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Slide 1 Research in Internet Scale Systems Katherine Yelick U.C. Berkeley, EECS With Jim Beck, Aaron Brown, Daniel Hettena,

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Research in Internet Scale Systems Katherine Yelick U.C. Berkeley, EECS With Jim Beck, Aaron Brown, Daniel Hettena,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Research in Internet Scale Systems Katherine Yelick U.C. Berkeley, EECS With Jim Beck, Aaron Brown, Daniel Hettena, David Oppenheimer, Randi Thomas, Noah Treuhaft, David Patterson, John Kubiatowicz With Greg Balls, Dan Bonachea, David Gay, Ben Liblit, Chang-Sun Lin, Peter McQuorquodale, Carleton Miyamoto, Geoff Pike, Alex Aiken, Phil Colella, Susan Graham, Paul Hilfinger

2 Slide 2 Ubiquitous Computing Computing everywhere: –Desktop, Laptop, Palmtop, Cars, Cellphones Input devices everywhere: –Sensors, cameras, microphones Connectivity everywhere: –Rapid growth of bandwidth in the interior of the net –Broadband to the home and office –Wireless technologies such as CMDA, Satelite, laser Rise of the thin-client metaphor: –Services provided by interior of network –Incredibly thin clients on the leaves »MEMs devices -- sensors+CPU+wireless net in 1mm 3

3 Slide 3 The problem space: big data Big demand for enormous amounts of data –today: enterprise and internet applications »online applications: e-commerce, mail, web, archives »enterprise decision-support, data mining databases –future: richer data and more of it »computational & storage back-ends for mobile devices »more multimedia content »more use of historical data to provide better services Two key application domains: –storage: public, private, and institutional data –search: building static indexes, dynamic discovery Today’s SMP server designs can’t easily scale –Bigger scaling problems than performance!

4 Slide 4 The Real Scalability Problems: AME Availability –systems should continue to meet quality of service goals despite hardware and software failures and extreme load Maintainability –systems should require only minimal ongoing human administration, regardless of scale or complexity Evolutionary Growth –systems should evolve gracefully in terms of performance, maintainability, and availability as they are grown/upgraded/expanded These are problems at today’s scales, and will only get worse as systems grow

5 Slide 5 Research Principles Redundancy everywhere, no single point of failure Performance secondary to AME –Performance robustness over peak performance –Dedicate resources to AME »biological systems use > 50% of resources on maintenance –Optimizations viewed as AME-enablers »e.g., use of (slower) safe languages like Java with static and dynamic optimizations Introspection –reactive techniques to detect and adapt to failures, workload variations, and system evolution –proactive techniques to anticipate and avert problems before they happen

6 Slide 6 Outline Motivation Hardware Techniques –general techniques –ISTORE projects Software Techniques Availability Benchmarks Conclusions

7 Slide 7 Hardware techniques Fully shared-nothing cluster organization –truly scalable architecture, automatic redundancy –tolerates partial hardware failure No Central Processor Unit: distribute processing with storage –Most storage servers limited by speed of CPUs; why does this make sense? –Amortize sheet metal, power, cooling infrastructure for disk to add processor, memory, and network On-demand network partitioning/isolation –Applications must tolerate these anyway –Allows testing, repair of online system

8 Slide 8 Hardware techniques Heavily instrumented hardware –sensors for temp, vibration, humidity, power Independent diagnostic processor on each node –remote control of power, console, boot code –collects, stores, processes environmental data –connected via independent network Built-in fault injection capabilities –Used for proactive hardware introspection »automated detection of flaky components »controlled testing of error-recovery mechanisms –Important for AME benchmarking

9 Slide 9 ISTORE-1 Hardware Platform 80-node x86-based cluster, 1.4TB storage –cluster nodes are plug-and-play, intelligent, network- attached storage “bricks” »a single field-replaceable unit to simplify maintenance –each node is a full x86 PC w/256MB DRAM, 18GB disk –2-node system running now; full system in next quarter ISTORE Chassis 80 nodes, 8 per tray 2 levels of switches 20 100 Mbit/s 2 1 Gbit/s Environment Monitoring: UPS, redundant PS, fans, heat and vibration sensors... Intelligent Disk “Brick” Portable PC CPU: Pentium II/266 + DRAM Redundant NICs (4 100 Mb/s links) Diagnostic Processor Disk Half-height canister

10 Slide 10 A glimpse into the future? System-on-a-chip enables computer, memory, redundant network interfaces without significantly increasing size of disk ISTORE HW in 5-7 years: –building block: 2006 MicroDrive integrated with IRAM »9GB disk, 50 MB/sec from disk »connected via crossbar switch –10,000 nodes fit into one rack! O(10,000) scale is our ultimate design point

11 Slide 11 ISTORE-2 Hardware Proposal Smaller disks –replace 3.5” disks with 2.5” or 1” drives »340MB available now in 1”, 1 GB next year (?) Smaller, more highly integrated processors –E.g., Transmeta Crusoe includes processor and Northbridge (interface) functionality in 1 Watt –Xilinx FPGA for Southbridge, diagnostic proc, etc. Larger scale –Roughly 1000 nodes, depending on support »ISTORE-1 built with donated disks, memory, processors »Paid for network, board design, enclosures (discounted)

12 Slide 12 Outline Motivation Hardware Techniques Software Techniques –general techniques –Titanium: a high performance Java dialect –Sparsity: using dynamic information –Virtual streams: performance robustness Availability Benchmarks Conclusions

