One can also use the paragraph symbol. It can be obtained by: Go to Insert at the top of your tool bar in Word Click on symbol Click on special chart and select the backward P for paragraph. Now to cite the reference see page 223 in APA, 5th edition. The reference (on the last page of your document) might look like this: Myers, F. G. Title of the article. Title of Periodical, xx, xxx-xxx. Retrieved month, day, year from URL __________________.

10 In-Text Citations (Cheek & Turner, 1981, p. 332)
(Jones, 1989, chap. 3)  (Myers, 2000, ¶ 5)  (Bow, 2000, Summary section, para. 1) To cite a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, or equation at the appropriate point in text. Always give page numbers for quotations (see section 3.34). Note that the words page and chapter are abbreviated in such text citations: For electronic sources that do not provide page numbers, use the paragraph number, if available, preceded by the paragraph symbol or the abbreviation para. If neither paragraph nor page numbers are visible, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following it to direct the reader to the location of the material (see section 3.39).

11 References Reference page follows text and references must be discussed and cited in text. ALERT!!!! If you have five references listed on your reference page, you must have at least five citations in the text. See APA, 5th edition book, pg. 313 on how your finished Reference page should appear.

12 Watch reference indentations!
Double space references. First line is flush left with remaining lines of reference indented 5 spaces Next slide provides an example

13 References developmental themes. New York:
Elkind, D. (1978). The child's reality: Three developmental themes. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.       Issac, G. (1995). Is solar disorder timed? Adolescents, 30 (118), First line of reference is flush left with lines 2,3, etc indented 5 spaces and double spaced. Page 215/313

14 No Author Reference Citation
Book, no author or editor: Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. APA, 5th edition, page 249 rules state: Place the title in the author position. Alphabetize books with no author or editor by the first significant word in the title (Merriam in this case). In text, use a few words of the title, or the whole title if it is short, in place of an author name in the citation: (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 1993). See page 219 of APA, 5th edition for more specifics on how to arrange reference listing. 5. Works with no author: if, and only if, the work is signed “Anonymous,” the entry begins with the word Anonymous spelled out and the entry is alphabetized as if anonymous were a true name. If there is no author (like a web page for example), the title moves to the author position, and the entry is alphabetized by the first significant word of the title (APA, 5th edition, page. 222). Note references are flush left with 2nd line indented

15 No Author, Web Citation Title of article. (1987). Retrieved from URL
Another example: History of South West Airlines. Retrieved ProQuest at [school name] on 2/13/2004. Some URL’s are very long. If you electronically retrieve data, you may tell your readers how you acquired it if the readers have access to this data base which is the case with our online classes. P. 249, APA, Fifth Edition. Place this on the reference sheet by alphabetizing the first significant word in the title (History) in the example above.

16 Electronic retrieved material`8
Borman, W. C. (2001). Role of supervisor. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, Retrieved October 23, 2003, from [school’s name] ProQuest data. OR Jones, G. (2001). Role of reference elements. Prevention Research, 5, Retrieved October 13, The purpose of listing references is to enable readers to retrieve and use the sources, reference data must be correct and complete. Your reference list helps establish your credibility as a careful researcher. Each entry usually contains the following elements: author, year of publication, title and publishing data – all the information necessary for unique identification and location. Examples are present on page of the APA, 5th edition book.

17 Newspaper Article, Electronic version
Hills, P. J. (1999, February 16). In forecasting their emotions, most people flunk out. New York Times. Retrieved November 21, 2003, from Additional examples of electronic sources are on page 279, APA, 5th edition.

18 Computer Software Reference
Miller, M. E. (1993). The Interactive Tester (Version 4.0) [Computer software]. Westminter, CA: Psytek Services. Per APA, 5th edition, page 280. Reference entries are not necessary for standard off-the shelf software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, SPSS. In text give the proper name of the software, along with the version number. Do provide reference entries for specialized software or computer programs with limited distribution. Note: Do not itialicia names of software, programs or languages. If an individual has proprietary rights to the software, name him/her as the author; otherwise treat such references as unauthored works. In brackts immediatley after the title, identify the source as a computer program, lanugage or software. Do not use a period between the title and the bracketed material.

