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Case-Based Reasoning Shih-Hsiung, Chou.

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Presentation on theme: "Case-Based Reasoning Shih-Hsiung, Chou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case-Based Reasoning Shih-Hsiung, Chou

2 Outline Introduction of CBR Architecture of CBR Ant Optimization
Backpropagation Framework of ASCA-BP CBR model Applications of CBR

3 Introduction of CBR Recall the first time the car you drove.
Manual Auto Nissan Toyota Dodge speedometer and tachometer Toyota Why can you drive so many cars that have different types of dashboard?

4 Introduction of CBR How human beings solve problems?
by step-by-step instruction by knowledge by heuristic knowledge You don’t know a reason; you can’t explain it by memories solve problem by past experience. (similarity cases) This is what CBR wants to do Memory-based problem-solving re-using past experiences

5 Introduction of CBR Definition: Field[2]:
Case-based reasoning (CBR), broadly construed, is the process of solving new problems based on the solutions of similar past problems. [1] Field[2]: AI Machine Learning Data Mining Expert System

6 Architecture of CBR CBR Cycle[2] New Problem RETRIEVE Case Library
Retained experience Retrieved cases REUSE Solution Domain Retrieved Solutions RETAIN Revised solution REVISE

7 Ant Optimization (concept)[3]

8 Backpropagation[4] Output layer hidden layer input layer

9 Framework of ASCA-BP CBR Sys[5]
Cases Client Web Server BP ASCA Solutions

10 Applications of CBR Maintenance Delivery plan
Web customers segmentation Failure analysis Sales support

11 Bibliography [1] CBR from Wikipedia
based_reasoning [2] David B.Leake, “Case-Based Reasoning”, AAAI Press, The MIT Press, 1996. [3] [4] Judith E. Dayhoff, “Neural network architectures : an introduction “, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990 [5] R.J. Kuo, C.L.Cha, S.H. Chou, “Developing a diagnostic system through integration of ant colony optimization systems and case-based reasoning,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp.1-11, March 2006.

12 Thank You ?

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