13 Slide 13 Software techniques Fault tolerant data structures –Application controls replication, checkpointing, and consistency policy –Self-scrubbing used to identify software errors that have corrupted application state Encourage use of safe languages –Type safety and automatic memory management avoid a host of application errors –Use of static and dynamic information to meet performance needs Runtime adaptation to performance heterogeneity –e.g., outer vs. inner track (1.5X), fragmentation –Evolution of systems adds to this problem

14 Slide 14 Software Techniques Reactive introspection –Use statistical techniques to identify normal behavior and detect deviations from it »e.g., network activity, response time, program counter (?) –Semi-automatic response to abnormal behavior »initially, rely on human administrator »eventually, system learns to set response parameters Proactive introspection –Continuous online self-testing »in deployed systems! »goal is to shake out bugs in failure response code on isolated subset »use of fault-injection and stress testing

15 Slide 15 Techniques for Safe Languages Titanium: A high performance dialect of Java Scalable parallelism –A global address space, but not shared memory –For tightly-coupled applications, e.g., mining –Safe, region-based memory management Scalar performance enhancements, some specific to application domain –immutable classes (avoids indirection) –multidimensional arrays with subarrays Application domains –scientific computing on grids »typically +/-20% of C++/F in this domain –data mining in progress

16 Slide 16 Use of Static Information Titanium compiler performs parallel optimizations –communication overlap (40%) and aggregation Uses two new analyses –synchronization analysis: the parallel analog to control flow analysis »identifies code segments that may execute in parallel –shared variable analysis: the parallel analog to dependence analysis »recognize when reordering can be observed by another processor »necessary for any code motion or use of relaxed memory models in hardware => missed or illegal optimizations

17 Slide 17 Use of Dynamic Information Several data mining or web search algorithms use sparse matrix-vector multiplication –use for documents, images, video, etc. –irregular, indirect memory patterns perform poorly on memory hierarchies Performance improvements possible, but depend on: –sparsity structure, e.g., keywords within documents –machine parameters without analytical models Good news: –operation repeated many times on similar matrix –Sparsity: automatic code generator based on runtime information

18 Slide 18 Using Dynamic Information: Sparsity Performance

19 Slide 19 Use of Dynamic Information: Virtual Stream System performance limited by the weakest link NOW Sort experience: performance heterogeneity is the norm –disks: inner vs. outer track (50%), fragmentation –processors: load (1.5-5x) Virtual Streams: dynamically off-load I/O work from slower disks to faster ones

20 Slide 20 Applications ISTORE is not one super-system that demonstrates all these techniques! –Initially provide library to support AME goals Initial application targets –cluster web/email servers »self-scrubbing data structures, online self-testing »statistical identification of normal behavior –decision-support database query execution system »River-based storage, replica management –information retrieval for multimedia data »self-scrubbing data structures, structuring performance- robust distributed computation

21 Slide 21 Outline Motivation Hardware Techniques Software Techniques Availability Benchmarks –methodology –example Conclusions

22 Slide 22 Availability Benchmark Methodology Goal: quantify variation in QoS metrics as events occur that affect system availability Leverage existing performance benchmarks –to generate fair workloads –to measure & trace quality of service metrics Use fault injection to compromise system –hardware faults (disk, memory, network, power) –software faults (corrupt input, driver error returns) –maintenance events (repairs, SW/HW upgrades) Examine single-fault and multi-fault workloads –the availability analogues of performance micro- and macro-benchmarks

23 Slide 23 Methodology: reporting results Results are most accessible graphically –plot change in QoS metrics over time –compare to “normal” behavior? »99% confidence intervals calculated from no-fault runs Can graphs be distilled into useful numbers?

24 Slide 24 Example results: software RAID-5 Test systems: Linux/Apache and Win2000/IIS –SpecWeb ’99 to measure hits/second as QoS metric –fault injection at disks based on empirical fault data »transient, correctable, uncorrectable, & timeout faults 15 single-fault workloads injected per system –only 4 distinct behaviors observed (A) no effect(C) RAID enters degraded mode (B) system hangs(D) RAID enters degraded mode & starts reconstruction –both systems hung (B) on simulated disk hangs –Linux exhibited (D) on all other errors –Windows exhibited (A) on transient errors and (C) on uncorrectable, sticky errors

25 Slide 25 Example results: multiple-faults Windows 2000/IIS Linux/ Apache Windows reconstructs ~3x faster than Linux Windows reconstruction noticeably affects application performance, while Linux reconstruction does not

26 Slide 26 Availability Benchmark Summary Linux and Windows take opposite approaches to managing benign and transient faults –Linux is paranoid and stops using a disk on any error –Windows ignores most benign/transient faults –Windows is more robust except when disk is truly failing Linux and Windows have different reconstruction philosophies –Linux uses idle bandwidth for reconstruction –Windows steals app. bandwidth for reconstruction –Windows rebuilds fault-tolerance more quickly Win2k favors fault-tolerance over performance; Linux favors performance over fault-tolerance

27 Slide 27 Conclusions Two key applications domains –Storage: loosely coupled –Search: tightly coupled, computation important Key challenges to future servers are: –Availability, Maintainability, and Evolutionary growth Use of self-monitoring to satisfy AME goals –Proactive and reactive techniques Use of static techniques for high performance and reliable software –Titanium extension of Java Use of dynamic information for performance robustness –Sparsity and Virtual Streams Availability benchmarks a powerful tool?

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