19 No Author/no Date Example
Alphabetize works with no author by the first word in the title. Example: The new health-care lexicon. (1993, August/September). Health Care Today, 4, 1-2. Or (NO AUTHOR, NO DATE) Document title or name of Web page. (n.d.). Retrieved [date] from [URL] APA, 5th edition, page 242 states: In text, use a short title (or the full title if it is short) for the parenthetical citation: (“The New Health-Care Lexicon,” 1993). Give the volume number if applicable. STAND-ALONE INTERNET DOCUMENT (NO AUTHOR, NO DATE) Basic Form Document title or name of Web page. (n.d.) Retrieved [date] from [URL] Example GVU's 8th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2000, from user_surveys/survey /

20 Same Author Variables (see p. 221) arrange alphabetically by title
Jones, J. R. (2001a). Control…. Jones, J. R. (2001b). Roles of …. APA 5th, p. 220 says: References with the same authors in the same order are arranged by the year of publication, the earliest first (like a birth order): Jones, R. (2000) Jones, R (2001)

21 Same Authors, Different Year of Publication; list earliest publication first (see p. 220, APA, 5th edition). Jones, J. R. , & Wright, K. (2000). Jones, J. R. , & Wright, K. (2001). APA, 5th edition p. 220 & p Think of the article’s birth order and the oldest gets the most respect and goes first.

22 Common Knowledge Exception to the citation rule: Common knowledge–commonly known facts (e.g., Washington D.C. is the capital of the U.S.) does not need a citation even if one had to look up the data. When in doubt, CITE references and citations Often used quotes may qualify for this rule also.

23 Adding Emphasis If you want to emphasize a word or words, italicize them. Do not put them in quotation marks. Wrong: He is “politically correct.” Correct: He is politically correct. Information on emphasis added to original presentation by Bette Keeling, PhD, RN, CNAA

24 Tables A table usually presents quantitative data and if included must be discussed in text and should be on the same page as discussed for reader ease. Everything is double spaced Number all tables with Arabic numbers (1,2,3), double space and add a clear title. Clarify where the copied table originated. Example that goes above your table: Table 1 Analysis of Grade Variance Tables usually present exact numerical values (p. 147), APA 5th edition and are included to help reader comprehend and compare data (pg. 147). Meaning of table should be obvious at a glance. In the text, refer to every table and tell the reader only the highlight of the table – no every detail. For example: As shown in Table 5, Southwest Stock has remained constant for the last 52 weeks. Size of tables should be a consideration. Having readers turn journal sideways is an inconvenience pg. 174, APA, 5th edition. Any reproduced table (or figure) must be accompanied by a note at the bottom of the repinted table giving credit to the original source or copyright holder. Pg. 174. Tables should be an integral part of the text (pg. 154)

25 Figures Each figure is numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Figures are photographs, drawings or non-quantitative data. Each figure must have a caption and is located at the top left. Example: Figure 1. Gender Differences Page 176, APA, 5th edition: Any type of illustration other than a( table which is typeset) is a figure. Tables are preferred for presentation of quantitative data. A figure may be a photograph, drawing or other depiction.

26 Order of APA Pages Title page with header, title, byline and school name Abstract if required by professor Text pages-remember title Reference Page/s –get their own page

27 Common APA Felonies Failure to:
Double space EVERYTHING Remember ragged right edge Quotes need 3 things (author’s last name, year of publication and pg/para number, URL, chapter, etc.) References flush left for first line and never use author’s first name, only initials. These are the most common errors Remember as the author you job is to redirect your readers back to your sources on quotes.

28 What is new: Updates on:
APA is easy A number of items remain the same in the UoP handbook and the newer APA, 5th edition. However, there are a few changes that make life easier for the publisher. Underlined items in the reference list are now in italics Underlined headings should now be italicized References now have a hanging indent on lines 2, 3, 4, etc. First line is flush left. Specific info on how to cite electronic references

29 Consequence of not citing other sources is called

30 Roots of Plagiarism The word “plagiarism” is derived from a Latin word for manstealer, or kidnapper, and by extension literary thief.

31 Plagiarism is using another’s:
Words/Facts Graphs/Charts Direct quotes

32 Academic Policy Students are subject to disciplinary actions for “intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in an academic exercise.” In the world of public opinion, being labeled a “plagiarist” is sometimes synonymous with “thief.” Those accused of plagiarism are seen as unoriginal and not genuine. All of the subject’s achievements are in question when one case of plagiarism is exposed.

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